
Group Activities Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"It's better to play with a group than with yourself."
"Leisure's been earned. What do you all want to do?"
"When you're leading, you always want to lead people to do things that everybody's going to enjoy."
"If you're booking high-end activities and accommodations especially for large groups a travel agent can really help you out."
"Okay, this is the moment we've all been waiting for."
"Families was meant honestly as a gag, but it turned into something really fun and special."
"If the Game Master doesn’t have fun, then the Game Master can stop running, and now you don’t have a group to play in."
"Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy, bubbly puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy, bubbly puddles."
"We need a plan. What if we ask if they have a cake here and then we bring them a cake?"
"But while the intent is for people to fight over the reward, in practice people end up just partying up."
"This is very much a group experience. It's a social thing for our sims."
"This is just a really fun place to get together with some friends and family and really enjoy this experience."
"We burned out so hard. We didn't play mafia for like months."
"Bonding and being part of a club and doing a group activity, those, that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing."
"If it's a case of the other four of us or would like to continue and have a good time and yeah with you in the group we're unable to do that you might just have to have a messy we can't play together anymore in that conversation."
"Minecraft and Hermitcraft is a community experience."
"It looks awesome, I'm gonna play with my friends."
"Lastly, my friend Courtney, she got her motorcycle permits. We can finally start a scooter gang that I've always dreamed of having."
"Always go to your parties in groups and have a safe word with each other."
"I just want to take everybody on a field trip and record it."
"The best things we talked about today contribute to a more fun group experience."
"If you've got a good group of people to play with, you will have such a good time."
"The group activities that Bethesda has shown off so far actually look really fun."
"The recipe for me has been like reconnecting with friends that I wasn't as in touch with like you know how we, I started like a girls group."
"There's also these groups that are doing things that kind of bypass safety nets for kids."
"Finding a place that works for everybody is definitely tough, but not impossible."
"I enjoyed going with you guys... I felt very comfortable there."
"It was fun and it was exciting and it was good for us."
"The night was filled with drinks, laughs, games, and good times with friends. Some pranks too."
"It's more chill than you'd think. We divide by age groups, not popularity."
"Everybody was very happy when they actually saw the presentation at the end of the night."
"D&D and TTRPGs in general are group activities."
"Kind of to echo what Bri said, we've had a great time this whole time being together."
"I love this because if you had like a coven or whatever as a group, then on a full moon, you could all like do the magical convergence and get the energy from the moon."
"Gaming is an important part of many of our lives, and juggling schedules for everybody to make it to a session isn't always easy."
"I love the fact that you guys were all singing and having a great time."
"New year, new season! As we start season two, we are gonna burn down the stiff formalities of the past and just engage in the nerdy group rabbit hole plunge."
"Join our crew. We're going to be such a big group on this boat."
"Let's get started, let's make our way around."
"Some of my favorite memories are from these kind of things that we all did together."
"It's more enjoyable with you. Yes, we could do this without you, we don't want to. It is way more enjoyable with you."
"Glitter bombs and cockroaches are just harmless entertainment, but our best chance of working together to shut these guys down for good is by shining a light to foster some accountability."
"We'd roll blunt in our dorm and then we'd pile in my dorm and just animate all day because we were in a portfolio. It was pretty fun."
"It's like if you're doing shows with people on the road, you want to stay in the same hotels and that's like the point so you can like hang out and go do stuff together."
"We got 10 people, I think it's going to be crazy."
"Do most hunters go out with a group of other people?"
"Matching isn't fun if not everyone wants to match."
"No touching hands to yourself, everybody ready?"
"If you have not walked up with a group of friends in slow motion under a fog machine with cool blue lighting, I suggest you do. It felt real good."
"We're a bunch of friends that like to just build stuff and do crazy stuff."
"When I was watching somebody else play in a full 10-man group, it looked amazing."
"Did we do it? I think we're close to the end, guys."
"The majority of your audience enjoys the spontaneous group gameplay."
"You look like you're doing a lot better I know you were super tired that day you were probably exhausted there's about 20 on the trip."
"It's the concept that I really like. We have a group of pals going around to various real haunted houses, looking for the best spook around."
"I was in a zoom call... and we were like wouldn't this be great what other challenges can we do."
"And after the show's over today we'll be sitting around talking who knows perhaps arguing maybe laughing telling jokes eating pasta and doing fun stuff it's it's what we do"
"Leave your work for another day and enjoy the company of your favorite people. Better yet, gather everyone together for team sports or volunteer work as today's aspects favor group efforts."
"If you go out there and you're with a group of people using the C-5 protocols and practicing this, you're going to have events happen."
"It’s hard not to smile and sing along with them."
"Let's just have weird and wacky fun with it and create something that a group of eight people can be like, 'Oh hey, do you want to go and do this?'"
"There you go, there you go, fellas, hope you had fun being yourself."
"Thank you all very much for joining me for this trip. Thank you for the support."
"An activity that can support up to 60 players in a single game."
"The best thing is going together, right? We are the VIP Pets, no drama."
"The players are going to be dividing into groups, about eight different groups, and they're going to be heading off to local hospitals."
"Everyone loved it, everyone just had so much fun."
"Let's try different forms of physical activity that are fun and do it with other people so that you enjoy doing it and it's something that you look forward to rather than something that you resent."
"I feel like this is kind of part of the fun of the S&P is just interacting with the friends and seeing where that all takes us."
"The real scrubs are the fun we have along the way."
"It's a social activity, we're meeting up with two other people."
"Getting exercise with other people actually is shown to be more beneficial than the same amount of exercise on your own."
"You have a great time laughing with friends at just how ridiculous one game could be."
"Having a thing that brings people together is important."
"This would be really fun if you were with loads of friends and family."
"We have shared something very special here today."
"It's our mission to have fun no matter what happens, right guys? Right? I always have fun."
"I appreciate you guys for watching these videos, if you guys want more of these like bigger group videos where we dominate and have fun just let me know in the comments below."
"It's like the reverse version of pledge rides that run around and they just fix things instead of the other way around."
"It turned out to be an amazing bonding experience."
"We're gonna take another [] shot because that's what [] time it is, and we're celebrating."
"We're gonna have fun together and we're gonna push ourselves a little bit together."
"We've sailed with you for the last couple weeks here, amazing. I think it's probably some of the best jam-packed fun we've ever had."
"This feature is pretty cool, especially if you have a group of four people."
"Any argument instantly goes away when we start singing with each other."
"Let's all build up together and then jump. Alright, here we go everybody, follow."
"I think a big part of it when I organize groups is the connections that happen between people."
"We're all in this together bro we're all in this together right we've just been to The Breakfast Club." - Team camaraderie during the makeover.
"We're not gonna duel, men. Get them, have fun, have a delightful time killing."
"Feel free to get a good group together and make some memories."
"We may not be the best at it, but we sure have a lot of fun when we do it."
"I'm really nervous but I'm really glad that I'm gonna be here and doing this all with all my best friends."
"The group content of this game is brilliant."
"We did it as a team, we're doing the Handcuff challenge guys, we got!"
"Ultimately, all that really matters to me is that I'm there with my friends."
"This is one of our favorite family meals, it's so fun to do with a group of people."
"I cannot believe it! Alright, so everybody's inside now, right?"
"So such a good fireworks. Thank you for joining us."
"By all means, go to the link below and join us there. You'll love these groups."
"Night games: Capture the flag under the stars, the more people, the merrier."
"The boys coming through the Lincoln, great, right?"
"The greatest thing about the group cruise is the friendships that we've seen made."
"This was like therapy going Offroad with your friends, there's just nothing else out there that can beat it."
"Basically, you will be the go-to guy when it comes to you and your mates as far as finding the best venues to watch fights or any sports for that matter."
"To create an event very simply all you have to do is go to events on the left hand side of your group and then click on create event and then you're good to go."
"There's a good chance I probably won't be doing a Hardcore. Group Iron Man's coming out, hopefully around the end of the year."
"Wrestling pay-per-views are meant to be watched in groups, in my opinion."
"It's really impactful, activating your psychic abilities together as a group."
"Maybe we'll play this with everybody else, maybe we'll spend it of the three of us, who knows?"
"We had a really, really, really good time today, guys."
"Post amusement parks we can all agree sounds like a winner."
"We're not leaving here until everybody gets all the pictures you want."
"Task cards is honestly one of my favorite things to do in my groups."
"Loneliness is usually a failure of group activities in your calendar."
"I'm in all seriousness I mean it's just the team. There are some activities where the team is everything."
"I gotta bring this in, this bad boy right here is a 10 person camping tent."
"You guys have no idea how much fun this is."
"It's more fun to watch with other people."
"You want the whole band to go out to the same place for dinner because it's more fun if you have one big party."
"We're so happy to have you here. Now we get to have four of us go out and do things, not just the three of us."
"Any new full group activities are definitely not guaranteed, but there's always hope."
"It's really fun when we're all together."
"Trips in any vacation that you're on as a group of friends or family, it's just fun."
"Editable board games are perfect for small group activities."
"I am having a lot of fun running it with my groups."
"I've got a better idea, why don't we all go out and eat together?"
"Safety always comes first, but most importantly, let's have some fun together, shall we?"
"However, I personally would highly recommend you go with a group of friends."
"We have arrived at the camp; this afternoon, we have some great games at the camp."
"Do your movement in a group if you can... movement together with other people is re-regulating."
"More people that you can bring along for the ride, the more fun you're going to have."
"It's early morning Sunday, we have a special booking today about 30-35 people."
"Group trips are happening in 2024, and I just can't wait."
"The area in Enchanted Valley is huge, and there were plenty of places for our group to set up and camp near each other."
"It's really common to do like group dates and they make each participant feel more welcome, less uncomfortable."
"It's been pretty fun to do these. I think everyone's sort of enjoying them."
"I like playing games with you guys."
"We're doing another group trip! We are going to Japan in April."
"It brings the whole group closer together."
"I think it's fun to go out and do stuff with friends, so I definitely enjoy participating in group activities."
"It's always fun with more people."
"Fun with everyone, we're gonna play all day, we're gonna have fun together."
"If there's something you're really interested in, also maybe look and see if you find a little group cruise around something you're very passionate in."