
Stardust Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Our body is made of stardust, really; the more complex elements in our body can only come about through supernovas."
"Every element of which you're composed is stardust. Isn't that magic enough for you?"
"We're all just various combinations of Stardust."
"We all came from stars, will return to Stardust. Do not forget this."
"Ancient grains of stardust were discovered inside a meteorite in Australia, forming five to seven billion years ago."
"Billions-year stardust: oldest material found on Earth."
"The idea that we're all made of Stardust is a really cool point; all of life is connected in some way."
"Everyone comes from Stardust, so every individual person needs some element of a star."
"I think we're all made of star stuff."
"We are viscerally made of the stars."
"Cody is going to take so many beatings that eventually he will lose his mind and turn back into Stardust."
"We're made up of Stardust like literally."
"We are truly Stardust and we should be humble in the face of it all and go forth with a bit of humility and Swagger to boot."
"You're special, you're special and you're necessary all humans are Stardust."
"You are made of Stardust here, and spirit is helping you guys really reflect and shine bright."
"I think Stardust is a great place to start."
"All peoples of this Earth are made of stardust. That's not just hooey, that's... as Neil deGrasse Tyson would say."
"Resorts World paying a tribute to what came before it, so the Stardust was one of the most famous hotels in Las Vegas."
"We all came from stardust, so technically we're all kind of rocks."
"You are made of Stardust, therefore be noble."
"Every atom in our body came from a star that exploded. We are Stardust."
"We were all essentially Stardust, not literally, but it all starts there."
"We're creatures of Stardust, made of the ashes of dead stars."
"If I could just trust that I actually am made of Stardust like the most miraculous thing on the planet, how might I lead my life differently?"
"Every atom in our body came from an exploding star."
"We are all stardust; we are viscerally made of the stars."
"Humans are made up of the ash of dead stars."
"There is more than a touch of stardust that has been sprinkled."
"Every atom in your body almost was once inside an exploding star."
"We're not just poetically Stardust; we are literally Stardust."
"We're all made of stardust. That makes every single person in the world unique."
"We're Stardust, exactly from the universe, we're made of all the same minerals as everything essentially."
"Stardust is one of the perhaps less glamorous components of our galaxy and interstellar medium, but it's a surprisingly important one."
"Oxygen clings to stardust so tightly that it prevents its atoms from joining together and forming oxygen molecules."
"We are stardust, billion year old carbon."
"We are Stardust seeing a cosmic tale."
"We're all made of bits of star; we're all made of stardust."
"Stardust is solid elements extracted from meteors that existed before earth and our Sun were made."
"We are not just made of stardust; we are also made of big bang stuff."
"We are kind of stardust, in a very precise sense, remnants of the burning stars."
"We are all Stardust, the elements that came from the stars constitute everything that we see around us."
"We are really made up of stardust."
"You are made of stardust; everything you eat, breathe, or touch originated inside a star."
"...we are star stuff that again could be made in in the galaxy, in our own galaxy or in a different galaxy at any any point in the universe."
"Yes, we are a bunch of stardust moving along."
"Stardust by Neil Gaiman is a very nice little short book."
"We are Sun; we are Stardust, brother, just a different formula."
"In the dance of the cosmos, we are all but stardust."
"You forget that you are made of stardust, just like everything else."
"Your cells are made of the same stuff as stars."
"When stars start out, they turn to stardust and scatter across the cosmos."
"Everybody's a star because everybody's this; we're all stardust."
"When consciousness gets put into those vibrations of basically just Stardust, that's what is creating our reality."
"You are made up of stardust, so keep sparkling."
"We're all made of stardust, but what exactly does that mean?"
"We're all made of stardust; we all come from stars."
"Universe, we're all just stardust."
"We're made of stardust, shining high."
"Keep sparkling, you are made of stardust."