
Progressive Politics Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The future of progressive advocacy in the Democrats is like decentralized, where you would have leaders to rally around but not like a title to go by."
"The country is incredibly progressive, 76% of the country says raise taxes on the rich, don't lower them."
"The virtue of progressive politics is not only are you bringing people with you through the politics and policies of inclusion, but our job as progressive politicians is always to have a radar a decade and plus out, and to prepare us for the next wave of challenges."
"We helped Alexandra Castillo Cortes win. We're super proud of that. We're on the Bernie side, and we're gonna take that fight to the corporate Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer."
"Even there are many prominent YouTube personalities, independent uh, personalities who are progressive or liberal and it's remarkable how either they are completely incompetent or are just outright lying."
"Leaders we deserve: Electing young, fearless progressives."
"Bernie Sanders exemplifies what I think of when I think of progressives."
"They give me hope because politically I think they're the most progressive generation we've ever had."
"Progressive candidates had a great election night."
"I've said it a million times, but the progressives should have been behind Trump."
"How do you protect and expand progressive gains in state Supreme Courts?"
"Get Republicans out of office I think it'll make a big difference if you want to vote for progresses knock yourselves out but man uh get Republicans out of office."
"I am proud of my progressive beliefs, and I'm gonna talk about progressive policies."
"Democrats may in fact take the wrong lesson from NC9 and then run somebody who is radically progressive."
"A left-wing party needs to set out how society can look different after the pandemic."
"The progressive space hasn't had that courage since Bernie Sanders popped up on the scene."
"Ben Cohen is one of the great heroes of not only the progressive movement but specifically getting money out of politics."
"The move to the left from the Democratic Party is long overdue and it can't wait any longer."
"The left itself, I mean progressives, have engaged in a tremendous amount of highly effective solution making."
"We're launching a campaign to get out the vote and amplify Progressive candidates."
"The message is very clear from progressives on what they want: a powerful and secret bureaucracy."
"Time really matters. The progressives have their view of history, there's the right side of history, the wrong side of history, you know, and if you agree with them you're on the right side."
"Generally speaking, CNN and the mainstream media has never cared what progressives think."
"I believe that I, frankly more than Jimmy Dore, more than Kyle Kolinsky, more than Jankie of TYT, have an insight into why the progressive movement is losing."
"Democrats, y'all should listen a bit to Andrew Yang."
"I think having somebody more to the left of me is probably beneficial because the country is kind of veered off like so far right."
"I believe with the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign with even AOC starting to back away from far left progressive politicians we might be seeing the end the far left in this country as we know it."
"I think AOC is dropping out of this fight and with that we might see the end of this far left push into the Democratic Party."
"There is a way to win in 2024, and it doesn't mean aping the imagery of the right, it actually means having a grown-up conversation about progressive politics in this country."
"It's tempting to begin this next story with the phrase, 'Even in San Francisco,' as in, even in San Francisco, voters are getting tired of woke progressive politics."
"It's good that Schumer and Warren and progressives are continuing to push Biden on this."
"The Biden Administration has earned the benefit of the doubt. They are far more Progressive than even some of those Progressive people could have ever hoped that they would be."
"We need to have a progressive caucus that makes the right wing buckle and come around to our views."
"Here are 10 key points every California progressive or liberal should consider before relocating."
"If you want to stop the real estate interests, if you want to have a genuine progressive..."
"There is no position that any democratic politician can take that is so nauseous that progressives are morally allowed to refuse the candidate."
"As progressives, we believe that a populist candidate that actually serves the voters has a much better chance of winning."
"Joe Biden will be our most progressive president by far."
"Fighting to win those seats changes the conversation and becomes one about demonstrating progressive government."
"If you go against the grain, you're a conspirator, you're a conspiracy theorist. But I don't know how many times progressives have to be proven right."
"The squad by virtue of their work in Congress has been integral to political shifts."
"The culture war issues are the places where the progressive left is the most separated from the rest of the American population."
"I wish we could...figure out a way that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats...need to be worried that if they don't advance the progressive agenda...they're going to face some consequences for it."
"Minimizing Bernie supporters to a protest vote... change is about pushing hard getting knocked down etc. because it puts her best attributes in service of progressive ends."
"It's another case of the snake eating its tail which we always say the left is so Progressive that eventually it eats itself."
"There's probably got to be a more balanced way of handling these problems or talking about these problems."
"Our job is to bring our people together around a strong progressive agenda that speaks to the needs of all and not just the 1%."
"There is a way to win in 2024... having a grown-up conversation about progressive politics."
"The future of leftism is optimism, engagement, and pragmatism."
"Progressive left wants to disarm the entire American population."
"You are The Young Turks and we have spread that Progressive message wide and far." - Dr. Rashad Ritchie
"Progressives can win electorally, but they better do something when they win."
"Progressives actually had a moment here in this cycle that was a really good moment for the message, but they had a really problematic messenger."
"Delaney brought up a lot of very good challenges to the progressive side of the argument tonight."
"Biden isn't a savior. Biden really isn't a progressive."
"I consider myself a progressive and unapologetic progressive that will take on the corporate establishment win or lose but my intent is on winning and I won't give up because I believe that we are worth fighting for."
"The progressive wing is not in the position of power yet, and that's a lie."
"You gotta give Bernie Sanders a lot of credit. He has a progressive base and there's a big part of this party."
"Progressives all over this country have a real fighting chance going forward."
"As Progressive forces become more and more influential, they put more and more restrictions on corporations."
"I think there is maybe merit in pointing out how the double standards of racism that a lot of white progressives have."
"Democrats claim to be the inclusive party, the progressive party, but they're nothing of the sort. The differences between the two parties are small and getting smaller."
"What constitutional violations is he gesturing at and why does he sound angry at progressives for asking?"
"It's difficult to ignore the gravity of a political moment in which the six to ten progressives literally could have kept Nancy Pelosi from being Speaker of the House."
"Anyone who challenges the progressive left gets labeled a Nazi."
"Progressives have the ideas to change the world. But when you really look at it, progressives have always changed this world for the better."
"I don't know anymore, you know? I don't know who is progressive, what is a progressive."
"If being progressive in 2018 apparently requires us to support biological men going into the ring to kick the crap out of women, then I think somewhere along the line we may have lost the plot."
"As progressives, we are up against the politics of division, the nativism of populism often playing to the worst instincts of humanity."
"Welcome to the inaugural summit of the Progressive International."
"It's gonna be great because they say in here the Chileans head to the polls on Sunday to either approve or reject what has been described as the world's most progressive constitution."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"There's a culture of paralysis within progressive organizations that has rendered them completely and utterly toothless."
"That is progressivism. If you come together and use politics in your community, we will perfect human nature. We will have a utopia on earth."
"Even by their own standard, the progressives poll way better than Democratic leadership and by any standard Democratic leadership should be embarrassed, humiliated and immediately step down."
"It's a movement of buying for the people and it's a movement of the Bernie wing."
"She offers a little bit more of a progressive voice in the White House."
"You can't do feminism, you can't do anti-racism, you can't do any kind of progressive politics if your first objective is to make the other side feel comfortable."
"A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy."
"The mistake that candidates are making... They think progressives are stupid, they think progressives aren't paying attention." - Ana Kasparian
"The progressive agenda is an enormously popular agenda."
"So it turns out you can elect uncorrupted, clean progressives who actually fight for you."
"Why are the indigenous Europeans not considered indigenous to Europe by progressives? Is it just anti-white or anti-European racism, like the ethnonationalists claim? To be fair, that's probably partially it."
"Thank you for using your platform to advance progressive politics and for being such an amazing voice and model online."
"Once you're guilty, that's it, you're done. There is no route to redemption in progressive circles."
"If you want to talk about people on the left that are considered cool by a lot of the young, it's like Bernie Sanders."
"Nina Turner is an actual change agent. She really believes in moving us much more towards a social democracy."
"He's been responsive to left pressure and will continue to be responsive to left pressure."
"These progressives have become everything that they claimed that they were against."
"Right now, the progressive movement is a better opportunity than we had after the 2008 financial crash and before Occupy Wall Street."
"Vote for the candidate that is running on those Progressive issues."
"Welcome to Squid Island, where democracy meets progress."
"Our muscle as progressives and apply pressure. Don't expect politicians to just do the right thing. They respond to public pressure."
"Bernie held a left movement together...moving into this next phase is really exciting."
"Politics is not that hard to figure out: the establishment never wants a progressive. They'll do anything to avoid it."
"Progressive politics is winning politics... good policy is good politics."
"Progressives are looking out for you. And by the way, this is the benefit: Progressives are looking out for you."
"That progressives want to do the rest of America wants to do." - Elizabeth Warren
"Anyone who is really serious about calling for progressive changes would be coupling it with a call for people in the streets."
"Enough with corporate Democrats, they've ruined any chance of progressives winning in this country."
"I think this is a really monumental point in the progressive movement."
"I don't worship politicians, but if Nina Turner gets in there, that's a good thing for the progressive movement."
"This is a center-left progressive president, certainly not a socialist, but they're treating him as if he's the reincarnation of Fidel Castro."
"What is that like, what does that mean for the future not just of like the Democratic Party, but like also the left or like any sort of progressive politics in America?"
"Progressives generally have an authoritarian view of the world."
"This is a new dawn for British politics; more than ever we saw people talking about progressive politics for progressive values."