
Decision Impact Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"I want the decisions I make to matter, and there is no agency in a world where every choice leads to the same outcome or conclusion."
"There is no deterministic force which mandates that the future will be better or that it will be worse; it depends on the decisions and actions that we take."
"You make the decision and actions and based on that individual characters have their own reactions."
"Every decision you make will have consequences."
"Your current life today is a byproduct of five decisions you made in the last five to ten years."
"Every single little decision colors how the public is going to view you."
"This single decision was possibly the most important contributor to what set me on my path."
"The decisions you make from day to day compound over time."
"Every choice I make is going to be impactful."
"This is probably the one decision that all of us as fans have spoken about, and now it's actually happened." - Beth
"Whatever decision you make really changes the course of your life."
"Every decision you make is a vote towards or against the person you want to be."
"It's kind of difficult to get the perspective of how drastic a move that was back then."
"It's that whole split second of 'oh my god, not knowing if you should be happy that you did it or you should be like oh my god, this is the worst thing I've ever done in my life.'"
"The fate of someone else's life is hanging in the balance, and you're the one who is about to tip the scales."
"When this decision finally drops you can either cry or you can vote."
"We have a choice to make, and what hangs in the balance is our children and our grandchildren."
"Well, the real damage comes when you know what you should do and then you decide not to do it anyways."
"It really does freak me out sometimes when I think of how much of our life you can boil down to these tiny moments of decision."
"Decisions we make early on with a gang could impact us later."
"Everything you do either moves you in one direction or moves you in the other."
"Everything happens for a reason, and every time you say yes to something and no to something, that has just led to other butterflies."
"You're one decision away from being a millionaire."
"Where you make nonlinear choices, that play out later in the game."
"we're all one decision away from changing our life"
"With every choice you make, say to yourself... can I feel my frequency rising in making this decision?"
"Every time you make a decision and you do one thing instead of another, another reality is created."
"When you say YES to something, you’re actually saying NO to everything else!"
"Every great decision creates ripples like a huge Boulder dropped in a lake, the ripples merge rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves."
"I kind of like to have the decisions you make not only change the powers you get but then also the story machines you play through."
"Sometimes the right choice is just a step beyond that to a single event and the ripple effect it has on a life."
"Reality: we all think we have infinite possibilities but when you really analyze it every question and answer is constrained by previous choices."
"I don't want to see people who do important work have to end that work because of one guy's bad decisions."
"Bill taught me that one decision can impact four different things."
"Choices are more about instilling a feeling in the moment."
"How was this decision building the future and not taking it away from us?"
"Repercussions, there are always repercussions."
"Shepard may have not had a say in every outcome but the ones they will have never weighed more on the player."
"Saying yes to one thing implicitly means saying no to something else."
"Essentially, everything we do in terms of our financial decision-making has a tax impact."
"Helping them understand that the choices you make have implications on other people's lives other than your own."
"We understood the problems but changing the game engine would mean resetting the development environment."
"Those are the types of decisions that push the entire community forward."
"In evaluating strategy games, choices should feel influential."
"Decisions really mattered... when you die your character is deleted."
"It's easy to look forward and say 'oh it would have changed everything' but we just don't know that." - Walter
"Decisions in games are meaningful when the outcome satisfies one of our needs of competence, autonomy, relatedness."
"The ramifications of these decisions are almost insurmountable, like once the ball gets rolling, well, the ramifications of these decisions are going to be very interesting to explore."
"I think they should expand upon it and maybe make some branching paths for certain decisions."
"Come Fly with Me: A great quest showcasing how every decision can be changed."
"It's amazing how one decision like that can butterfly effect into so much."
"The government leaflet said the result of your decision is final and it will be implemented. Should people not believe what they're told?" - Nigel Farage
"Just one choice, one decision, one different thing changes everything."
"Third Master star necron, yes or no? It's either people very excitedly saying yes or very upsetedly saying no."
"What are the most intriguing aspects of shadow of Mordor was the game's Nemesis system which allowed players to make decisions about how they interacted with Sal Ron's henchmen which later affected how these enemies engage you in later missions."
"Your decisions are raindrops that when brought together make waves."
"These choices in these moments are more important than you realize."
"Let's talk about the significance of this vote."
"Your life is an exact reflection of your choices. If you want a different result, you simply need to make a different choice."
"The honor system here will change the way certain cutscenes go, certain missions go..."
"You concoct your future and how happy that you will be dependent on the decisions that you are making."
"You are in control of the decision you make."
"It's about thinking about the impact the choices have on your citizens and on your allies' citizens... it doesn't have to be win-lose, it can be win-win."
"Oh, it's all about the butterfly effect, so everything you do in this game could possibly affect things in the future."
"The second Tony grabbed the scepter, Ultron was inevitable."
"Real people's lives are changed and altered and destroyed based upon the stuff you decide."
"The Witcher 3... consequences of your decisions."
"We're playing that AP Warwick man we need all the gold we can get."
"Life is choice-driven, destiny is decision-based... Your life will be a direct result of the decisions you make."
"That's where things get complicated, that's the big one."
"One bad decision can lead to a stumbling block of equally bad if not worse decisions, leaving a complicated web of destruction in its path."
"One simple decision can literally change your life forever."
"Our choices are like ripples on water; they seem tiny and insignificant at the beginning but they can become devastating tidal waves by the time they run their course."
"What do you stand to gain or lose from this belief?"
"Every single thing that you do is a butterfly effect."
"Your choices early on will cascade through the entire run."
"The choices we each make in the coming days will have a material effect on the road ahead."
"The decisions that you make today... will have a big impact down the road."
"I haven't been able to sleep since. Should I have done this all differently?"
"Your decisions matter and might result in another outcome."
"Be careful with your decision making right now because you are making decisions that will impact the next 70 years of your life."
"Every choice will affect your fate and the fate of those around you."
"The most intense poll I've ever seen in my life."
"The decisions being made, I just don't see a future in it."
"Take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the red pill."
"Your present decision will impact your future options."
"Your life is starting to look like your decisions 'cause you changed the narrative."
"Every day we make decisions... they could have eternal consequences."
"Your decisions carry a ton of weight and they mean a lot that doesn't always exist in Warhammer."
"This could make a huge difference for us, no matter what we choose."
"When you chose to take that red pill, it opened up a whole new dimension."
"Imagine a world where every choice and action determines what you become."
"Size of a cruise ship compared to the size of the rudder... determines the direction of the whole ship. So true, so true."
"I think saving the money was a huge bonus and positive outcome of all of this but it wasn't the main reason that we decided to make this change."
"Sinking City excels at the obscure, sometimes letting you know how your decisions play out many times profoundly."
"We don't know how far the ripples of our decisions go. Kill one and maybe save a thousand."
"You are one decision away from seeing the greatest move of God's spirit in your life."
"Your decision actually has a huge impact on this. It completely transforms your experience."
"Short-term decisions are almost always awesome right now but painful later because I'm stuck."
"The flow of time is so delicate, even the tiniest decisions change the future forever."
"We've got to stay incredibly focused on irreversible and consequential decisions."
"Some choices have ramifications beyond ourselves."
"If I don't say anything, then Claire and I get to have a happy life with our family. That's what we get. If I do say something, then everybody eventually gets to have a happy life with their family. So to me, it's a no-brainer."
"I'm so glad that that's the decision that they made because it made Zuko's arc worth that much more."
"Simplify, much like how trailblazer let nine to ten decisions total shape the entirety of your gameplay."
"Once you make that decision, here's the cool thing: everybody shows up when you ask for help."
"One decision, and that's what you have to live with."
"Your choices longer-term are going to matter."
"Our connection, it's too strong to be destroyed by 30 minutes of poor decision making."
"If you say no, then the world was covered in darkness."
"Your next is directly connected to the decisions and routines you have now."
"Deviate from the strategy, face the consequences."
"Your choice determines the experience of your life."
"I really encourage you to care about this your life matters and believe it or not the choices you make now even if you're twelve thirteen fourteen will affect you for the rest of your life."
"It makes you think about decisions which you kind of ignore in most games."
"The prognosis for humanity depends on the choices we make; each choice determines our path."
"One mistake to potentially end the game now."
"Your life is a reflection of the decisions you make with your time at the end of the day."
"Don't be surprised by how fast the universe moves forward once you make up your mind."
"Your life is absolutely significant; you should care about the decisions you make and your actions because each one will send a ripple through the time that all of us spend here in this universe."
"Isn't it great that a senator from Alaska is trying to weigh in and influence decisions on a battlefield thousands of miles away?"
"Life gets easier when you definitely and definitively decide the direction you want your life to go."
"Thanks to this decision, my life has taken a turn for the better."
"You need to believe and know that you're one decision, one relationship, one meeting, one book, one thought, one something away from a completely different life."
"Any decision they make is gonna crack eggs."
"If you make good decisions, nothing else matters."
"You will make better decisions and consequently, you will live with fewer regrets."
"Judges who will follow the law and we want to be compassionate people, we certainly want to be aware of the effects of our decisions."
"We don't know how far the ripples of our decisions go."
"The value of a state depends on what you do."
"It happened to be the best decision of mine."
"There are always consequences for the choices that you make."
"It is critical for public health scientists and practitioners to listen to the public because they are living the public health consequences of Public Health decisions."
"The decision that you're making right now has a huge impact on your tree's success for the entire next year."
"You underestimate how the smallest decision can compound into significant differences over a lifetime."
"When you're 80, when you're 90, are you gonna wish you did it or not?"
"A moment in your life when a single and often instantaneous decision you make will take you on one of two exceedingly diverging paths in your journey."
"No matter what choice I make, some people won't be happy."
"Maybe then you'll learn that even the small choices can change your life in a big way."
"One thought and that one decision today can change not just my destiny, it can change the destiny of my family."
"What you decide in this moment will affect your future."
"We are the results of the decisions we made last month, the last few months, the last year."