
Planetary Influence Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"You don't need to be a planet to be powerful or dangerous."
"A cluster is always an addition of energies, and each planet, each element has its own power and is adding up to the power of the planet next to it."
"Jupiter has a tremendous energy field, and the same applies to Saturn. So both planets, giant planets, are going to be in good relationship with your side or your ascendant."
"Aquarius is the sign of astrology, Jupiter is also a sign of studies... astrology is very beneficial for Jupiter and Aquarius."
"Pain Gaming threw everything at the wall and came tantalizingly close to taking down the Mad Lions."
"I feel like you're on the precipice of something really big."
"By understanding the planetary influences at play, you can make more informed decisions and take actions that align with your goals and desires."
"Now, Saturn is going to join forces with Neptune."
"Jupiter is a very powerful Planet when it's in a try aspect in the chart it can see what it's looking at 100% of the way."
"Uranus in Taurus is changing the way we consider our values to be."
"The light to higher wisdom and knowledge that liberate humanity is becoming stronger."
"People will be more accepting of other cultures and more forgiving as Jupiter makes us kinder."
"So this discovery suggests to us that there are planets out there that are massive enough to influence the behavior of a star, to influence its rotation, and most importantly, to cause it to be more active than other stars."
"Mercury Saturn, when they work well together, it's about clarity of thinking."
"The moon as a planet or a satellite is probably the body of mass that has the most impact on us."
"Pluto will show us what those energetic themes are, but often it first shows up as a fear."
"Without Venus' energy, Earth would have no upwards Evolution."
"What I love about this week for us... I love the energy of authenticity. When we've got Pluto and when we've got Uranus, now Pluto has its own type of authenticity..."
"Any stationary planets near birth mark life themes."
"Identify the most positive planet in the chart, like Jupiter in a day chart or Venus in a night chart."
"So much more peace and harmony and love, a powerful position on Venus between 17 November and 12th of December."
"The Dasha being activated, when you're in a certain Dasha, the transits of those planets become even more important."
"The more beneficence of the aspects and the planets here, the more that fame carries on."
"Mars is extremely strong... Mars wants forward movement... Saturn is the planet of fear."
"Pluto always deconstructs the sign it's moving through."
"The planets are arguably the most fundamental factors, the key core components in the language."
"Pluto has a real potential for extremes, right? Like the huge and the tiny, the all-powerful and the utterly powerless."
"There's a lot of stuff going on with Uranus."
"Keep in mind that Pluto will go in and out of Capricorn so it'll return later this year briefly in the fall for a short stint."
"Might Jupiter have something to do with Messiah's star?"
"Saturn is very difficult to deal with it's not the nicest of planets it's not the nice it's not a nice soft gentle energy that's going to kiss you on the forehead and tuck you in at night that is not the energy of Saturn."
"It's the dance of pursuit and evasion that's Mars and Venus."
"If you have Saturn, Mercury in the ninth house, oh my god, the guy is going to be extremely wealthy."
"Your words are more empowered with a conjunction with Pluto and Venus is going to make your words sweet."
"Mercury retrogrades, as with all retrogrades, are essentially like a stress test within the Realms of Our Lives that the planet impacts."
"Jupiter in Aries is going to feel very different."
"Jupiter brings wisdom, promise, and growth to Saturn's challenges."
"I think there is increased tension that is terrible on both sides, however, I will say that given it is trying his Jupiter on his ascendant, there is an element of protection and well-being on his end."
"Pluto is all about power and Pluto can also be about Corruption of power."
"Astrology is the observation of the natural time and nature, and at the moment we were born, you know, the planets were in a certain place."
"Every time we have a clash between those two planets we have either a depression either like a real estate bubble we have something big coming out with the financial industry."
"Extraordinary and unexpected things happen when all planets are moving direct."
"Saturn squaring Uranus for the second time on the 14th."
"This week, Venus is sort of saving us from the worst of the energies that we would otherwise be experiencing."
"Jupiter is going through our second house of income, bringing new opportunities to make more money."
"Dynamic change with Pluto moving into Aquarius."
"Jupiter is the planet that rules freedom and now it is so strongly placed in the sign it rules Pisces."
"Venus is in retrograde and Mercury is about to go in retrograde... This connection is going to end for good."
"Venus on your seventh house... very good for your romantic life."
"Mars and Pluto both definitely agree on intense."
"I use Saturn for pretty much all of my protection spells I'm either using Saturn when I'm making sigils through planetary grids or I'm doing my protection spells on Saturday to bring in that saturnian influence."
"When Mars and Jupiter are in the Kendra houses, it pushes your life forward continually, you never stand still, you're always moving on to the next project."
"January 4th, Mars, your ruling planet, does move into Capricorn."
"Mars is also known as the planet of aggression and war."
"The more planets that are in the 11th house from the Arruda and the more planets that aspect onto the 11th house, the better."
"With blind spots and rulerships, you need to look at the planet that rules your ascendant."
"The signs... are the fields of energy patterns, the qualities of the areas of life, and they show us how the planets are going to work within the houses."
"With the transits of these outer planets, they really create significant shifts in our consciousness."
"Mercury is adaptable; its influence is beneficial when associated with good planets, malefic when associated with bad planets."
"What planetary placement nakshatra makes a person emotionally detached from others? More than the nakshatra, it is the placement of the Dharma lord, Atmakaraka, and Moon in moksha houses."
"The gravity of the planet or planets pull on the star and affect its motion slightly."
"...to produce fetuses that will grow up with certain genetic traits that will move a society or a planet toward a goal."
"Mars may play out the role of taking and Venus may play out the role of giving."
"This is an invitation from the planets for us to live, learn, and do better."
"God also has a very beautiful way of adjusting the planets and giving you calmness and sometimes giving you a little bit of challenges."