
Retrospection Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Life is lived forward but is only understood backwards."
"Sometimes you have to go back first to move forward."
"The easiest heuristic I can come up with to work out whether or not you've lived a good life is one in retrospect that you're glad that you lived."
"I'm actually kind of curious come on if you're gonna attack this onto your retrospective I get to it I'm playing the slightly mediocre but that game seems amazing after playing 13."
"Investigational piece of advice I received from my grandfather... 'Boy, you can't look back while playing with a straight row.'"
"We could talk about an album seriously from three years ago or two years ago that didn't get the love that deserve because that doesn't mean like the project never happened."
"If you had the chance to go back with the knowledge you have now, would it change your decision?"
"But then looking back, they're like, hm, that was kind of like a weird thing to say."
"You got a raw deal in certain areas, and, um, I do look back on it."
"The Misfits feels much more horribly foreboding in retrospect than it would have in 1961."
"Wouldn't it be cool to look back at your old videos and be like, 'Hey, you said you were gonna do something two years ago and you've actually accomplished it.'"
"You'll be able to look back on this time with no regrets."
"Have you ever looked back at something from your past and wondered how did I ever think that this was okay? That is where I'm at right now."
"You always want to say, was there some way that I could have figured out to change this course? And you come to realize at a point in time, you couldn't have."
"But that’s okay. I always say this at the beginning of my retrospective’s and it’s true, nostalgia is a hell of a thing especially when it involves something from your childhood."
"This is a really interesting look into a five-year-old game."
"It's quite interesting to look back and see how it's changing society."
"December, you have ultimate and utter clarity, looking back on how your life was shaped." - Pisces, 2021 tarot forecast
"It's time to retrace the steps that worked and re-adopt the ideals that worked then."
"So I had like no fear and no shame about anything when I looked back at him now I do it you always kind of shake your head but your other self you go but yeah I had no fear whatsoever and dared anybody to say anything to me."
"There's nothing unnatural about a retrograde... we make them bad because we have trouble integrating the energy."
"People were so dumb back then, weren't they?"
"We live life forward but we understand it backwards."
"...that process of almost like, inhaling and exhaling, and moving the tradition forward, sometimes looking back, and then turning back around and moving forward again."
"Looking back on it, there was a lot of negative things that came out of it but on balance, I'm happy that I did it."
"This album could be about one relationship and then this song is just like you look back at the prior eight songs."
"In order to go forward, sometimes we have to go back."
"You may even look at connections from the past differently."
"Moving backwards is not the worst thing at all. You feel me?"
"Little Book Chapter 7 In Retrospect, so unique, so different."
"Decolonization was not only looking backward but also looking forward."
"The wonderful thing about psychology and therapy is you're constantly trying to work backwards."
"There's been lots of weird [__] of him being obsessed with feet, the feet of children. People have gone back and looked at over these '90s kids shows and seen really weird suggestive scenes."
"So I'm a little late to the party apparently this has gone on for a while but I do think that it's cool that people can hear from when someone started out to where you are right now."
"Well we hope everybody that this brought some uh priority to what retro band is and we will be talking about it as we're going down the road."
"In order to move forward, sometimes you have to go back."
"Many of the things that I've considered the worst things in my life retrospectively go, 'Oh, that was so important, wasn't it?'"
"Let's go back to the start of a few years ago... In the beginning, there was chaos."
"Surprisingly, the answers lie in our past."
"That's what we do, man. We look back into pain and laugh at it sometimes."
"Contemporary fashion and design are always looking back with for inspiration after all."
"It's weird how quick time goes when you look back at it. But at the time, it doesn't feel like it's going quickly at all."
"There is a sense of distinct change. The optimism in the 90s were actually not all optimistic. But there was a positive outlook that things would get better."
"I think most of us didn't realize how talented we was until you look back now."
"...Jesus is the person who will bring good out of bad and heaven is the place where in retrospect we will be able to look back and see that God was working all things together for good."
"So much value in looking back in the history of what's happened before."
"Memory dumps are a great way to start thinking about analyzing things in retrospect."
"I've learned to go back into my life at the places in my life that used to make me cry, and now that I understand that it was designed to get me to where I am, I don't cry over it anymore."
"In order to move forward, you have to move back."
"It's hard to look back and see the truth about people you love."
"It's likely to be, in retrospect, a turning point in the history of the West, and not for the better."
"It helped me understand what 'ahead of its time' kind of means, at least in terms of gaming consoles."
"I wanted to feel like someone looking out from their experience, not someone looking back on their experience."
"We wanted to look back on retro gaming's most popular ninjas."
"...it literally means to go backwards in order to go forwards."
"The retrospective's goal is to identify improvements that need to be made for the process to be more effective."
"It must be an eternal characteristic of human nature that we like to look back into the past to a point where things went wrong and wonder how everything might have turned out."
"This is really useful, especially if you want to go back in time."
"It's crazy when you look back at old reality shows how everyone's just white."
"It's always easy to look back on things with rose-tinted glasses."
"Understanding glucose dynamics teaches you a lot retroactively about your life."
"What are we doing now that, fifty years from now, we will not believe that we did?"
"Part of the trouble about being a human being is that we live our life forwards, but we really only understand it going backwards."
"It's easier when you look back to focus on the good things that did happen."
"If this city of Houston, this state of Texas, this country of the United States, was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them."
"Now we can look at it in retrospect and go, 'Holy smokes, this is not an example of some sort of moral flourishing here; this is really barbarism on full display here with this in-group out-group thinking.'"
"Retrospect I would have did it the same, in hindsight I'm the only one to blame."
"The detective seeks a solution to a mystery or mysteries through a process of retracing and recovering the past."
"I truly cared about him, but looking back, I don't know if I would necessarily call it love or simply having a good time."
"We can go back, we can turn the clock backwards."
"It's only when you look back and you be like, 'Oh wow, that was historical.'"
"It's interesting to look at it in retrospect and put it onto a stage; it's a whole different perspective."
"There have been numerous changes since 1985 and we often don't realize it until we take a look back on how things used to be."
"It's easy to be nostalgic about a time that you don't know the problems."
"Looking back, there are a few connections that arise, and those things typically come back to love."
"She looks back on the relationship with gratitude, but it hurt to see that he wasn't honest with her."
"There's some season in your life when you look back over your life at choices and decisions and things and people you hung out with and habits you adopted and stuff you did that you look back and say, 'Man, that was crazy.'"
"Maybe the way forwards is going backwards."
"I know how to find lost things; you have to go backwards and look in every place you went to."
"I think it was very much an album that you can look back now and say it was probably slightly ahead of its time in a lot of the ideas."
"What is it that makes me the most nostalgic about retro computing?"
"Looking back now, I don't know why I stayed friends with her."
"When we look back, it always was the culture."
"I can't wait to be old and gentle and retrospective and utterly past it."
"It's a fascinating look back, not that long ago."
"It does feel like we're in a moment now where the establishment is trying to put the last decade back in a box."
"The 2000s were not as progressive as we think they are, let's be real."
"If we want to look forward, we sometimes have to look back."
"Human life forms a whole, as individuals we would not know anything of real significance about ourselves as earth creatures unless we were to look back in old age."
"Health and safety wasn't much of an issue back then."
"You have to live life going forwards, but you can only sometimes understand it looking backwards."
"Honor the review process, why should we always be going barreling forward? We need to look back."
"Trends seem vapid in the moment when they're popular, but looking back, they paint a very clear picture of the cultural landscape at the time."
"So I guess the question is, if I had a time machine and I could go back four years, would I still choose SCAD?"
"In order to go forwards, I must go back."
"This week Grant Morrison went in and started talking about bold diversity, a work he did almost a decade ago."
"If you could go back in time, would you still have gone to or pursued another path?"
"Let's take a deep walk along memory lane but also look at some gotchas."
"Looking back, I don't know if we were in any real danger."
"What better way to find the path than to re-walk it?"
"Your life when you look back can be in chapters."
"It was so much more fun to go back and put the pieces together."
"Welcome to 'Boxing's Best,' the series on which we look back at the most significant prizefights."
"I think every year, it's funny when you remember parts of it."
"Sometimes when we get further along and you look back in retrospect, it all begins to make sense."
"The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our time."
"A lot of sins are forgiven when you go back and look at the tape."
"If I were to look back 10 years, would I be proud of the hour I'm spending right now?"
"Knowing everything that we know now, if we go back and do it all over again, would we convert a bus again?"
"The thing that Trello excels at is giving you a map from where you're going and where you've been."
"In retrospection with a faint smile, that beautiful countenance caused the city's downfall."
"When it's all said and done, you're never going to appreciate anything you do in this business until you're done."
"Jupiter stationing retrograde is a time to integrate and look at how those Taurus energies are working for you."
"How did we live back in 2024 before these robots were all around doing all of this stuff for us?"
"It's an energy of someone who's looking at the past with kindness and compassion."
"Going back to find a simpler place in time."