
Higher Power Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"It really makes me think that it's all like this for a reason; there is a higher power."
"Everything else in creation is having a relationship with that higher power."
"Most of us want something to believe in; most of us need some kind of faith, some sort of belief in a higher power."
"Ability to build institutions...praying up to the bigger forces."
"Every action, every interaction, they realize they're accountable to a higher Force."
"I believe there's like a higher power. I believe that there's something out there that controls everything."
"Powerful intuitions and insights may require surrender to a higher power."
"Believing in yourself, you believe in the world, you believe in your community, you believe in God, you believe in something higher."
"The pain of living life without the drug forces us to seek a Power greater than ourselves."
"Just the sense that you know there's a greater energy at work."
"I have faith that there's a higher power, there's something beyond my comprehension, right?" - Teddy
"This was definitely a moment given to me by a higher power for sure."
"There is most likely no higher power, or at least if there is, whatever higher power there is, they probably don't care about us too much."
"When synchronicities like this happen, I just know that there's a higher power at play."
"I definitely believe in higher forms or higher beings or like spirituality whatever you want to call that, be God working."
"So I do believe that there's a higher power of whatever variety you want to call it."
"Everyone under extreme stress appeals to a power higher than himself because everyone knows that there is a power higher than himself."
"Our power moves will not be fueled by ego or self-interest, but by a power higher than us."
"I just believe that there's a higher power guiding us on our journey and that everything happens for a reason."
"When it comes to the spiritual life, you plug into a higher power, which is the Holy Spirit."
"Looking back on that time in my life, the only explanation I can come up with is that a higher power was trying to tell me that I wasn't living right."
"So my friends, if you recognize these signs that we discussed in the video answer the call it's a sign from a higher power urging you to fulfill a mission during your stay on Earth."
"You take away the fact that there is a higher power, that we get to realize that we're just here, and we get to witness things like this, that reminds us of the just incredible feats of nature that we get to witness."
"Intuition is your connection to that higher power."
"These days when people tell me they don't believe in a higher power, it occurs to me weather is a higher power."
"I acknowledge the existence of a possibility of a higher power."
"There's a bigger force behind all of this, it really don't have nothing to do with me."
"Your person may definitely appear to be aloof or kind of up in their heads a bit... they are... they're having a hard time understanding about your connection... a higher power is trying to get your person's attention... they're being shown by this higher power."
"It's all about basking in unconditional love and understanding that there is a higher power that orchestrated this from such a life of myself."
"I believe there's a bigger power of bigger energy out there and agreed."
"And you know and they say in a.a if you know advocates for aaa to give yourself to give yourself over to a higher power that is that couldn't be more true that is, yeah that's definitely that's why it's part of one of the steps."
"...understanding that there is a power that's greater than we are individually and with which we can feel connected."
"To restore someone's faith and knowing that there is a higher power."
"Unless there is that which is above us, we will soon give in to that which is around us."
"The Bible opens in Genesis with the idea that there's a higher force of all forces that brings about the ordering of the planet."
"Faith means believing in something greater than oneself, a higher power."
"So it's like, yo, and we're just talking about this the other day at the Baltimore Park Street Market, it doesn't matter what you believe in, you gotta believe in a higher power, yeah, bigger than yourself, 100."
"His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are."
"With the decline of religion in our society, many people have come to feel that they are sufficient unto themselves and have no need of a higher power. Wrong."
"I found it so easy to surrender to a higher power."
"Maybe you should take that as a signal that a higher power is telling you that this is not such a good idea."
"Every now and then, there are some people and some things you cannot engage yourself with, but you simply got to turn it over to the hands of one who is above you."
"He had a deep belief in a higher power, and whether you believe in one or not, he did."
"I embrace all religions because I think at the end of the day, we all believe in a higher power, right?"
"You're connecting to a higher source, a higher energy that's greater than you."
"Just for today, I have a higher power who cares for me no matter what."
"Came to believe that a power greater than yourself could restore you to sanity."
"You thank your higher power for the journey."
"The energy of the crown chakra supports our feeling of being connected to a higher power."
"I found out that there's a higher power and it's not me."
"Do I believe that there's a God of things? Yes, some sort of higher power."
"The goal is evolution of your own mind towards what some people believe is called God or the higher power."
"I believe there's a higher power, but I'm more on the spiritual thing."
"I'm not here for brownie points, I listen to a higher power that's greater than me."
"I feel that this whole scenario wasn't in our hands but in a higher power, and we all just did our job."
"There may be a Supreme Court in this country, but there's a Supreme Court in the universe."
"Things like that make a skeptic like me want to believe in some kind of higher power."
"I surrendered to a power greater than me."
"People want nourishment, people want to be forgiven, people want to render themselves up to a higher power."
"I believe in a higher power, and it's a God of my understanding."
"I definitely believe in a higher being, bro, for sure."
"95% of people on our planet believe that there is a higher power in some way."
"The laws that govern the relationships between us are as much of law, and that's a power that's mightier than me."
"We come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity."
"Fitra is an innate disposition that people are born with to recognize that there is a supreme higher power."
"I felt guided by some power greater than myself."
"Something here is about connecting in with spirit, angels, and guides, higher self, higher energy."
"When my heart is overwhelmed, I run to the God that is higher than I."
"I believe that there's a higher power; there's too many universes for no other stuff to exist."
"We're very much dependent on a power greater than ourselves and that's imbued in creation itself in the laws of nature."
"The only way I can live life is having faith and believing in the higher power, believing in God."
"I came to believe that there was a power greater than myself."
"It's almost as if a higher power of the universe is putting us in this situation so we can help her and be there for her."
"I believe there's a higher power."
"Religion is beautiful and it's a relationship that you find with a higher power and it is such a beautiful thing."
"Turning one's will and life over to the care of Something greater than self."
"We had to find a power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves."
"This is the work of a higher power, and they have one hell of a sense of humor."
"Come to believe that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity."
"I believe that it was put together by a higher power."
"That storm came at the perfect moment, and I almost felt like it was the work of a higher power."
"I definitely believe in a higher power."
"Alcoholics Anonymous for me today is more about finding a conscious connection to my higher power."
"We were blessed by some higher power that just like gave them this gift."
"I've come to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity."
"Trust in God and your higher power, whatever that might be."
"I believe that human beings have and the world has a spiritual element aspect to it and that there's a higher power and that this high power is shrouded in mystery."
"I'm giving it to my higher power."
"I do believe there's a higher power."
"Do you believe that there is an all power that created this whole world?"
"Watching other addicts stay clean is compelling proof of the existence of a Power greater than ourselves."
"Belief in a higher power leads us toward recovery."
"All you need to do is be willing to believe that there might be some power in this universe greater than you to do the second step successfully."
"Following our third step decision with the action of the fourth and fifth steps will lead to a closer relationship with our higher power."
"I don't usually attribute everything to a higher power, but I can't help but believe that everything happens for a reason."
"I believe in some sort of greater power, God, the universe, call it what you will."
"We needed to ask ourselves one short question: Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than myself?"
"A personal relationship with a higher power that goes beyond threshold encounters and has become a way of life."
"Every single culture virtually every single culture in history has believed in some kind of higher power."
"Your focus is on that higher power... leading to your wishes being fulfilled."
"Fortunately, I had enough of a relationship with my own higher power."
"Undisturbed means contact with our higher power."
"Religion should be about like a spiritual thing and something believing in a higher power."
"Our country needs a savior right now, and our country has a Savior, and that's not me, that's somebody much higher up than me."
"I believe there is a higher power, and we'd all be naive and arrogant to believe that there isn't something else out there stronger and better than us all."
"I definitely believe there's a higher power out there."
"I have a higher power that I speak to every day."
"I don't necessarily believe God exists. I believe that there's a higher power."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with believing in a higher power if that's working for you."
"This Power must be pretty smart, very strong, and most important, this Power must care about me."
"They think that this is divine as well, they might be thanking their angels or their spirit guides or a higher power."
"All my life, I did have this sense of belonging to a higher power."
"When we tune with a Power greater, we seem to flow more easily with the current in our lives."
"We found a spiritual solution; we found a way by which we had conscious contact with a God, a higher power of our understanding."
"Acknowledging that there is a greater force, a presence greater than us."
"I believe in a higher power and anything is possible."
"In those moments when I've had emergencies, it was like there was a higher power that came over me."
"If someone needs or desires to believe in a higher power... they need it to survive, to get up in the morning, for meaning, hope, and purpose."
"We had to find the Power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves."
"The entire purpose of religion, utility level, is to remove morality from the purview of my special interest and to say here are things that I cannot do even if they are in my interest because there is a higher power that says I cannot do these things."
"They might have received some guidance from their higher power."
"Why worry? Higher forces are in charge."
"I feel like once you go through life believing in a higher power, or that someone is at least watching over you, you tend to make smarter decisions in life."
"We're not different than anyone else; we're all connected to a higher power."
"So whatever direction that you're headed in spiritually, that's being done by the most high, by God, that higher power that you believe in."
"Your soul, your highest self, the universe, God, is guiding you down this path."
"What was meant to excommunicate us from society actually helped us communicate with a higher power."
"Trusting in a higher power right now."
"Have faith, it is working. A higher power is in charge right now, truly your life is truly guided."
"We have a higher justice, we have a higher judge."
"Your career business path is being guided by a higher power at this time."
"There is some sort of higher revelation or higher power that you're getting ready to tap into."
"When the Most High God takes something out of your life, they don't do so without the intentions of replacing it with someone who is better for you, better on your vibration."
"Everything is happening for a higher purpose."
"Trusting in a higher plan, understanding that there is a higher will to everything."
"You're being surrounded by your guardian, and the current situation is being governed by a higher power."
"You and your higher power are in control of your existence and destiny."
"You are supported and loved by a higher power."
"Whatever's meant to be will happen, I have faith in a higher power."
"This current situation is governed by a higher power."