
Proposition Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"How would you like to live on a tropical island with a fully furnished new home, and regular salary?"
"It shouldn't be an 'or' proposition, it should be an 'and' proposition."
"I won't beat around the bush, drop out of the election and become my right-hand man."
"That's why I want to know, how many drinks would it take you to leave with me?"
"I have something that could benefit us. Would you be interested in a little opportunity I've got going?"
"We want to make your life better. We're not asking you for your money."
"They're coming towards you full force to make that offer."
"It's a really, really good value proposition for people."
"Harley-Davidson just came to the table with a strong value proposition this year."
"Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later?"
"For 1,000 bucks, you in this territory right here."
"If you can go to these creative people and say hey do you want all the money instead of none of the money like that’s a that’s a pretty powerful proposition..."
"The proposition doesn't specify what's going on in region 3."
"Make sure that you have a value prop for your customer that's super clear."
"It's a co-ownership proposition, so you need to make the boat as adaptable as possible."
"It's such a good value proposition in that regard as well so I mean no matter how you cut this I think it's great."
"Now, I have a proposition to make. We are willing, however, to risk its loss..."
"These parasocial relationships over a cartoon character are extremely unhealthy because it had made some individuals commit some of the most heinous crimes."
"Do you want to get knocked out for 30 minutes?"
"The value proposition is fantastic."
"Anyway, it was way too complicated. So I thought I'd just pull up here now and offer you a ton of money to come work for me on a very special project. What do you say?"
"Jinho apologizes for calling him so suddenly, he begins to ask jinwu to join an attack force with him."
"You have an offer for me? What do you want to do?"
"Queen Kaizer's proposition sets the stage for Akira Rainford's elevation to a noble status within the state."
"Shania, if you need a British boy, I'm the guy. Full stop."
"I would say in future, anyone who would want to challenge me to a debate, write down your proposition in English and Arabic both."
"It's really comes down to value proposition."
"Clarity in your value proposition is key."
"...well there you go uh I mean we got the box of ammo we have a it's like finding a roll pin I got to build an AR yeah Jim let me just slip that into your pocket well I go to have a 470 Nitro think think on I wouldn't not shoot it here here's there's a business proposition..."
"Facts are in the affordable running costs and high residuals, and it becomes a very complete proposition indeed."
"We were thinking about buying all we got proposition."
"If you didn't find a new chunk ID, meaning you wanted to add a proposition but it didn't find a new chunk, then you need to actually make a new one."
"It sounded like a great proposition to you because he wanted to give you some things that no one else had ever offered you, right?"
"I offer you a chance for greatness."
"I admire your honesty. You can come over to my house and [have relations with] my sister."
"Propositioning a man at a party isn't a crime, of course."
"There's no point having the proposition if you cannot communicate it effectively."
"If a proposition is a picture of an actual or a possible fact, then that is how it has meaning, and if it isn't a picture of an actual possible fact, then it is meaningless, it is empty, it is nonsense in the literal sense of that term."
"...when we compare ourselves to one another, it's always a lose-lose proposition."
"So, $100 million offers which is my first book was an offer about making a proposition to somebody that they would say yes to. So how to make offers so good people feel stupid saying no."
"...but the price tag does represent this value proposition for Genesis."
"I think that's a very out there proposition because I can't see how that's possible."
"Who's up for a hundred percent honey making situation? That's right, a hundred percent honey making situation."
"If I can't get out of here, how about we make a proposition?"
"Propositional logic: If P then Q. P therefore Q."
"Our franchise is stronger and our investment proposition is better than it has ever been."
"I'm pitching you five percent of my brain for a million dollars arrived."
"Find your value proposition in your business and in life."
"...the cat is on the mat, this is a proposition and I have this propositional attitude about the proposition, I believe it, I believe that it's true."
"Finding that piece of exceptional value that you believe is distinct in your proposition."
"It's a very interesting proposition."
"You congratulated me on my husband's death. Several messages, I got a proposition for you. You and I."
"This is not a proposition. This is a life-changing experience."
"I might have some special opportunities for you."
"A man came to see me and begged and begged me to let him buy the house from me."
"Can I ask you how old you are? 18? Would you like to hook up with me sometime?"
"Creating a sellable course starts with a unique selling proposition."
"A single glance is all that's needed to see that this third-generation Sandero is a different proposition."
"This Sandero is certainly a different proposition."
"I knew I would need his help, so I went over to his house some days later and told him that I had a proposition that could fetch us both a lot of money."
"I'm shattered, here I am in your bad books, and I was thinking of asking you to manage the place."
"...an excellent value proposition."
"I propose a non-aggression pact," Naruto's unexpected proposition.
"All I have to do is force you to review a movie, did I know for a fact? Try it."
"If I could show you the answer to this and it cost less than $150,000 what you said is worth four million to you next year, are you going to do business with me?"
"Your content is your value proposition."
"I just thought maybe we could help one another," Rose said.
"Would you promote the climate change agenda on your show for 20 million dollars?"
"I told him about my boss's proposition and she said she'd love to see Paris."
"Although proponents of Proposition 12 believe that their taxes will be lowered, opponents state that those savings will be lost because the cost of city services will ultimately increase."
"Do you have this problem? I have these solutions. Are you interested?"
"A proposition is either true or false, it has the bivalent property."
"The United States was a country dedicated to a proposition that all men are created equal."
"Education isn't an either/or proposition. It's a both/and proposition."
"Every proposition is either true or false, not both, not neither."
"Belief is simply accepting a proposition is true."
"If you ever make a movie about your life, you should let me direct it."
"If it's something that you want, you should make me your girl."
"It's not just a negative proposition for the United States. There's in many ways a positive proposition for China."
"We're going to start with a proposition, and the proposition is that in order to orient yourself properly in life, there's two classes of information you have to have access to."
"The value proposition here is still just outstanding."
"Is this a date? Do you want it to be? Are you out of your mind?"
"It's a pretty practical proposition."
"You're the knight of cups, so they want to come towards you and make you an offer of romance, of love, commitment as well."
"It's definitely a more unique proposition."
"First of all, you have to completely understand the value proposition and what you have to offer to them."
"The proposition that God exists is absolutely necessary in the sense that no matter what else might be the case, it would be the case that God exists."
"You've got to make it an attractive proposition."
"It's a simple business proposition, similar to the ones on which a great nation was founded."
"I have a proposition," Hilfer started. "We could use the two of you working for us alongside the feds at a much higher level."
"All love is risky, love is a risky proposition all by itself."
"Now this is a proposition I can get behind."
"How would you like to live forever?"
"It's a very attractive proposition."
"The horribleness of a proposition has nothing to do with whether or not it's true."
"It's a proposition everyone likes."
"For any proposition that actually has a truth value, that proposition is either true or not true. Period."
"Child, I wish to make you a proposition: a trade for a trade, or in this case, a quirk for a request."
"What is needed is the practical application of that proposition everywhere."
"If you can offer it, then that's obviously a very good selling point."
"If the proposition isn't falsifiable, then it's not testable."
"If I told you you were beautiful, would you take me on?"
"We come up with propositions because we look at the evidence first."
"Finds a convenient streetlight, steps out of the shade and says something like, 'You and me, babe, how about it?'"
"Each argument makes a statement of possible truth."
"The statement of possible truth is called a claim."
"A double negative is equal to the original value of the proposition."
"P is equivalent to tilde tilde P and vice versa."
"I think this is a fantastic value for money proposition."
"What if I can make you a billionaire?"
"A proposition is just a declarative statement that is either true or false."
"A big proposition and new beginnings for you."
"Christian theism must be presented as that light in terms of which any proposition about any fact receives meaning."
"It's a rather interesting value proposition I think."