
Esoteric Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The most powerful Stargate that's ever been opened on this planet in this time period... is creating the most powerful Stargate that's ever been."
"This is the most esoteric reading I've done today... there's something about the magic, feeling lucky, feeling like the universe is on your side."
"The akashic field is not just a repository of information; it's the very essence of all Universal memory, encoding the story of existence itself."
"Jesus revealing this secret knowledge to Judas about the divine realm."
"Carved into the ground was a large pentagram with strange runes and markings all over it."
"Occult knowledge is self-explanatory; it's just having knowledge on all of these types of things."
"Light language is embedded with key codes, triggers, and information."
"Gnosis by comparison to reason and faith is revealed truth, absolute knowledge, secret or hidden or initiate knowledge."
"You might need to wear a mask for that. Not no physical mask, uh, the esoteric mask."
"I came for the angel keys to all creation, but I stayed for the buried treasure, the alchemical ciphers, and of course, the angelic prompted wife exchange program."
"Baphomet therefore is the immersion of oneself in wisdom, the true inner reality."
"It's the house of death, debt, joint finances, but also the occult, deeper forms of knowledge."
"The eye above the pyramid is the third eye that sees into the dimensionless universe of thought and light."
"Esoteric Christianity and anthroposophy namely specifically we actually get to understand the new evolutionary impulse of our time."
"The powers-that-be believe there are powerful grids and vortexes that operate all over the earth."
"Every description of curious and mysterious arts that penetrate beyond the common pale of human sagacity and wisdom will be studied and practiced beyond what has been known by mere mortals."
"What I want to do with my life is to become a spokesperson to the mainstream culture about the realities of the esoteric world and psychic functioning."
"Everyone's sort of getting down in that rabbit hole but then at the same time, you could have like three four five hour long conversations in super esoteric very very deep topics and people love that too."
"I went through my Awakening where I was doing very esoteric things... and then that was like to help modify something during the pregnancy with me to help me come through."
"Esoteric programming languages break and ban programming paradigms."
"Is there any movie that screams esoteric Art House more than Wings of Desire?"
"I've been reading the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and if you know you know."
"Deep dive into esoteric wisdom and become a healer."
"There appears to be some kind of esoteric link between thought and reality."
"Robert sapare Anthropologist covers stuff like Hollow Earth Atlantis MK MK Ultra lots of esoteric topics can uh can be a little spicy but fascinating"
"It's about balance, about the mundane and the esoteric, spiritual and the material."
"Above the light ether there is the so-called chemical ether ... and then there comes the life ether ... these are the two kinds of ether that we cannot kill."
"There's always an esoteric meaning."
"The esoteric traditions... they all basically boil down to the notion that consciousness is fundamental."
"You are drawn to the esoteric, to the occult."
"Human design is this mixture of esoteric and scientific truth, put together in a synthesis which is absolutely perfect."
"The esoteric is the inner knowing or what the stories really got going on versus what people think is going on."
"The Emerald Tablet was inscribed with the very secrets of the universe."
"The allure of tarot has fascinated mystics, occultists, and seekers of esoteric knowledge for centuries."
"They find balance in there, they like to be quite esoteric and they're quite eccentric."
"Occultism is a category of supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of organized religion and science."
"Every student of psychics... desires to know how to develop his own powers and faculties."
"I highly suggest this deck to anybody who's into numerology, the tree of life, and all the correspondence surrounding every part in the tarot deck."
"I work, or rather, I used to work, as an archivist at a museum specializing in esoteric medieval books on alchemy, magic, and the occult."
"For many esoteric, mystical, and occult thinkers, there's a strong metaphysical link between language, symbols, and reality."
"Enoch alone is given secret divine knowledge that applies to all people and the cosmos."
"The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a really unique system."
"K2 in the eighth gives really powerful capacity to understand deep knowledge, to understand esoteric knowledge in the occult."
"Despite this, various esoteric practices thrived, and often the best evidence comes from the Puritan leaders themselves."
"The seven rays are the sum total of the divine consciousness of the universal mind."
"You're diving into the esoteric, really trying to get to know the depths of yourself."
"You are able to go deeper and gain the most superb knowledge of occult science."
"All esoteric life is really directed to that which is common to humanity."
"Esoteric astrology is soul-centered astrology; it's the astrology that is interested in something beyond the personality, beyond the material world."
"The star Sirius and also the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades form a triangle of energies with the seven Rishis of the Great Bear and are considered esoterically as a major conditioning influence on this solar system."
"The seven rays are intimately related to esoteric astrology from a couple of perspectives."
"The seven rays condition all life, whether it be a mineral, an animal, a tree, a human, an organization, a city, or nation."
"Esoteric astrology looks toward causes rather than effects, to the life of the human soul that lies behind the outer form, the body."
"Welcome back, it's 11 p.m. on a Sunday night, and we're going to get a little esoteric in this live stream."
"Magic, mysticism, religion, the occult, and everything on the fringes of esoterica."
"The book 'Initiation to Hermetics' by Franz Bardon is gold."
"The lost word is sought and basically all our spiritual science is a search for the lost word."
"The connection of the inner trinity in man, the sun spirit, the moon spirit, and the Venus spirit or Lucifer, is symbolized in cosmic space."
"Through deepened self-knowledge the secrets of the sun sphere can be experienced."
"The esoteric worldview in many ways is more comprehensive than the materialistic worldview which is the one of current day science."
"The real secrets, the deep all-embracing secrets whereby the human organism is built up as the wonderful image of the outer structure of the heavens, these secrets in their innermost essence have to be acquired during the life between death and a new birth."
"Theosophy is, then, the archaic Wisdom-Religion, the esoteric doctrine once known in every ancient country having claims to civilization."
"She holds the mystery teachings of life, death, and rebirth deep within her essence."
"...the Book of Revelation is the secret coded Gnostic ritual that you can do."
"That's what 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' as a book can give you, in addition to the vast compendium of wisdom that it represents."
"What if there were ancient esoteric metaphysical processes that we could apply in our life to raise our base point vibration?"
"If you're into all the cool, weird esoteric supernatural stuff, you're gonna like Henry Halfmoon."
"The Pentagram becomes indeed a key to all power, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces."
"Those who are drawn to nosis find themselves in esoteric studies likely involving mysticism, alchemy, healing, or perhaps science."
"It has a history, dark and esoteric enough it almost has a mind of its own."
"It's as if someone lifted a curtain wanting to reveal to me a certain amount of esoteric knowledge."
"The true esoteric knowledge will empower you; it will put you in a frame of mind that there are no limitations to what you can achieve in your life."
"Esoterica, guys, this is one of my inspirations right here."
"Welcome to Esoterica where we explore the arcane side of history, philosophy, and religion."
"The esoteric traditions say that that little 'c' is identical to the universal 'C', a universal consciousness."
"There is something about going deeper, going more esoteric, not being afraid to take the plunge into something that's maybe a little bit more dense or challenging."
"There is a way, there is secret hidden traditional ancient occult knowledge that gives us the pathway towards truth, the Holy Grail, the meaning of life."
"Spring equinox is the most esoteric and energetically powerful time of the year."
"Their associations have a secret, and that if they enter into that secret, they will be dressed by whatever they eat in that niche, whatever they drink in that niche, whatever dua they make in that niche, maybe will be accepted."