
Game Planning Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Knights before bishops. Usually when developing, you want to develop your knights first and then follow it up with your bishops."
"Your beautiful voice... is going to get you really far in life."
"In chess, assessing the pawn structure gives us instructions on how we should position our pieces."
"I know this sounds a little bit silly but I probably do want to get another village with MIB just to be safe."
"Decisive movement and trusting your game plan."
"You won't be worried about moves like pawn takes, even though they block your own bishop, as long as they can remove the knight from the defense."
"I like EG's draft this game. I like that little adaptations they made."
"Nice drafting, nice strategy, and most of all great teamwork and execution."
"Wait, I'm starting to get ideas. Um, what if I take this spawn and then I remove this? I swap out this ergot last second and then I remove Shen, yeah, and then I play uh, poor Deadeye."
"These best bases are gonna be coming in the semis and then the finals."
"DeSean Jackson, they're going to get him more involved."
"This is insane, bad! Yo, we can't just interfere with whatever the hell's going on because we need more answers." - Contemplating their next move.
"Understanding the depth of your individual league and how that should alter your positional draft strategy is going to be, in my opinion, the most important thing in fantasy football and it's not even close."
"Let's just castle here. I can take with the knight, take with the queen."
"Sorry zombies, alright so we'll grab a PhD at the top we'll just not have speed cola that's fine."
"We've slowed the tempo down, frustrated them. That will be our Teta's game plan."
"There's so much going on underneath the surface like abandoned children, warring factions, and mad scientists."
"Rotation is key. I think they're talking about me leaving him out and asking whether I will put them in put him in sorry I want to actually let's give them Azor Azor go in this game."
"We're gonna make a bunker out of these ruins."
"Creating conditions where your opponent has an unprotected piece."
"Please don't go into drafts going okay I need this stack 100 of the time go in with a flexible mindset."
"What I like to do at the start is try and get two of everything so that I can level them up next round."
"What strategies might you have, even if they don't pan out every time?"
"We're just going to go from game to game again."
"And the other is one I'm playing tomorrow terraforming mars."
"We're planning a campaign system in which you're fighting actual military campaigns."
"Space Haven: where planning small means planning efficiently."
"The way we play will cause Villa problems at home."
"Game planning is about adjusting your approach based on what works and what doesn't."
"Offensive coordinators stay up nights saying we cannot allow 56 to dominate this game."
"The groundwork has been laid for this next teamfight."
"Guys, I think we need to make a better base than this and make it super secure."
"It really comes down to who can implement their game plan."
"There's no real wrong way of doing it, the best thing is just to look through them and look towards the end and think hm what am I trying to do here where am I trying to go."
"When you're going for your number one punch and you go to your number two and your number two is every bit as good as your number one, that is just going to be devastating to game plan against."
"The point, of course, of queen e2 if you're not a Mora player is to put the rook on d1 in order to x-ray black's queen."
"We're gonna get bombarded with double game week information and having that information is going to be so so effective it's going to change and mix up everything we do over the next few games it really is it's going to be revolutionary."
"Make sure this is your priority if you've got a good luck day: go to the mines."
"Plan ahead for the weekly bosses and optimize resin usage for the best loot."
"Just take as many cracks and swings as we can play oz and hopefully the sim gods go in our favor..."
"Innovative and Pluto for your first two idea groups."
"Love that! Build two campus districts to get recorded history."
"I think I would very much like to get this bishop into play."
"Our priority is to set these pawns in motion."
"The importance of the away goal first and foremost I mean when we were one meal down we were kind of suffering here we need that all we need that goal for the return leg."
"In chess, spend time developing, even if 90% doesn't make it into the game."
"Let me know and now it's just operation right a bunch of end cities get a lot of shulker boxes."
"Tacky knew the assignment. He got the assignment tonight. Klopp said we need this game deaded by halftime. Tacky said homework, come on, come on!"
"Sell the 15 starter parsnip seeds to buy more variety of seeds."
"Doubling our rooks on the e-file, controlling the only open file."
"You shouldn't just have one game plan and that is it. You should always have a fluid game plan."
"We're gonna get a whole map filled with temples right here, that's still really good."
"Just play main lines. If they play the Berlin, I just go d3."
"He's gonna touch the ball 200 to 220 plus times this season."
"Each game is an individual game, and sometimes you have to attack a game in a different way."
"Every game is its own challenge. We have a game plan, we need to execute it."
"Everyone just felt like we knew what we want to do when we got ahead."
"It might be a good idea to do some of the jobs like taxi driver, paramedic, firefighter, police missions, before all the gangs become angry at you as well."
"Always calculate. Always look at each endgame concretely whenever possible."
"How to prepare for the wilderness, what happens when your players decide."
"In chess, we're always looking for ways to maximally use our pieces."
"We've got plenty of money so I'm going to invest in things that will help us for the entire game."
"Getting my king out of the center, getting ready to bring a rook over, seems like it can't be too bad. So we're gonna Castle."
"Now, I might take, I might castle, or I might play Knight G5 because if my knight jumps in here, that's a pretty annoying thing for Black."
"It gives you a very clear and powerful attacking plan for the middle game."
"From the moment we got to d6, we talked about f5 and f7."
"Let's delve into some chess strategies and openings."
"Mike McDaniel is masterful in the game plan that he puts together."
"Everybody is involved in the run game."
"The seeds of victory were sown when we played Knight A4."
"Remember, you place the things you want to place and then you roll randomly for the rest."
"His attention to detail, planning a game for a week is out of this world."
"Talking to North Turner yesterday, he says if we're going to beat the 49ers today, we have to be able to control the ball, keep our defense off the field, work those outside receivers."
"Pick an opening for the middle game, that is the biggest bit of advice I would give."
"When you pick up six or seven on first down, your whole game plan's available to you."
"Spread the floor wide open, give my best player the ball."
"These are real double teams; this ain't some team that's throwing together a game plan the night before."
"When he has time to scheme up and design a game plan, he's one of the best out there."
"Whenever we transfer and then bid a new suit, it communicates that we have enough values for game."
"No, okay, all right, so we got one more turn to deal with these T-80s."
"The adjustments that Ty Lue is creating, he's just like his game plan is so unthinkable and unguessable."
"I want to go win the game, and I have my best two-point plays."
"The acronym 'IMPLODES' stands for initiative, material, pawn structure, lines for the rooks, officers which are the minor pieces, development, and space."
"Our motion is going to isolate specific defensive players and make very tough decisions."
"Maybe you spend time building the most efficient team, with the perfect type coverage, role distributions and stat spreads, or maybe you just pick your favorites and see how far you can get."
"It just shows their intellect in the game, it shows their ability to make game plans and find their ways through different weaknesses and avoiding certain strengths about the opponent."
"That is an absolute nightmare for the defense, uh, for a game planner, because now this guy can kill you from the pocket, and you still have to be on point with your rush lanes."
"On the field, I just try to think about ideas which other teams' players don't have right now."