
Wildlife Management Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"So often people see hunting coyotes as a way to patrol and protect your farm and manage the population around you, but I actually see that the hunting of coyotes only creates more coyotes and increases the likelihood of problems."
"In his speech to BASC staff in 2010, Prince Philip stressed the importance of shooting to the health of the UK's wildlife."
"I use spy point cell cameras...it'll send an alert to my phone. I know when that raccoon is coming and going."
"I think we end up catching 30-40 rats out of there."
"Animals won't block your building anymore. You don't have to kill them off, they're auto-shooed away from where you want to build."
"If you're going to make progress for hunters and for turkeys, you have to have the research, you have to have the science."
"If you find a scorpion, it's just a matter of covering it with a wide enough plastic container, sliding a piece of cardboard under the container to cover it, and then transporting the guest outside."
"They're called nutria and they're so bad that the state is actually paying people $6 a tail just to kill them."
"Hunting deers with a bow and an arrow is a traditional and an effective hunting method."
"Controlling the wild boar population through hunting can help maintain Natural Balance."
"Efforts to improve the eel population include regulating fishing and releasing adult eels back into the water."
"If nobody kept animals of any kind for any reason and no one moved them around, we wouldn't have as many problems with invasives. That is a reality."
"They used it to lure all the giant crocodiles from a lake they were supposed to clear out into a trap. Smart."
"If you want to consistently kill and have a chance at those older bucks in the neighborhood...you have to make smart decisions."
"Can you imagine having to spot the elusive queen of a massive fire ant colony of hundreds of thousands of fire ants, who all want nothing more than to hide her from sight?"
"The colossal snake was hiding in a sewer, and to manage to lure it out, rescuers had to work hard for hours."
"The main priority when keeping venomous reptiles is biosecurity, making sure those animals don't get out and hurt the public, let alone yourself."
"There's often nowhere for them to go, with better equipped sanctuaries and zoos already overrun thanks to many owners buying a cute little easy to manage tiger cub."
"The first thing you need to do to protect Tigers is to protect their prey in the land they live in and they've done an incredible job here."
"As a range rider, I use only non-lethal mitigation methods to keep my herd and flock safe."
"Shame on you. This is the story of Steve Searles. It's his job to keep people safe from bears, and bears safe from people."
"It'd be a dream job... wildlife management someday."
"Reducing the stress on whitetail deer is going to keep them healthier longer." - Keith Warren
"It’s almost as if those turkeys were flopping their wings and clapping and saying, 'Way to go boys, a few more poults are gonna survive this year'."
"Begin to say how will that person's movements impact the deer movement. So if you can pinpoint where that person is setting up and you monitor the wind, how will the deer work the downwind side of that tree stand location?"
"It's a bit of a track for me. It's a two-hour drive but the drive is worth it. It's covered in like rats. Um, we've got squirrel permissions now."
"They know which ones they can remove safely themselves, and when they should probably ring someone to come out to give them a hand to remove the snake."
"All the ones we've been killing have been females, which is good if we're trying to eradicate them."
"With so many of the animals running free, our priority has to be capturing as many of them as possible."
"Controlling the wild boar population in the United States faces significant challenges."
"It's unfortunate but this bear was a menace and was gonna be a problem for the campers so they had to destroy the bear."
"This angers some locals, and there have been demands that the government cull the wallabies."
"You always want to have backup when you work with venomous reptiles."
"We're not out here hunting dogs, we're not doing pigeons out there in the sky. We're out here taking care of invasive species only and that's it."
"The dinosaurs are still agitated. Tranquilizing them would appear to be the best option at this point. Let's do it as safely and quickly as we can."
"Bottom lines you want to have fun I don't care if my neighbor shoots small bucks that means they're not placing a tag on one of the big bucks in the area doesn't matter to me."
"Cornfield hunting in Texas has become a key way to deal with invasive feral Hawk populations."
"Wild boars are becoming an increasingly serious problem in the United States."
"Ultimately being able to predict abundance at a broad scale is something that will change the turkey management world if we can get there."
"I hope we will become better at being able to integrate the information into agency management so ultimately it's not just hey agencies here's the information here's the science and here's what it says you should do."
"Kill all the giraffes you want, but do it in a way that benefits people."
"Now some indicators that all that this is all about control would be deer for instance deer herds are soaring in every state."
"Doug's deer management tactics speak for themselves since CWD infection rates county-wide are at 25 percent while at the durham farm they're about five percent."
"A large black bear, believed to be a notorious Bandit and a hungry Uninvited house guest, was apprehended by Wildlife biologists."
"What a great team. Top job. Chris is a fantastic vet and I don't think there's too many vets out there that are brave enough to shove their hand inside a crocodile's mouth. That was unbelievable."
"The idea behind a hatchery is to raise fish and then put them in the big pond."
"We've officially stocked the pond with big game fish."
"TSI or timber stand improvement can be a great tool for wildlife managers to significantly increase the quality of habitat where they hunt."
"But it's just you can keep deer so much healthier and alive from EHD if you can feed."
"Pretty much, if you're harvesting or doing work on hardwoods for cover for wildlife management, it's important that you treat the cambium with the herbicide."
"...I take accountability and responsibility for making sure bears don't come to my farm..."
"We manage for whitetails but boy you'd uh have to be blind to not notice how much it helps local Wildlife we enjoy it it's a real big goal of ours and we greatly enjoy all the wildlife species on this property and you can too."
"It's very important that hunters control these animals in order to keep the peace between wildlife and villages."
"If you kill adult foxes before they have cubs, you're nipping it in the bud before it becomes a problem."
"So, it's not just about the soil, it's not just about what's the best food plot mix, it's really how it fits within your entire land, the strategy for your access, departure, making sure you're not spooking deer."
"When it comes to older bucks mature bucks if you don't have that quality food they're going to they're happy to go 2 miles away and go find it."
"Mock scrapes are one of the easier habitat improvements that you can put in on your property and if put in properly they'll have a long lasting positive impact by increasing the predictability of the deer movement on your property."
"It's good practice, the big breeding females you want to put them back."
"We can change our food plot methods and save our soil, save that water and have high quality forage for our deer and turkey."
"Balancing the deer herd with the habitat requires harvesting the appropriate number of antlerless deer."
"In the fall, when all that native vegetation and all the young pine stands around you hardens off, and you’ve got lush food plots, you’re going to own those critters."
"The oldest bucks won't be on your land if you overpressure the land."
"We find is if you shoot a mature buck another one from the area will slot in."
"Oregon has an amazing trout stocking program."
"From a biological perspective, the suffering and the death of the herbivores skyrockets when you take away the carnivores. The carnivores are actually a blessing for the herbivores."
"What Brad and Jan learn about the madtoms could help guide management and restoration plans by observing the fish up close, they can learn how the madtoms are succeeding, and what is needed for the population to grow."
"I have complete faith that a coyote would definitely be deterred once they touch that fence and they would hightail it for the hill."
"The local farmers need to find a way where they can combat the wolves non-lethally."
"With federal protection and few natural predators, the herd populations have grown far beyond original estimates and allowances."
"The track that we're on is simply unsustainable; the costs alone of managing wild and free-roaming horses off the range is staggering."
"I think the BLM needs to step up their game; there has been a very successful campaign to use PZP, which is an immunocontraceptive."
"When wildlife has a value to people, that resource thrives."
"Our forests can produce all kinds of food and cover for wildlife, all kinds of resources for people to use, all kinds of beautiful things to see."
"Bedding area work, if you have mature timber, just dropping an occasional mature tree every 40-50 yards will thicken up the area."
"A mock scrape is the number one attraction that you could have all year long, far more even than water holes."
"Any habitat improvements you're making, you can't just make improvements because it's a good spot, you have to link those together."
"If you care about a quality herd, if you care about a quality hunt, those two together go together."
"Habitat should be our primary concern, and I certainly agree that we should put our primary emphasis on managing turkeys in the habitat."
"The Flock project is an ultrasonic system designed to deter wild animals that damage crops in fields."
"This is our biggest ecosystem on the ranch, so it takes a lot more time and a lot more looking over than any other enclosure."
"The use of traps to control fox populations is an important measure for Australian agriculture."
"Shooting of a man-eater gives one a feeling of satisfaction, satisfaction at having done a job that badly needed doing."
"If we can implement certain things, then we can at least stop the younger animals from learning the bad habits."
"60 million bison, no one was feeding hay, no one was vaccinating, they were just impacting the soil."
"We're able to grow big deer and put clean water in Taney Como Lake where they grow big trout."
"It's probably one of the best plantings for Whitetail deer for food plots."
"We're putting a bedding area on a neighbor's border that we don't have to walk through, which is perfect."
"The hunt is still important; the hunt is a reflection of how well you're doing actually taking care of the herd."
"I want to control that afternoon movement, and that's what I'm excited about."
"Mature bucks are a reflection of a healthy herd."
"You don't have to lift a bag of feed or a bag of lime; you just have to put on a lot of miles on your boots and scout."
"A little bit of time, a little bit of patience, don't shoot every 120-inch deer you come across, and they'll amaze you."
"The release of game birds in Wales is a very important part of our rural economy."
"Stalking used to be about finding one or two deer at a time, now with thermal deer managers are able to see herds and make more informed decisions about which animal to take."
"The numbers of deer in Britain desperately require proper control and management, but they also require to be treated with respect and properly utilized."
"I'm not a killer. Most your hunters are conservationists, so we believe in conservation first."
"This is a good way to keep the deer out if you've got a big area and you've got power available to energize the fence."
"Food's way more important because without food, then you don't have deer to fill your cover or your bedding areas."
"Learn more about the role that hunting and fishing play in the conservation of our great state."
"The critters are happy by better management, by spreading them around, they're not attacking one another."
"You basically remove the pen, and it's up to them whether they want to fly away or hang out at the pond."
"It's very valuable, you can, you've got a much better chance of actually counting a good percentage of the deer by using the thermal."
"Perfect squirrel control can be a tough gig, but it's rewarding when you do eventually put a squirrel on the ground."
"Herding Crocs Together made them easier to control, easier to extract their biomass."
"Asiatic black bear populations are rebounding, and the species numbers are stabilizing at healthy thresholds."
"Every cheetah scheduled for release has had to be darted and vaccinated, and so far the process has gone without a hitch."
"This is a phenomenal system if you want to get in front of the biggest deer on your property."
"Oklahoma City Zoo, they're doing a great job with breeding these Asian elephants."
"The fox population can still experience significant growth despite control measures being in place."
"It is when state management is prohibited from applying science that this balance is threatened, which is neither good for the hunter or the hunted."
"...there are active hunting programs in all 50 states."
"The overpopulation of deer has really decimated native wildflowers, shrubs, and tree seedlings, leaving wide open spaces for invasive plants to move in, therefore creating a tangle of invasives and forever changing the ecosystem for other critters."
"Land stewardship and habitat management initiated by sportsmen across this country help ensure animals not only survive in a specified area, they thrive for generations to come."
"When I'm scouting, I'm looking for areas that have everything the deer need in one location."
"A keystone species like a crocodile will manage all their wildlife below it in the food chain."
"We're coming to another restock site, which is a vulnerable site, an SSSI as well... so we do have to be very careful with the management of the deer on here."
"By culling animal populations back to the carrying capacity, ethical hunters can actually help the population."
"The death of one male leopard is not such a big deal as long as the metapopulation is being looked after properly."
"It really bodes well for the growing of all of the prides that they are encompassing at the moment."
"Hopefully getting those females back into the system so that you can actually have a renewable resource."
"The most interesting thing about elephants here, of course, is it is up to them apparently to keep this area relatively bush free."
"They've got a really incredible program with cheetah and wild dog that are reintroducing them to a lot of reserves where they haven't been for a long time."
"Effectively, we need really good science to manage these animals in a wise way, and that science can be and is being delivered using non-lethal techniques."
"We've been using that information to better get after and remove humanely these animals."
"It really has a drastic effect not only on your deer hunt but your ability to mold and shape the herd and ultimately attract mature bucks to your land."
"It doesn't take years to build a high-quality whitetail habitat."
"If you have those packed in tight against your food, those bucks will follow."
"That's how you can quickly flip a nocturnal property into a daylight property this season."
"All different years of timber cuts provide food sources for the deer."
"It's very important that we do collar animals... it's for conservation purposes and to monitor movements."
"Hank the tank the bear behind 21 home invasions has been captured near Lake Tahoe."