
Champion Mindset Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Being a champion is more than just being able to throw punches."
"I suggest people to always feel like a champion."
"What made Dorian different, what made him a champion, was embracing the pain because where there's pain, there's growth."
"The one who faces every challenge their life gives him is the one who is actually the champion."
"Champions understand what gives them the advantage; they discipline and condition their minds to do the impossible."
"A little window into the heart and attitude of a champion."
"If you're the champion, it doesn't matter who's sitting around you... you're the champion."
"The inner standard of a champion sets him apart from the masses."
"Projects can be champions, man. They breed champions."
"That is the true embodiment of a champion that wants to be the best."
"Every champion goes through the ups and downs."
"Having that champion's mindset is the most important thing in life. It transfers to so many different things. No matter how hard things get in life, you should never give up."
"The true champion can adapt to anything." - Teo
"In all honesty, I just want them to remember a great guy that had a good vision on the physiological aspect and obviously a champion."
"Great champions are prepared to hurt, do what they've got to do."
"What makes a champion? It's not just about starting young, but about the journey along the way."
"True champions get up off their butt and keep grinding, and they refuse to lose and they never ever give up."
"Champions set the example by actions, not just words."
"Fighting through the pain, that's what makes a champion a champion."
"Showing his class, showing why he's a world champion."
"Suffer now, live like a champion."
"Shannon O'Keefe is the epitome of athleticism of what a woman bowler is all about and how putting all the pieces together not only your physical game but your mental game makes you a champion."
"One of the reasons why Chris Barnes is a champion, why he's so great, is because he doesn't make any excuses."
"Everybody has a purpose. Joe Beaver was the one who woke up every day with that purpose in mind, and that was and still is to be a champion."
"Because the desire to be a champion never sleeps."
"To be a champion as a choice is what UNC fedak really embodies."
"Once you're a champion, you feel like you can overcome anything."
"Let's act as champions as of now."
"We can all be champions here and now."
"I think everybody should take the attitude that we're working to be a champion in everything that we do."
"Give Holyfield credit when he was threatened, when he was wobbled, when he was hurt, pulled himself together like a champion, pulled the fight out."
"There will be days when you give every ounce of yourself and not see any result, but believing that eventually, the result will come, is what makes a champion."
"He felt like champion. He felt like he was unbeatable."
"Federer had a complete skill set, was physically up to speed, and had the mentality of a champion."
"Being a champion is a confidence, regardless if you're rich, poor, or you're winning things or not. We're all champions, come on. It's familiar, Chris, man. This is normal, brother. I'm not surprised."
"He's a great guy, leader on and off the lanes, truly of a true mentality of a champion."
"All great Champions know their pace."
"The champion is the one who fought, the champion is the one who was down before and got back up again."
"That's a champion mindset, brother."
"You always set your goals to be a champion."
"That's why Barney is the champion, because he can settle himself down and know what it takes to do special things."
"That's what creates a real champion, because then there's no excuses."
"If you want to be a champion, don't let the little things bother you."
"Champion have that kind of confidence."
"You've got access into the mindset now, like a world champion."
"Champions ain't afraid of nothing."
"The heart of a champion... they won't go away, they will always fight."
"If you wake up and just take the steps that you think a world champion would take... all of a sudden you'll start to see everything shift."
"There's a champion mindset and how champions think."
"He still considers himself the champion, he still carries himself like the champion."
"It's a quick turnaround for a champion."
"There's a look of a champion that has no worries in the world."
"If you have a mindset of a champion, then you become a champion."
"I think he feels like a world champion."