
Due Diligence Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Due diligence is really kind of trying to understand the benefits and and the liabilities of proposed investment."
"You should always do your own due diligence and have your own strategy and plans in place when trading stocks or ETFs."
"Everyone thinks the Silicon Valley guys are the smartest guys in the room...but everyone wanted that story to be true so badly that they didn't do any due diligence."
"These videos are great for pointing out opportunities, they're great for giving you some starters on strategies... but you need to go out and do your own due diligence."
"Make sure you're not chasing yield and you're looking under the hood to understand what you're buying." - Ron Gross
"Do your due diligence on what a cat needs to eat."
"He ends this video with the fantastic advice we should all consider following: 'So do your due diligence guys.'"
"Please do your due diligence before buying any investment."
"A good reminder to always perform your own research and due diligence before investing."
"Make sure to do your own due diligence before investing in any type of stock."
"Due diligence for commercial property is a process with checklists."
"Your findings from due diligence will set you up for renegotiating the deal."
"When you see the wave of verified comments inside a YouTuber's comment section, do the extra due diligence."
"There are no overnight successes... You have to put in the work, have the due diligence, and have the patience." - Digital Asset News
"Always do your due diligence as stock investing is something that you shouldn't just listen to other people and buy whatever they're saying to buy."
"You want to make sure you always do your own due diligence, never blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube."
"We have to do our due diligence, research, and not just blindly invest."
"Just go with your intuition and then do your due diligence."
"You will make good progress in your job and profession as the time passes. I don't see any major issues, but try not to suddenly change jobs without doing proper due diligence and research."
"It's standard practice to check for that," regarding undisclosed litigation.
"Understand what you're investing in... do due diligence... hold."
"Don't take anybody's word for it. Do your own due diligence."
"No substitute for comprehensive research and due diligence."
"Do your due diligence before investing in NFT projects."
"This is merely my opinion, this is not financial advice, and you should always do your own due diligence before buying or selling any stocks on your own."
"Make sure you guys do your own research and due diligence on this company."
"What I am doing is very serious. It's very important work, and we're going to do our due diligence in making sure that we look at all aspects of the case." - Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
"If you're looking at a stock and you don't consider the gross margins or operating margins of the business, it's like buying a home but not even doing your due diligence."
"I really need to know if my investment is worth it or not... it's uh kind of important and something I should probably done before I put in that offer."
"This is not like some vast conspiracy, this is just due diligence."
"You need to be focused on the business so talk to about 10 people that have done business with the individual that you're planning to do business with like vet them out."
"You should always, always, always do your own due diligence."
"Generational wealth is really important, but you have to do your due diligence and understand what's going on in those areas."
"Investigate before you invest. Only invest in things that you know and understand."
"Always do your own research, always do your own diligence."
"Inspections, contractors, and bids: Do your due diligence upfront to avoid surprises later."
"Did you have your attorney look at it? Your attorney in DC, did they look at it?"
"Do not buy a piece of property in any given area without first going to a code office and talking to them."
"Transparency matters. Before diving into any 'opportunity,' do your research and demand clear, accessible information."
"If an audit report comes back bad guys or you're hearing FUD about it, go in the Telegram, ask questions, do research, and if there's potential risks, just stay the heck away from it."
"For the long term again it is time well spent to do your due diligence at the beginning."
"I'm not suggesting that you buy or sell Tesla or Lucid stock... always perform your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions."
"Community-driven due diligence is essential in navigating the DeFi space."
"Please do your own research when you are considering investing."
"Due diligence in its most simple terms is really about putting everyone on a Level Playing Field."
"We're in a profession where it is your job to do your due diligence."
"You gotta follow the money and keep following where this could lead. This is why I spend a lot of my time focusing on DD and focusing on where the research is leading itself to."
"Always make sure to do your own due diligence on these companies because electric vehicle stocks, in general, are extremely volatile."
"Investment of that magnitude demands it. Do you think that they'd vouch for the buildings without examining them first?"
"You should actually take the time to go and see their previous completed projects and speak to the clients."
"Do your due diligence before investing your hard-earned money into a stock."
"Know what you own, and make sure that you really know what they do and not just buy them because your friend at work told you they're about to go up."
"If they're not looking at that deal and thinking, 'Okay, let's get a few people in a room and at least spitball how we could get out of this,' they are not doing due diligence."
"I mean, if you give somebody 300K and you don't do your homework and go look at the properties or none of that, like, did you get scammed or you just dumb?"
"Any service that I would use, I would try to investigate them as much as I could."
"Conduct in-depth market research before attempting to invest in a lease option."
"Leverage is key in all real estate, but due diligence is required. No one should invest without proper research."
"Don't buy a deal unless you can sit down and go through every bit of that deal and make sure the shoe fits."
"I think it'll still be appealed forever, but you had due process."
"In residential real estate, this concept of buyer beware doesn't apply in the same way."
"It's important if you do use that strategy of owning miners you want to look at the property. You want to make sure that it's a property that likely is pregnant with gold or pregnant with silver."
"... if they're not giving you addresses that you can't pull up public information on and they're not giving you access to their hud statements settlement statements etc, they're not actually doing this business."
"...buyer has the right to terminate for any reason during this due diligence period."
"I must know the stock and the story behind it."
"The key point that I'd like to call out here is that any investment that you make should be accompanied by proper research and good quality due diligence."
"Once you find the house you like you make an offer and the due diligence then begins."
"It's just another piece of due diligence doing that owner financing, even if you don't need the owner financing. It just gives you confidence that the seller, the business owner, really believes what he's telling you."
"You need to do a little bit of due diligence, which is going shopping around, asking people. If you realize like you said that there isn't much value there, then absolutely, man, unload it locally because to unload it any other way is so difficult."
"I'm the guy with the money and all these companies need my money so I'm going to do my due diligence to interview them because if I make the wrong call I lose a lot of money or my money stays stagnant."
"Liens stay with the property, so it's important to make sure there are no liens before buying."
"...so if you're reading like the source documents, the SEC comment letters, you're going to find stuff other people have missed and you're going to find companies that other people like haven't already looked deeply at."
"He believes further investigation is necessary."
"Directors of companies are answerable to their shareholders for ensuring that the due diligence process is properly carried out."
"Do your due diligence; do your research."
"Time is of the essence, which means that time is very important when it comes to the due diligence period."
"Do your due diligence before aligning with a network marketing company."
"The only way you can lose a due diligence fee is if you do not close."
"Don't blindly trust a judgment; make sure you do your due diligence."
"The buyer has the unilateral right to walk away for any reason up to the due diligence expiration."
"Do your own research, do your own due diligence, don't just listen to anyone online and make sure you come to your own conclusions."
"It's important to ensure that whatever you're buying, you do your due diligence well."
"If anything looks like it's sketchy or it's too good to be true, sometimes it might be, so dig deeper and ask questions."
"Due diligence is the research that organization does in identifying those risks and mitigating them."
"It's a tool which I plan on using for any future car purchase that I make to ensure that there's no hidden secrets."
"It's more important to get it right and ensure we're not embarrassed at court."
"Don't listen to them on their tariff number; you do your due diligence and you make sure it's right."
"It's like most of my news is coming from people whose opinions I respect and trust to do their due diligence."
"Not doing a full title search plus City Works... you have to know all liens and judgments that are on this property."
"We highly recommend that you go do your own research."
"If you're going to choose someone to work with, you need to trust them, you need to do your best due diligence that you possibly can."
"Look, this is so unusual. In Silicon Valley, if you had a company of this sort, you would be doing the due diligence."
"People now will have the courage of their convictions to say look, I got some reasonable questions as part of my due diligence. I am not going to weaken my due diligence just because I'm chasing the hot deal."
"Do your own diligence, please, please, please."
"The key is doubling down on your own due diligence so you feel confident in your position and then riding out the storm."
"It underscores the importance of doing a very thorough pre-buy before you purchase an airplane."
"Never go with your gut instead of checking somebody's references."
"It is important that now we do what you call the due diligence checks."
"When you are doing due diligence, you look at the balance sheet."
"It's not wrong for you to marry somebody that turns out not to be the person that you thought, as long as you did your vetting."
"Visiting a property before you buy it is an absolute must."
"The attorney's public statement underscores the importance of due diligence and factual verification in legal matters."
"I definitely do my due diligence and make sure that all the cars that pass through my hands leave me in much better condition than I found them in."
"Don't just call people liars and scammers without going and doing the due diligence because it's going to hurt you in the long run."
"The buyer has the right, typically, to exercise what's called due diligence."
"Transparency is the key focus in customer due diligence."
"The most important question you need to ask yourself is, is the forex broker regulated and does it have a particular license?"
"Always perform the necessary due diligence."
"Just make sure you're researching."
"Those who are quietly doing the due diligence right now to find those next trends are going to be making not just a 100% move... they're going to be the ones that easily capture and accumulate positions in the markets that do a 5x, a 10x, a 20x, 50x over the next coming years."
"The best thing is being in the period of due diligence as a fan."
"I always do my due diligence to make sure I surround myself with healthy people and consume healthy things."
"If anybody came to me right now and said, 'Roland, I'm gonna give you a thousand shares in my company,' I'm gonna go, 'What company? Where are you located? What business do you do?'"
"Goldman was not criminally involved. Goldman raised the money for the fund but what Goldman did was miss red flags."
"Do your due diligence, try to learn the facts."
"Due diligence is the cornerstone of any risk management program in the context of foreign engagements."