
Believability Quotes

There are 310 quotes

"The Star Destroyer... its iconic wedge-shaped design is surprisingly simple, and it feels believable."
"Roman Reigns needs to be a heel because when he's nasty, when he's brutal and vicious, he comes across believable."
"I actually think it's real. It's unbelievable but it's so close to the realm of believability."
"It feels like you're actually immersed in a pretty crazy world, which is pretty believable and is what I feel is very authentic to the time period."
"I like that, it makes the world a lot more believable."
"The irony of real fake news: when satire becomes believable."
"It's pretty difficult to have believable aliens who can be dealt with by a single soldier."
"One of the last things you should be doing when you're sculpting faces that you want to be believable is to make them not symmetrical."
"Mechanically speaking, it's realistic. It holds up."
"There's something to be said for like a gut instinct you know once you start hearing these things and you feel like yeah I could believe she could do this."
"Reality may be great and truth may be wonderful but none of it holds a candle to believability."
"I think her most believable evidence is Johnny would get drunk and high and get mad and then eventually he would hit her to the extent that she explains the brutality is unbelievable."
"Lean into something people already believe about the President to try to make them believe something that is frankly hard to believe."
"There are some ancient discoveries that words can't do justice to, you'll only believe them if you can see them with your own eyes."
"It's about the believability, the immersion."
"Truth is stranger than fiction because truth kind of at least doesn't have to make any sense."
"I felt so attached to Linus as a character, I felt like he was incredibly vulnerable and very very believable."
"A story that you think has to be made up but the frightening thing is the story is real."
"But every transition from A to B has to be believable and make sense according to the film's own rules."
"Just because you like somebody doesn't mean you can believe in everything in opposition to them."
"Shrek the third had a more believable resolution."
"He is literally just a compulsive liar he's the male version of Casey Anthony and he puts all these little details into his lies and makes this story and paints this picture for the people that he's lying to to make it seem more believable."
"Abduction succeeds at accomplishing its goal of transporting you to a bizarre place that you can actually believe in."
"It's the perfect example of making movies with believable concepts."
"Believability of that yeah yeah it could be again in English in mission fresh out the kitchen."
"If you want to tell a really good lie, you always have to ground it out in something that's true."
"Rhyming phrases are more believable and more memorable."
"Robert Pattinson's performance is fully believable."
"It's hard to believe, but the evidence has been mounting."
"I know it sounds crazy, but it sounds too crazy for it not to be true."
"The formation of the group and its evolving dynamic seem much more plausible."
"He conveyed the naturalistic in an organic and believable way."
"Much damage can we do to our characters right believably before they should lose. What type of story are you telling? You know Bruce Willis in Die Hard, that guy should have been dead long ago but the story works because he is just so tough."
"That '90s show has an air of believability because it casts actual teenagers in the lead roles."
"Trump carries himself like a president; he becomes believable by being in that role already."
"The darker, more serious tone helps lend a little believability."
"The struggle of making people believe that you have what it takes."
"It's incredibly easy when you know your Anatomy to create a figure that looks believable."
"Somebody in deep space observing us is more believable than any of that."
"His backstory is played out with believable drama."
"If I told you two years ago, would you believe me?"
"No matter how absurd this story gets remember it's true."
"Their goal is to sound so absurd, unreal, that no one believes you."
"It's gotta have characters you can believe in."
"Infinite Warfare's heroes are varied in personality and ability but all are believable and grounded."
"It makes it seem tangible too, like a place you could actually go to."
"What makes the romance so believable in 'When Harry Met Sally' is the friendship they develop throughout the film."
"When a teacher hears that you're just making copies, no one's going to think, 'I bet you he's making that up.' They're not going to question it because it sounds legit."
"The fact that the movie had to actually downplay his heroics because it would come off as too unbelievable says everything you need to know about Desmond Doss."
"Creepypasta should be at its finest it's unsettling it's believable enough to either make you feel spooked or make you want to commend the creator for their hard work."
"But it's again like when is there never Global tension like that every step it took was believable."
"I think that's really freaking cool, it was pretty believable."
"I just want to talk about this one... my own sense is that they are every bit as believable as accounts you get from anywhere else."
"The progression of this story was engaging and pretty believable."
"It's easier to believe a cult leader because they're telling you how the world is."
"The best prank is one that wouldn't be believed by anybody except the subject."
"Embellish the truth to the point that it becomes unbelievable."
"This felt so natural, so legitimate, and that makes everything that happens in a project easier to believe and overall better."
"I want to believe some of these stories... some of these sound absolutely horrific."
"For a bluff to work, it has to be believable. Otherwise, no one's fooled, right?"
"The plausible is often so much more fun and so much easier to accept than the chilly truth."
"It was Andy Serkis who put some efforts into making a character which the audience could believe."
"The less the viewer knows about the real life of the actor, the more convincing the played character will be."
"That's such a believable story, that's like something the kids will do."
"You are professional liars; your job is to make it believable."
"It's really just a photorealism issue if the man's inherently not real and you're trying to make it a little plausible."
"He's so believable in everything he does."
"Britney was a magical performer, she could make you believe anything."
"Yo, it's like someone taking my dad, and my dad is a big guy, he has a dad gut now, and putting him in the marines and be like, 'Yeah, this is a soldier, yeah, of course, that's believable.'"
"When a movie is very good and does all the heavy lifting for you, you don't have to think about anything. It's already immersive and believable enough that your brain just believes it and is fully intertwined and engaged with what's going on."
"...it's great do you believe both these guys because they're so natural in their delivery."
"Verisimilitude. Otherwise, people wouldn’t believe."
"My lies are more believable than my truth."
"Not only do they get out of it, but it's believable and it's the only way they could have gotten out of it."
"Actors' job is to make you believe the experience we're going through so much that you think that Jack is real or Jess is real."
"I'm not trying to be funny. I'm trying to be believable. I care if I'm funny, but here's the only thing I need to do: be believable, and then funny."
"The key to acting is that you should never look like you're acting."
"The Death Star looked amazing and became an instant movie icon. Yet, it still had a design and capability that worked in the story and seemed believable."
"She's closer to 22 than she would be 33, which is the age that people would believe her if they believe the reaging thing."
"Charlie Cox's Daredevil completely transforms into this character and never for a second you don't believe he is Daredevil."
"He's cool and you know friendly he's got good energy he's a very believable dad."
"You know what, Nat as an actor, he's pretty good. He actually is really good because I actually believe this character right now. Fine, a way to leave their world behind."
"I felt like she was a very believable character in an unbelievable world."
"The end result is that the story absolutely feels like it has been made to exist on a screen rather than to exist as a natural or believable world."
"Every action Edge makes is believable."
"Under the right conditions, that would make a really believable ghost."
"You believe in them as characters so you believe in their relationship."
"Plausibility is required if Christians are to be believable."
"It's subtlety that makes the beauty even more believable and even more compelling."
"He looks like he believes it, he looks like he's telling the truth, he looks like he's being honest about what he wants to do."
"She genuinely, like, bulked up and got a bit of muscle for the role, and the fight scenes that she does... it's great. It kind of makes it somewhat believable that someone of her size and build could take on multiple opponents."
"Damian Wayne is actually a much more believable character in the comics."
"The idea of believability of victims... carrying trauma throughout our entire lives based on things that happened to us..."
"If you get two good actors together who believe themselves in a relationship, then the audience starts to believe in the relationship."
"Not everyone's terrible, but yeah, it's realistic. The portrayal of these people is realistic, right? You can imagine these types of people out there because it's just so believable."
"Just want it to be believable and that looks believable to me."
"I think your price point is excellent because it's not so cheap that I discount its believability."
"Seeing constant reminders throughout the series about how these characters think and feel just written in their expressions, it really helps hammer down their believability and how much you can connect with them."
"Now this story being a little bit more believable."
"The cast is stellar and everyone is believable as the characters they are portraying."
"If you write a character who is 100 percent good, they're not believable."
"This woman looks real and you can believe in her."
"It's so ridiculous it sounds true."
"It seems like they wanted to make sure that they had a big act battle and they wanted to make sure that he was super, super evil, so he suddenly decides like he's just going to go super crazy or whatever. And it just, I don't know, it doesn't work for me."
"What a natural he was, I mean he had that killer look and size, and he had that intensity in the ring and you believed everything that he did because you had to."
"In a fantasy, it is the internal consistency of that world that makes it believable."
"I can definitely buy Steven Seagal as a master code cracker or whatever."
"The greater the LIE, the greater the chance that it will be believed."
"This is an actual argument between two adults. This is believable. This is relatable."
"When something is credible, it's believable."
"You can't really dispel a rumor in high school, no matter where you address it. The more people believe it."
"Emotional investment requires believability and believability requires consistency."
"You were very convincing, I almost believed you really would kill him."
"...limitations are often put on spells to give them a realistic or at least semi-realistic element to make them more believable..."
"The romantic subplot feels believable."
"The stranger the encounter, the most believable."
"If you get the iconic elements right, the audience is probably going to buy into it."
"The best lies sound the most like the truth."
"I thought the storyline was pretty entertaining. It does not bother me at all about the use of the CGI as much as they did because I felt like it looked believable."
"Consistency is vital for establishing a believable fictional world."
"Kamala was believable. Even Abdullah the Butcher, get these guys like that."
"That takes a tremendous theatricality and stage background to be that big and yet believable."
"if you prioritize emotion and you're able to capture and showcase emotion well it makes your content believable."
"I can't enjoy anything in wrestling where the effort is not made to make it logical believable and legitimate."
"To make something feel real not necessarily like hyper realistic but real enough and believable enough that it feels tangible you know?"
"She deserves an Oscar for it because she looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. You know, it really, she really did seem believable that she was innocent."
"It was so odd Auto he's such a good actor though that it was like he could lead it and make it look believable for sure."
"He found a way to ground his characters and make them believable."
"What I'm trying to show you is how to get things to look believable, how to bring your imagination to life on that canvas. It's not in having this exact shade of color."
"They made that exchange believable. So believable. Not just by the acting but by having that flashback scene."
"The conflicts that arise in the show are completely believable and each conflict is meaningful."
"The intense gore and slime and blood gives a visceral intensity to the science fiction concept that makes it believable."
"I get criticized on Twitter quite a bit because I still go with the believability."
"Rufus is definitely the least believable. I think these were quite believable."
"It should have broken. She needs me to throw it over her shoulder and it wasn't believable that it was being thrown into the ocean. It had to be in the bag."
"Jake Gyllenhaal makes me believe this Dalton character all the way through. I believe he's smart, I believe he's tortured, and I believe he's the toughest guy in the room at every single stage of the movie."
"To make the unbelievable believable is the most difficult thing of all."
"Believable female fight scenes begin and end with Gina Carano."
"He's done contemporary dramas, period dramas, he can do anything and every time he plays a role you just believe he is it."
"You've got to find the sweet spot that actually is impactful but still believable."
"Chris Evans just has such an earnest honesty to him. You just buy him as Steve Rogers."
"The Muppets, all that, the Yoda is a muppet so well done so believable you feel his pain when he dies in Jedi."
"It breaks the believability of the world."
"It's a deception, it's not a bold lie. The bold lie would be easy to spot, however, deception is made to look like the real thing, which makes it believable, which makes it hard to detect."
"I think whenever I hear someone speak that way in this accent you just instantly want to believe him."
"I felt like if I didn't tell the whole story, you know, then the crazy stuff I felt like wouldn't be as believable."
"...the biggest power of these control maps is to add complexity to the groom and it allows you to mix and match different properties in different areas which makes the fur look much more believable and realistic as it can mimic things that we can see in natural reference."
"There's something inherently that, you know, that man is telling the truth. Like when you see a guy bawling and saying like, 'Yeah, that guy [__] did what he did in the shower, bloodied my hiney, dude, that's really hard to pass off as fake.'"
"Kurt Hennig's delivery was always so believable, he really buys into himself."
"I gotta make this believable, y'all."
"That was a pretty big bump. It was basic but it was big and it was believable."
"It was scary just how believable he was, just how in how passionate he was that he was telling the truth."
"Credibility of the witness is the capacity of being believed."
"It's believable, it's real, and it establishes more of an identity."
"He has a viscera to him and just a natural ability to make everything feel so believable."
"...this dress is a little bit more believable."
"Every character is flushed out and acts in a way that is believable to the way they act."
"The world feels very real and believable."
"Their romance was very believable."
"Out of all the movies we're talking about, I think he may be the most believable version of a psychopath."
"I loved that character. You believe the character."
"You want to make sure that the environment you're creating feels immersive, feels believable."
"Hero effects ground visual effects in our world, making them believable."
"We want the result to be believable and pleasing."
"True stories are best because, you know, nobody would believe it if you made it up, right? Exactly."
"You forget that it's a puppet. You forget that it's fake. You're actually watching Yoda come to life."
"The reason Wilfred is one of the best companions is because Bernard Cribbins brings such a believable life to the role."
"Nimueh is the most believable villain in the show by far."
"The effects are unbelievable even by today's standards."
"This is believable, and that's why I think this commercial hits way harder."
"The more ridiculous the thing somebody says about Texas is, the more likely it is to be true."
"It adds more believability to the fantastical and vicious stories where the character has to be larger than life."
"Writing needs to be expedient but also believable."
"I understand why they're doing what they're doing; it is believable."
"Believability and character, the most important aspects of creature sound design."
"There's a lot of subtlety in how the actors portray their emotions; it's very believable."
"One thing's for sure, our story's believability won't be an issue here."
"You need to get those scenes in that establish the page and gives people a sense of believability."
"It makes your drawing more realistic, more believable."
"The unintelligent or simple American is a very believable archetype."
"I love the fantasy in this where it's so far-fetched but it's so believable at the same time."
"I think the secret to a great story is integrating the science... I want to be able to believe this stuff."
"You were really believable as a mom."
"It's thoroughly alien but very organic and very believable."
"It shows the small build-up in the relationship that I think most can buy if they think about it."
"The secret to motivated lighting: give us a believable source of the light, ideally one that we can see in the frame, and we'll buy it as natural even if it defies the laws of physics."
"She felt natural; I never questioned why the super spy was on a team fighting alongside gods and monsters because she was well written."
"The characters acted completely serious in bizarre situations, which made it so much more funny and believable."
"I feel like the characters were real."
"I feel like the situations were real."
"The characters are the best of any book I've ever read, they're so believable."
"Pikachu himself is extremely believable."
"As different as these four women were, they still complemented each other in their own ways, making their friendship believable."
"You've got to make people believe that what they're looking at is really happening."
"The culture and the society itself is really well constructed and that makes it very believable."
"I think they inhabited this world really well."
"She does a great job making the character believable, making the character relatable."
"The sound can give what is otherwise fantastic and maybe artificial a dimension of credibility."
"It was just as convincing as it could be."
"If the sum of all passes the player's cognitive framework of what constitutes a believable world, the player eventually becomes immersed."