
Proactive Learning Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"You will never become good at something as complicated as making videos by just waiting for it to happen."
"What matters is that you're learning and you're taking the initiative, and you're bettering yourself in the process."
"Men shouldn't be waiting for women to teach them men should be as actively trying to figure out what their male privilege looks like as white people are looking that's men don't ask me that question."
"If we don't teach ourselves, nobody else is going to."
"You don't automatically start using the internet and get all that good stuff. You have to start digging."
"I invite the people who have been intrigued, you know, or whose interest has been piqued, do the work."
"Reading the nutrition labels... very, very important. If you make it a habit of reading the nutrition labels, you are gonna be a pro before you know it."
"It's important that you don't just sit here and listen to bad news all day; you actually go out and you learn your skills."
"It's so simple just to pick up the phone and talk about it and then you'll learn that it exists."
"I think a little bit of research goes a million miles."
"The best way to start getting experience is don't wait for somebody to give you the opportunity."
"The main thing is just get as much information as you can possibly get."
"Educate yourself. We have something today that's really marvelous called the internet, Google the condition."
"It's worth going and finding out more about these projects yourself."
"You have no excuse not to educate yourself on what opportunities are in the market right now."
"Someone is trying to gain some wisdom on something so that they can move forward more powerfully."
"It's going to happen and what people should do is just be informed to read teach themselves."
"Get out there and explore and study and learn and gather and Google and YouTube..."
"The most important step is the first one: you must jump into new lessons and new conversations in order to make a language breakthrough."
"Volunteer to participate in even more complicated tasks... participate by asking questions."
"Possibly the best advice that my history teacher at A-level ever gave me was that you can actually plan the first sentence of any essay months before the exam."
"Be an active researcher, delve a little bit further into that topic."
"You gotta hunt for the knowledge. Stay off TikTok and start Googling what you need to have done right now."
"I was embarrassed that I have never read that list, and so what I might here's what I'll do, uh I'm gonna."
"Experimentation is key – know what you're doing."
"You can arm yourself with the power of knowledge."
"When you get to a point in your life and you're certain about what to do, pursue, ask a question, and gain knowledge."
"Learning done...mindset so that stuff like you just saw doesn't happen."
"You have to make yourself the most valuable person in the room. So learn as much as you can, do as much as you can."
"I've definitely used this past week to really get ahead on assignments."
"I really appreciate somebody actually taking the effort to go educate themselves about something that's you know out in the world so good on you."
"His response has been absolutely spot on, his desire to improve asking questions, he wants to adapt as quick as possible."
"Educate yourself, save yourself some more trauma."
"We need to understand fascism and national socialism in order to defeat them."
"You have to be taking action with what you've learned."
"The best way to keep up is to read it right then and there, keeping everything fresh."
"It is not enough to learn what to do, you have to also learn what not to do."
"Reading ahead in some of my free time or down days... to avoid that stress."
"Learn it bro learn how it moves learn how it operates learn what it runs with you know."
"Being a good ally is proactively doing the work to seek out resources and learn."
"Learn how to take advantage of the spring; opportunity always comes."
"Just do it, and then you'll learn something right away."
"Read those comments, explore these, go watch demos."
"If you want to know something you go learn it."
"Even if you don't have land now, turn your waiting room into a classroom."
"It's not too late. You don't have to wait for the new stuff. You can still get the old stuff and really, really win in February."
"Everybody has a to-do list. I recommend you have a to-learn list."
"Countries that invest and strengthen their democracies avoid civil wars. Full liberal democracies don't experience civil war."
"We need to take that on ourselves and not asking indigenous creators to do that work for us. Google is free."
"Get off your ass and learn more about it. But don't always just trust one source of information."
"Web 3 is coming it's right around the corner and if you're not making an effort Nicholas to figure something out you're leaving a ton of money behind."
"If you're weak to a string or weak to a character, don't put it off for later. Take a look at it, take notes, and revisit it frequently."
"Own your learning. You don't need to wait for someone to come and teach you something before you learn it. You have the internet at your disposal so you need to make good use of it."
"The more you can learn, the better, the more protected you're going to be."
"If you're not putting in the work to understand, how will you live in the world that's coming next?"
"This crisis is a wakeup call, a reminder that our financial system isn't invulnerable. It's a call to action for all of us to become more financially savvy, resilient, and prepared."
"Always ask questions, it's going to get you ahead."
"You want to build projects as soon as possible."
"You are going to be a completely independent proactive learner."
"Now is going to be a really good time to distract yourself from the madness of the financial markets and really think to yourself what can you do to get educated to take advantage of the fallout."
"I encourage you to look the class up, take it if you get a chance, check it out, it's got a website, Google it."
"Make friends, be proactive. I recommend you to join specific Facebook groups in your area, if you want to learn about React or Python, join Facebook groups for that."
"When you read the course schedule at the beginning of the semester, here are the things you need to do: one, plan to do all of the readings before the day that they are listed on the syllabus."
"I have to go intentionally put myself in some spaces where people are going to teach me the language of money and wealth and success unapologetically."
"Catching mistakes early has a big impact on your long-term learning goals, your long-term strategy."
"If you learn one or two things and said, 'Hey, I'm going to call my office and find out about it,' that would be great."
"Knowledge is very, very important. Preemptive education."
"Start speaking today. Don't wait."
"I highly encourage you guys to have a pen and a paper handy so that you're not just listening or watching my videos but you are also taking notes and taking actions."
"If you love what someone is doing and you want to be like them, reach out and ask for help."
"It's not you living you learn, it's you learn and then you live to live better."
"Let's start the clock and begin learning right now."
"Why not learn how to do things well from the beginning so that that never happens to you?"
"The most important lesson that I learned this year was to start assignments early."
"I always encourage them to watch videos before they come to the class so that we can have more of a conversation."
"Don't wait until somebody knocks you down... The wise people learn from the mistakes of others."
"I was trying to deepen my knowledge; I was trying to learn as much as I could about the virus and how to combat the virus."