
Seeking Truth Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Master, master, where's the dreams that I've been after? Master, master, you promised only lies."
"The truth is the light. I need to have these. Amen. Amen. Shh... I kind of get one here."
"The seeking impulse is your lifeline amidst man-made contraptions."
"It's about all the noise that constantly surrounds us and about trying to cut through that noise to find truth, beauty, and meaning."
"God if you really are real like this Pastor said Jesus if you are the Messiah I want to know you I want to know you."
"A great leader has the courage to admit when they've made a mistake and the strength to make it right."
"Her family still seeks answers on what really happened that day."
"I really beg the people close to me to tell me the truth."
"I want answers. I want to know what happened that night. I want to know why this happened."
"They just want answers at this point. They know their community, and they know that someone knows something."
"The big questions in life are tough, but if people believe in [__] douchey liars like you, we're never gonna find the real answers."
"We live in a moment where we are repeatedly lied to and I think this is the moment where we the people say we can handle the truth."
"Let's hug each other and let's find truth together."
"Truth is truth and lies are lies, let's get on this guys."
"As a father who have lost his beloved son I have investigated every aspect of the car crash which killed my son body they are a basis of Wales and the driver Henry poor the evidence is clear."
"I'm not on anyone's side. I'm trying to find answers too."
"You weren't afraid to go into the dark and to seek the light in the dark, and because of that, now you will see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Let your rank discontent be the pathway to divinity look beyond what is what has been prized and treasured and is now found to be plated and not the precious gold it was once esteemed to be."
"He wants to hear her story and let the world know the truth."
"Welcome fell seeker of Truth, what brings you here at this ungodly hour?" - tell me what other signs have you encountered
"Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers."
"No one deserves to go through this, no one deserves to lose a loved family member like that, and to not know what happened."
"Keep seeking truth because what else would you do?"
"Knowing is better than not knowing, take it to your pastor and find out the truth."
"When we face a crisis of belief, it's a challenge to not only address our pain but to address the doubts themselves by seeking truth."
"And now, my father, I am here to petition thee and implore thee that thou mayest go to Enoch, our father, And learn from him the truth, for his dwelling place is amongst the angels."
"Religious freedom is not a freedom from the obligation to seek it, but it's a freedom for seeking the truth."
"Cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding. Seek wisdom as for hidden treasures."
"...if you seek, you will find. And so if you're not finding, it's because you haven't really sought."
"Signs don't point to that, you're not seeking me for the signs. Signs don't point themselves, they point to him that he is the Messiah and there is only true life in him."
"Listen to sources you can trust. Seek for answers to your questions through prayer, searching the scriptures, and studying the words of prophets, seers, and revelators."
"All our family ever wanted was answers, and nothing has ever added up."
"We seek the word, we seek the kingdom, by making special arrangements to receive it."
"I see it in your eyes, something isn't right, tell me again what I'm missing, 'cause you're faded."
"The Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth."
"Avoid arguing for the sake of arguing because it prevents a person from finding genuine answers."
"What oppression is more grievous than a soul seeking the truth and wishing to attain unto the knowledge of God should know not where to go for it and from whom to seek it?"
"Drifting, I'm in the same boat as you, sinking, dreaming, screaming for some truth."
"I tried to find the root of what I felt like was the most convincing explanation."
"Man in the future will deny the mysteries, but always the way the seeker will find."
"Perhaps the truth, Mr. President. Perhaps the truth."
"Guide me in your truth, lead me to the truth, bring me to the truth, and then you're going to find Hashem, you're going to find the answers inside of yourself."
"It's nothing wrong with asking questions, but trying to find an answer is real."
"In my face is flashing signs, seek it out and ye shall find"
"Science is seeking, spiritualism is seeking, so to that extent both are trying to find what is reality."
"I want to know why. I want to know what happened. And I want justice for my son."
"Someone could want to know the truth, someone could be speaking the truth."
"Seek and you shall find; knock and the door will open."