
Webinar Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"Dear brothers and sisters, I want to welcome you to our webinar tonight, where we're going to be speaking about a topic that should give us a lot of pause and one that is necessary to really balancing out our connection to Allah."
"Join us for the five-day webinar on Diksha and enhance teaching, learning, and assessment."
"Thanks for joining, I hope you learned something today."
"Wow folks, Mike around the world is with us, his presentation tomorrow on the webinar is the best I've ever seen."
"Toward the end of today's discussion, we'll be taking questions for me and Bart, so please be sure to stick around, give us a thumbs up, a thumbs up click, subscribe, share it if you want, that would really help us."
"Get your tickets today for the best webinar we've ever done."
"By buying a ticket for the webinar and watching these great speakers, you're actually helping me fund the gospel."
"Thanks to all of the attendees for joining us please join us next week on June 2nd when Ann Dolan will talk about learning loss how to make up for lost ground during the summer break."
"And of the 30% who showed up, about 5% of those people will actually purchase live during the webinar recording."
"Thank you everybody for participating in this webinar."
"I'm actually gonna give you an extra 10% off. So if you go to this link right here in the webinar, or if you go to investorsavvy.org in the next 30 minutes by the time the session ends, then you can get this plus an extra 10% off."
"Majority of men today are single sexless and lonely so when you know how to separate yourself from the 99 that is why I made this webinar."
"Thank you for joining our webcast today. I'm really excited to share with you the Trimark top 10 list of things to do to improve Active Directory security quickly."
"Might be the most important Facebook advertising webinar you ever watch."
"A certificate of completion will be awarded to all attendees who attend all webinars and complete both homework assignments."
"GetResponse is the only email tool that also offers webinar features."
"We're going to put together a webinar to allow people to join in on the presentation live and then offer some Q&A time."
"Join the webinar for a comprehensive understanding of house rulerships."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this webinar, and if you do have maybe a question later on, you can always email me your question and I can definitely answer that."
"If you like this concept of becoming an expert... we're putting together this six-part webinar series."
"Gil Fest is coming. It's coming. Gillfest part two right now, December 8th. Gilli and W, knockout, knockout party. Get your tickets, get your tickets. It's just like that, right? It's going down December 8th, Gillian, wow, knockout party."
"The best webinars typically are either top X things you have to do to get Y results or top X things to avoid when making a landing page."
"Thank everyone and happy Wednesday! Thank you so much for joining me today to talk about googling Google. Google's hiring process demystified."
"...I wanted to make that free, but I had to end up charging 20 bucks so we could pay for the webinar software, and I also wanted to make sure we paid my adjunct professor, Sean Halleck."
"We've tripled the registrations for our webinar series. So our webinar series is close to 2,800 for this month, which is remarkable. Those are huge numbers for us."
"If you want to learn more, then make sure you check out the webinar that I'm doing with Microsoft on May 9th where we'll be talking about automatic deployments and going through some more advanced topics related to GitHub actions."
"Welcome to today's webinar entitled 'Multicolor Panel Building in Flow Cytometry: A Helpful Guide to Optimizing Panel Building in Flow Cytometry.'"
"If you can't see, technical difficulties, if you can't hear or see, make sure on the webinar that you just press refresh and then it'll work. Y'all know."
"So Kelly, without the prompt, Gregg just dropped the mic on this webinar."
"Pleasure is mine, Gomati. And again, thank you for being a part of this webinar and devoting your time, devoting your couple of hours to be a part of this webinar. It was a highly beneficial webinar which I'm sure everyone who attended benefited from."
"Hopefully, you have a better understanding of ES futures and options on ES futures, and this concludes the technical part of the webinar. Hope you liked it."
"Welcome to this TradeStation webinar."
"Excited to be signing off and officially wrapping up our last webinar for depth of field, and now we get to shift gears to in person."
"You can do live webinars with hundreds and hundreds of people, thousands of people for free if you use YouTube."
"You're welcome to ask questions throughout the webinar. There is a question box where you can type in your questions."
"I'm also going to be doing a free webinar soon on how to achieve Financial Independence through property and globalization."
"The subject of tonight's webinar is 'It's Baffling.'"
"Welcome everyone to Kickstart webinar number six. Using simple rules to make better trading decisions."
"Everyone who registers for a Nazi TV webinar receives a video recording."
"That is a correct assumption, and there's gonna be a webinar next month where we show that."
"These webinars: best guidance I've experienced in 25 years."
"Welcome to our webinar 'Cold Climate Heat Pumps: Warm Homes on the Coldest Days.'"
"This webinar is going to be recorded and we will be sharing it and storing it on our website as well."
"Creating a free webinar with an upsell is an incredibly powerful strategy."
"Thank you so much everybody for coming to our webinar... we hope that you found it useful."
"Good morning everyone, thank you so much for attending today's webinar."
"We hope you get as much or more out of this webinar than you anticipated."
"This series has been the most successful webinar series to date."
"As I said, this has been the most successful webinar series and we have over 2700 people registered today."
"Welcome to this webinar on PCI DSS compliance checklist."
"Thank you for all this great interest and feedback this is the first time I've ever done a webinar and I can see this is a very exciting and fantastic way to connect researchers with the broader research audience so I hope all of you enjoyed it."
"...be sure to mark your calendar for the section 2 that's the live interactive session for this webinar and I look forward to speaking with you personally at that time."
"Check out our YouTube channel, we've got a lot of great webinar recordings."
"Now as Eric said, if you do have questions, I do have a couple of colleagues with me today. Feel free to use the questions box within the GoToWebinar platform and we'd more than glad to answer any questions you have."
"The first Wednesday of August is August 2nd, and I'm not going to be in any condition to do a webinar on August 2nd, I bet not, that'll be just so, I'm going to ask whether you could possibly schedule me for the second Wednesday in August."
"The webinar I have planned for August is called 'Unbelievable Compression,' where I talk about how unreliable the compression test is and why you shouldn't believe the numbers."
"The title of the webinars is 'Is my airplane too broken to fly?' We'll be talking about the rules having to do with flying with inoperative equipment."
"I hope you enjoyed this, I hope you learned something. Even if you take two, one, two or three golden nuggets from this webinar, then I hope it helps you pass the test."
"I have a better understanding of ABG's, thank you so much for this webinar."
"This webinar is part of a series. The link above the Sentinel Ninja Training link will take you to the entire series. It has, I think, 16 parts."
"This webinar is geared towards people who are just getting started with front-end error monitoring with Sentry or if you want a quick refresher on some best practices."
"Thank you for joining this webinar."
"Thanks for taking the time out of your day and participating in this webinar."
"Thanks so much for watching the webinar. I hope you found it useful and liked it."
"Thanks for the webinar and the information, as always it's very helpful."
"The role of this webinar is about expressing freedom to choose and ensuring informed consent, regardless of whether one decides to taper off medication or not."
"It's my genuine hope that this webinar is not like the other twenty-five webinars you've already listened to."
"I'm very happy to bring you our third installment of our winter spring webinar series."
"Let's coordinate a webinar; you will host it for your audience, but my team and I will do all the work."
"Hello and welcome to today's webinar."
"All right, everybody, thank you so much for taking the time today to join me for this webinar."
"Thank you for everybody that's joining right now, and thank you to Gail, Roxanne, Jessica, and John for jumping in on this webinar. We truly appreciate everybody's help."
"Welcome everyone, you are signed on to the precision digital webinar titled the fundamentals of 4 to 20 milliamp current loops."
"This is the second session of this webinar series: How to write a literature review paper for a high impact factor journal."
"Good morning and welcome everyone for day three, phase one of Indian webinar series Introduction to Computational Drug Design."
"Thank you for joining us today in attending this webinar on live cell imaging."
"Welcome to the webinar on micro-services with Spring Cloud Dataflow."
"If you have any questions as we go through the webinar, please use the chat window to submit them."
"Good morning and thank you for joining us today for this webinar on pumping away."
"This webinar is for people who have actually already had a medical diagnosis of IBS."
"Good evening everyone and welcome to tonight's webinar."
"A very warm welcome to this webinar around dementia MRI interpretation towards quantitative assessment."
"Learning objectives: I expect that by the end of today's webinar you'll be able to understand the information content in SAR images relevant to flooding."
"Thank you for taking the time to be with us today, and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to this very first webinar of our M&A Academy program."
"Hello everyone, welcome to today's webinar."
"Hello everyone and welcome to AFTD's educational webinar series."
"You're very welcome to this one-hour short webinar on using visualizations in NVivo."
"I would like to welcome all of you in this webinar that I am co-hosting."
"Welcome to this live webinar, I am Rob with China coaching, and we're thrilled to have this live session to help you guys out in big ways in finding success."
"After you watch this webinar, you may want to again check the tip sheet for step-by-step instructions."
"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Global Compliance Panel's live webinar."
"Greetings and welcome to the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association webinar entitled Play Therapy Basics: Entering a Child's World."
"Okay, hi everyone, thanks for joining us today on our last webinar before Christmas."
"It's quite an important addition to the educational webinar series today."
"Thanks to everyone for coming to this webinar."
"Please stay tuned until the end of the webinar, as we may have a surprise for you."
"Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us today for our healthy webinar series."
"We decided that a webinar might be the best method to provide help to new users."
"Thank you all for attending, and I hope to see you at the next webinar."
"Good afternoon everyone, this is Rob from WI India, and I welcome you all to the fourth webinar of the EB series."
"Hello everybody, thank you for joining us."
"At the end of the webinar, we'll take time to answer as many questions as possible."
"Thank you so much for joining this webinar. I wish you all good health wherever you are."
"On behalf of the entire team assembled here today, I'd like to welcome you to our educational webinar."
"Welcome to this webinar, which is going to be an introduction about the PnP modern search web parts."
"Thank you for your attention, and let's dive into the world of PnP modern search."
"The ABTA is pleased to welcome you back to our webinar series."
"We appreciate you joining us once again for these webinars."
"I'm touched that you're listening to this webinar. I hope I can make a difference in your life."
"Welcome to Automation Vigorous' first webinar titled Automation 101: Tips and Tricks to Get Started."
"At the end of this webinar, what I'm hoping is everybody's going to walk away feeling quite confident with the triggers, the conditions, and the actions."
"It's been a long time since I last did a webinar for you, and I'm excited to be here again."
"Thanks so much for coming, and we hope you'll come back for another webinar sometime soon."
"If you got nothing else out of this webinar, it would be like the best experience ever."
"We would like today's webinar to be interactive, so we encourage you to submit questions."
"Please submit your questions any time during the webinar as we will monitor questions throughout the presentation."
"I appreciate everybody taking time out of their busy days to participate in this webinar."
"After the webinar, you will receive a follow-up email that includes a link to the recording and other information that you may need."
"Welcome and thank you for purchasing your tickets to the second in the series of the Fashion Network professional development webinars."
"It is a blessing and an honor to have her with us tonight for this very important webinar."
"We've got a special webinar gonna run about 90 minutes here."
"If you have any questions during the session, please post them in the question and answer panel."
"We just had an amazing live webinar, and it was too good not to share."
"I hope you found this session useful and I look forward to seeing you in some of the future webinars."
"Stay tuned till the end of the webinar so that you can catch upon your questions and get the answers live."
"This webinar is really just to share basic information about what ABA is."
"If you have any questions while we're doing the webinar, please drop them into the Q&A box, not in chat, and we will get to them at the end of the presentation."
"It's my pleasure to welcome you to this webinar."
"Happy New Year everyone, this is our first webinar for the year."
"This webinar is really based on all of the feedback and input I've gotten over the years."
"I would like to welcome everyone to our global webinar related to fraud investigation technique."
"Thank you everyone for your thoughtful and excellent questions."
"We hope to see you at the next webinar."
"If you like this webinar, remember to leave a like or subscribe to the channel; it's very important for me."
"Welcome everyone to this webinar on tips and tricks to examining the mid sagittal view at 11 to 14 weeks."
"It's an honor for me to be with you here today, and I would like to thank the AI UM for the invitation to give this webinar."
"That was an absolute hour of adrenaline rush for me."
"I appreciate your time and apologize if it took longer than expected. Thank you again for attending this webinar."
"Thank you for taking the time today to listen in to this webinar on narrow vein modeling workflows."
"I'm really excited that you all are attending this webinar today to learn more about codon optimisation and how it can help your research."
"Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's webinar, 'Grand Challenges in the Science of Wind Energy.'" - Alexsandra Lemke
"This concludes our webinar and we wish you a pleasant rest of your day."
"Thanks everyone for your attendance, it's been a really enjoyable webinar and experience for myself."
"I appreciate everyone being on this call and this webinar."
"We are excited to bring you this educational web seminar presented by LabRoots."
"It's always fun doing a webinar in a new format for the first time."
"Thank you so much for joining us; hopefully, you got a lot out of the session."
"Greetings everyone, welcome to our exclusive global leading voices webinar campaign."
"Welcome to this webinar about how to teach an exam class for B2 First for Schools and C1 Advanced."
"This webinar series engages water sector thought leaders globally."
"Welcome to the introduction to geospatial analysis in our webinar."
"On September 11, I'll be holding my next webinar titled 'Our Star Trek Future'."
"It's my pleasure to introduce our presenter for today's webinar."
"Welcome everyone to today's webinar on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace."
"Thank you very much for attending this webinar today."
"Hello everybody and welcome to our webinar on understanding attribute acceptance sampling."
"Hello everyone and welcome to this webinar."
"Thank you very much for your attention; hope you find this webinar interesting and useful."
"Thank you again for joining us today, this concludes the webinar."
"We're looking forward to doing our next webinar with you next Friday."
"Hi everyone and welcome to today's webinar."
"Tomorrow I will give a webinar at 11 o'clock."
"Welcome everyone to our live webinar today."
"I'm so excited to start this webinar."
"Thank you for joining my advanced webinar on agile sprint planning."
"Welcome everybody and thank you for joining our web seminar."
"Thanks so much for joining the webinar, I hope you found it interesting and helpful for building out your apps."
"It's not necessarily an intuitive topic, so hence the webinar to try to shed some light, take the mystery away."
"I appreciate your time today and joining us for this webinar, and I look forward to seeing you next time."
"By the end of this webinar, I'm hoping that you'll be able to understand specification tables at a glance."
"I'm very excited about this collaborative webinar series between AIUM and AMSSM."
"Good afternoon everyone, welcome to yet another webinar by Data Platform Geeks."
"Welcome to our weekly Wednesday webinars."
"Thank you very much for everybody joining us on today's webinar which is the introduction to composite engineering."
"Thank you very much for your time joining this webinar."
"Stay healthy out there folks, and we'll see you in our next webinar."
"Morning everyone, welcome to our monthly webinar series."
"Feel free to ask any question; we'll be answering any of those questions towards the end after the webinar."
"Everyone that has registered for this webinar will receive a copy of the presentation afterwards."
"The webinar is being recorded and the recording will be available after the webinar ends on our UFLI website."
"We are really excited to bring you the first of this series of webinars on virtual teaching."
"Good afternoon, I want to thank everybody for logging in today to our webinar on what you need to know about investing in tax liens."
"Hello and welcome to the ANPR webinar."
"Thank you all of you that have joined for this webinar."
"I appreciate you guys connecting today, I hope you found this session useful."
"It's a good day for an interesting webinar."
"Hey guys, how's it going? Thank you so much for your patience for today's webinar."
"Hello and welcome to this webinar on accounts variable functions in SAP Business One."
"Thank you so much for coming to this webinar today."
"This is a topic that we think must be close to a lot of people's hearts because we've had some record-setting pre-registration attendance on this webinar."
"Good morning and welcome to this morning's webinar."
"Thank you for joining our May webinar on ice pack simulation."
"Welcome to this webinar. I'm quite excited, just the way I was when I took the exam."
"Thank you for joining us for this webinar."
"Every week or every second week, we present a webinar on a simulation topic."
"Well, welcome, everybody. And thank you for taking the time to be with us today on the webinar."
"The aim of today's webinar is to show you how the new teacher guides can be used as a training and as a teaching resource."
"Hello everyone and welcome to a beautifully sunny Vancouver for this afternoon's webinar."
"Let's begin with our webinar, thank you for letting me know where you're from and where you're listening."
"Welcome to this webinar on understanding assessment: what every teacher should know."