
Business Value Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Over the long term, stocks tend to reflect the value of the businesses they own."
"It's really come down to this are do people actually do people actually get value from your product or service are you actually selling something that you're making money as a byproduct of doing something good that you're serving people with selling a product or service that actually does good that solves a problem."
"It's not just the company's current plant and equipment and operations that give it value, it is all of the interesting, wonderful, innovative, creative ideas that are locked up in that company."
"Brand is the single most valuable thing that you can build in a business."
"Ultimately, what you're willing to pay for a brand will be based on how much uplift you think it's going to be giving to your business."
"Consistency has this really fascinating value."
"What's the value of the service that you're really providing? What's the psychology of the prospect? What do they want?"
"What is the value proposition of a label today?"
"The less your business depends on you, the more valuable it is."
"Guys, our park value's getting up there. Our park value is getting up there."
"It's about providing value; the money will take care of itself."
"Aim to provide about 10x the value of what you're charging."
"The value comes down to performance." - Narrator
"Be willing to offer your services for free to add value first."
"Prioritize tasks based on business value and associated risks."
"The personal brand has been the most valuable, not only in terms of the transactions that I've made but just the opportunities that have presented themselves."
"Season two was so good it's actually kind of got me jazzed."
"In a single day, Papa John's became worth 344 million dollars - less than 10 years since it started."
"I think each dollar revenue is going to become a lot more valuable in late 2022 because the marketing costs are going to drop dramatically."
"You can't not have the contribution from cargo. It's a very, very valuable business."
"Another reason that I believe Costco is worth it even at this high price is because I believe it's one of the companies that is truly one of a kind."
"React Native allows us to build cross-platform applications, which is incredibly valuable to businesses and individuals."
"It's extremely disruptive and extremely valuable."
"The stock market actually does, for being as frenetic as it is, it does a really good job of reflecting the actual value that is created by these companies over time."
"We have a great company with great brand value, selling at a heavily discounted price."
"Data is actually becoming a source of value creation."
"Snapchat's perceived value came from the fact it had over 100 million active users."
"What drives equity returns in the long run is simply a function of one thing: economic value added."
"Customer service is number one right here." - Chris McDaniel
"Eventually, people are gonna in my opinion are gonna get to that point where they just go, I have to adopt this platform, which is the only one like it out there that can actually deliver the value."
"Cash flow companies will always be more valuable than those that don't produce cash flow."
"Value created by marketing is no different from the value created by manufacturing."
"Value is driven by what you are as a business."
"Whoever brings the most value to the end consumer gets to be the winner."
"The most important asset any project, any company can have is their people."
"What is the unique value that people are gonna get from our business?"
"This experience is gonna be so much more valuable than the money that you're gonna make with that first product because you're gonna be able to replicate this."
"If it doesn't have value to the customer it has no value, get rid of it."
"The real value in business and in life is always from the mundane unglamorous quiet work behind the scenes that you never see on camera."
"Earning trust with customers is a valuable business asset."
"It went from me being an annoyance to me being an asset for these companies."
"If these companies want to stay in business and they want to kind of charge, then you have to add value and not just be a middleman."
"Scrum Master helps teams learn and apply scrum to obtain business value."
"Working software delivers business value much earlier in the lifecycle."
"By becoming a content writer for that business, you're helping them become more authoritative online, and what that is going to translate to is just a lot more value for that business."
"A diverse background has a lot of business value."
"Data leaders are updating their playbook with an offensive strategy that focuses on increasing business value with data and AI."
"Data becomes a real strategic asset, one of the most valuable intangible assets of the business."
"Zero to One is about how to turn a startup idea into a valuable business."
"I think it's a fantastic and phenomenal example of gathering data to showcase direct actionable dollarized value to a client right then and there."
"It focuses us on creating business value, valuable outcomes that actually solve the customer's problems."
"We're going to talk today about personalized search and recommendations, and it's going to go all the way up to the top, the highest business value level."
"Revenue is going up, and when revenue goes up, the club is worth more than it was before."
"You have the control when you're selling on your own website, which is so valuable when you're building a business."
"I do have the business which I will say is worth every penny, but that's just me."
"The majority of the value of a company comes in its ability to generate cash flows."
"...we think that we are far more than just the amount of merchandise we have here in the building."
"A company only has value ultimately if it can generate free cash flow."
"Trust is more important than price."
"Embedding AI in SAP software will deliver enormous value for your business."
"It starts with understanding the value of SAP S4HANA and its benefits to you."
"Loyal customers are worth 10 times their first purchase."
"We think about well architected to help you build and deploy faster, lower mitigate risks and so on, but it's really about delivering the business value."
"When you invest in ArcGIS as a platform, it can really give your business a lot of value."
"We tend to get very obsessed with those numbers, analytics, and that's all great, but we're there to create a customer experience, we're there to give value to our buyers."
"This is even more important than the aesthetics or even the elegance of the analysis."
"We shouldn't discount the value that these companies bring by having these kinds of state-side relationships."
"The ability to speak infinite language makes you the most valuable business asset on the face of the planet."
"The information that Crafty Base will give you is invaluable."
"Everything your business produces through operations increases the value of that business."
"As developers, we really want to focus on adding business value and not managing complex infrastructure."
"Safe is designed to help businesses continuously and more efficiently deliver value on a regular and predictable schedule."
"Program execution is the heart of Safe because nothing else matters if teams can't execute and continuously deliver value."
"The cost of capital when minimized maximizes your value of the firm."
"All the twin does, it's a living-learning model that allows you to deliver business value by constantly making sure that twin is the exact replica of the asset and then getting insights to take an action."
"Professional data scientists are often trying to create value for the business."
"Every company is going to see value a little bit differently."
"The business that provides the most value will always win."
"Growth by itself doesn't create value; it's excess returns that matter."
"I'd argue that the Hilton Surpass as well as the Hilton Business offer a better business proposition."
"I would bet that... it would not surprise me that if we look 10 years or 15 years from now, that it's the most valuable business on the planet."
"Focus on the value of your solution, not on the features."
"You'll find modern technology combined with good old-fashioned service."
"This is how you build a real long-term sustainable business that has a higher asset value in years to come."
"Having a trademark increases the value of your business."
"The most valuable thing that you can get is that social proof."
"Intrinsic value means the business has a core competence something that will make money in good times and bad."
"The objective in all of this is to maximize the value of the business."
"Understanding deeply your customer's challenges is really quite valuable."
"Roughly 55 percent of transformation value comes from small initiatives."
"The core domain is the bounded context that provides the most value for your company."
"The value in this is unbelievable, and I'll show you how to get a VA and automate your entire agency for you."
"The future is not just financial; it is your overall impact, how much value you create."
"The selling point for ESG is if you're good, you're going to be a more valuable company."
"When you invest in a stock, think of what you're investing in, think of the business you're investing because that's where the value comes from."
"Customer experience is sometimes more important than the actual service itself."
"Customer retention is actually more valuable than customer acquisition."
"Your goal is to make it easier to develop, to deliver business value."
"In the long term, if you want to build a valuable business, you need to take care of your employees, you need customers who like what you do, and you need to be viewed as a good social citizen."
"An asset is something that your company owns that makes it more valuable."
"That is the value of a company at the end of the day."
"The right mix of debt and equity for your business is that mix that maximizes your value as a business."
"Ask your team what is the least we need to build that will still deliver business value."
"Managing workday configuration and security to help create value and mitigate risks."
"We want to provide true value to you and also to improve your bottom line."
"The only way you create sustainable value for shareholders is to create sustainable value for your customers."
"Reliability became a selling point."