
Physical Attributes Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"AJ's proven he deserves those physical attributes and those gifts."
"Size really matters... you can't beat the Elite big ones because size really matters."
"Collin Sexton is a hyper-athletic but somewhat undersized point guard."
"In actual fact, these war bows would suit big muscly burly characters so much more."
"He is a giant human being, absolute monster, huge catch radius."
"Remember, you don't have to be assigned to having big biceps are great. You definitely need them if you're a superhero in my opinion."
"Can't teach height, you can't teach it, can't coach it, can't teach height."
"Expressions genetically jacked athletically stacked."
"He's got to be big, he's got to be strong, and he's got to be dumb and polite."
"Rachel was a beautiful girl, she had these beautiful green eyes."
"Armstrong: His physique, Jax...you gotta love his character."
"Mike's greatest strength was his strength but he had speed too. Yeah, and he still has something. He still has a little bit of speed."
"Not only would he be the fastest player in NFL history, he's 6'5 and plays quarterback."
"Remember 35-inch arms, 288 pounds, a physical specimen."
"Her legs are the longest amongst women in Russia."
"He's built different, he's built 74 76 I think he's 76 I think he's 76."
"He has great physical attributes and they helped him... But at the same time, the other part of the story is he is a rapid improver."
"Let's celebrate diversity and not judge people based on their physical attributes."
"He's a versatile player, strong and quick, he's 31 but he hasn't lost any of that strength."
"That's the reason he told me they called him that, apparently he's built really well."
"AJ can win the fight, yes, with the jab, with using his physical attributes."
"Basketball is obviously a sport that requires quite a lot of skill, but at the same time the average height in the NBA is six foot seven for a reason."
"Stefan Struve is the only person in the division that can rival the reach of Jon Jones."
"The physicality, the attributes, that's how you prove yourself to be elite."
"A monster... great length, great size, athleticism."
"What even is a spine? I get called a cow where all the time. Why magic? I don't have one. It's like a calcium worm."
"Skills that were born in the woods where strength speed and toughness define success."
"A guy like Jason Statham, if I think of a masculine man. Jason Statham like balls, beard, masculine roughness."
"They may be rather hairy, with thick and beautiful hair."
"A rocket arm and great mobility to go with a tall six foot seven body. God was it tall."
"Agility and endurance are the two special stats which directly affect the amount of time we could sprint."
"Macy Chasson's got a four inch height advantage."
"There's no conversation over who would win. Jon Jones is literally built different to Israel Adesanya."
"Both men and women want someone who is relatively thin."
"I used to look at my parents and literally think, oh my god, I'm so screwed because my parents were five foot tall both of them right, and they didn't really have any physical attributes that our society deems pleasurable or desirable."
"But when we're taking a look at the overall thickness and weight of both devices, the iPad Pro wins on that front."
"Trayvon Diggs is a big physical cornerback with good speed."
"She has the longest most amazing legs on the planet earth and maybe in the universe."
"People don't like this but guys in the Premier League pace and power matters."
"Strength will be number one—you're bigger, faster, and stronger too."
"It's amazing how young his cheekbones stay so high."
"What it means to be a man was combining the physical attributes but also with these sort of contemplative thinking."
"Kendrick is a [ __ ] and he got some small feet."
"Giving a dog hands and bigger head is very likely to make other dogs dislike that dog too."
"Safe for being too tall, he was perfect for the role."
"You also got to find somebody who's 6'6" and is good-looking."
"He's gonna be a huge welterware, you know how what it is when you're tall in a vision, you be one of them. It helps you. It definitely does."
"Black cats don't shoot. The reason I'm not shooting in that part of gameplay, I'm playing against somebody who's four or nine. I am almost six foot and I'm pretty muscle, bro."
"He is listed at 6'2", 175, but he has got some incredible hops."
"Not only does she have the pedigree, this Philly's got the size."
"the thing that was so cool about doc was the size of his hands his hands are so big that when he holds a ball it's like him holding a tennis ball"
"...being the bigger guy, being the taller guy, the leg... he has more reach... but then his legs have additional reach on top of that."
"Ramadan al-Hassan stands six foot four, has a six foot eight wingspan, and touches 11 foot three."
"Big hands, won't drop passes, red zone threat."
"Could those kind of be bucketed into more like height based like you would expect the shorter guy to have higher numbers all those equal because he's got more advantageous leverages for you know lifting weight."
"Is that the reason all of these guys are simping over this Hispanic right here or is it just because her Bonkadonk is crazy bro? This woman right here is probably the thickest woman that I've covered on this channel period."
"I saw the Russ when they came hither on their trading voyages and had encamped by the river Itel. I have never seen people with a more developed bodily stature than they."
"AJ had a 17 and three-quarter inch neck and it's not very long."
"The bigger the butt, the bigger the butt kicking!"
"Oh, I got the legs, the gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff. Everyone want that, right?"
"He has the length, the size, and the speed to carry tight ends in the NFL."
"Broad shoulders and nice legs. So like football players?"
"I actually wish that I could shrink my hands because you could do so much more things with small hands."
"I was flat-footed with a long guard."
"He was actually a little bit shorter than you."
"Well, you know, I think there is something about the physicality."
"Most of the time, height is a really good thing."
"Not Too Tall about 5 10 190 pounds run with a very low point of gravity very difficult to knock off their feet they they managed to get that extra yardage"
"His elevation is just insane isn't it it's not like he's six foot seven inches tall he's only like six foot two I think."
"Five foot six is the perfect height."
"The ladies also call him Big Ben because he's got a massive dick."
"I'm always basically having to wipe the windshield with a rag everyone so unfortunately I have long arms."
"You can't coach size; he's got elite size on the outside."
"He can even use this energy to enhance his own physical attributes."
"I really like Mexican people. I find them so terribly nice, and they have fantastic hair and fantastic skin, and usually really good teeth."
"It's the girth that really gets you."
"He's a big, strong, tall guy with a good arm, pretty accurate as well."
"I'm happy with my height, 6'2 and a half inches."
"A man's height had an enormous impact on how desirable he was."
"His wingspan is longer than Giannis's, who's six foot eleven."
"You have the nice straight legs, you're the right height, you're the right look, you're adorable."
"Describing permanent features about someone's personality or about someone's appearance."
"He was six seven to six eight with a long wingspan, supremely athletic, fast as hell, he could jump out of the gym."
"You can't teach seven foot, you can jump out the gym, it can run like a gazelle."
"Good personality, funny, around six foot."
"In a fight, strength and size isn't everything."
"With a wingspan that is three inches longer than her five-foot-four height."
"What is your favorite physical thing about the other person? It's her eyes."
"In the game, he is six feet two inches tall."
"He's got these beautiful green eyes."
"Michael Jordan was 6'6" with a 6'11" wingspan and a 48-inch vertical; he was born to be a great defender."
"He's still six foot five, you can't teach that, still an elite red zone weapon."