
Regional Issues Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"No one should fear loving who they love. Our children in Texas and Florida should not fear who they are."
"Forgive me, I'm sorry, but the situation in Idaho and Alaska is a story of national significance."
"Water security is emerging as an increasingly vital issue for the region."
"Alabama has a pretty bad problem though with mosquitoes, termites, and cockroaches which can pose health risks and cause significant damage to homes and businesses."
"If something goes wrong in Scotland, it should absolutely resonate in Westminster."
"For me, that's why the startup failure rate is high because they don't know how to market and sell themselves. And if they don't sell, we don't have a business."
"The only way these inequalities can be righted is if the north secedes and becomes its own country."
"The north-south divide as an issue is gaining in prominence and probably will only continue to gain in prominence in the aftermath of Britain's departure from the EU."
"When organized retail thieves get together and steal across our states, it is consumers—Florida consumers—that are paying for this."
"Do I think this is limited to Florida? Probably."
"This has led to water shortages in Crimea, especially for the agricultural sector."
"What is up with all of these new abortion laws that are cropping up mainly in the America South?"
"The deterioration of democracy in the United States is happening in states like Tennessee and Florida."
"There is a better system than what's going on in LA, what's going on in New York, and it does take a community to come together and make this initiative."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"From their perch in Moscow, the folks at Yes California said they explicitly support and encourage Californians to stand up and take direct action."
"The problem is with oxygen in Delhi and surrounding parts because of a transportation problem."
"I believe part of the federal government's role is to come into places like the south and support working families when they're being discriminated against and hurt."
"I thought it was important to highlight this video I mean it just speaks volumes about why Africa is where it is today."
"Why it is becoming a breeding ground for anti-nationals."
"Get your [ __ ] together, California. Get your [ __ ] together, America."
"Talking to the colonel, methamphetamine in the Midwest is up four times what it was last year."
"I absolutely hope that things at least return to a semblance of normalcy for the people of South Africa."
"If we can stop these laws here in Georgia... we can do so much not only to protect the women of Georgia but to protect women in the South."
"The Israel-Palestine, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria situation is highly volatile."
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"It's a slow bleed right now, down here in the south, and in the east, where the power grid is attacked daily."
"In this Serene moment, our thoughts turn to our brothers and sisters in Palestine bearing the weight of enduring hardship and injustice."
"Educate the children. Read books still, y'all!"
"I do worry... people who have suffered for so long in Latin and South America are excluded."
"For anyone who knows a bit about Xinjiang and is a bit intellectually honest, it's frankly an insane thing to believe."
"What's happening in the region no longer stands."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"Maybe, just maybe, the police force in South Florida made it go away. Maybe every single time. You know, there's a reason why Cassie and I, I would think, everybody else was too afraid to go against Diddy."
"One of the biggest issues that Michigan, other than that most people go, is this election."
"I see a free independent uh Hawaii uh once again will be a reality because we're going to make that possible true law."
"It's about time we took a look at region restrictions."
"The difference in economic well-being in different parts of the country is larger than is sustainable."
"Get out of Africa, get out of the Caribbean, attend to your own problems."
"The ghost boats of Japan have been washing up on the shores of northeastern Japan."
"I hope that one day there will be an apology and that this will never take place in Florida or anywhere ever again."
"The Brahmin hatred shown in Tamil Nadu is now being shown in Uttar Pradesh and it's also shown up in the United States."
"Europe is prepping itself for an energy crisis."
"End in two days in India I think the world sort of does look the other way."
"California exodus... not only still happening, it's gotten worse."
"Sacramento is gonna have to face the reality."
"Europe is stuck in a big mess...but the outset is better than reported."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"I handle the IPOB people when I was governor."
"The amount of things that are being swept under the rug in the state of Alabama is insane."
"Water, water, water... the top three issues in Colorado's Third District is water." - Adam Frish
"Mississippi, highest rate of obesity in the United States."
"I've always maintained that first year, some of the reports that we get from Tigray... all of those crimes are committed only by the Ethiopian National Defense Force."
"There might be no free press in Hong Kong at all in the coming years."
"Most Europeans now understand that this is our problem."
"Is there any hope for California? Oh hell yes."
"Hold on tight, Californians. Hold on tight because this has only just begun."
"The situation in Sudan generally and in Darur specifically is extremely concerning."
"The Horn of Africa countries do have to think about how to sort of manage the problem."
"We have the highest, the fastest growing region in the world right now in terms of weight gain and obesity is the Caribbean."
"Better cooperation outside the region can build habits that then come back and help ameliorate the problems within the region."