
Antiquity Quotes

There are 504 quotes

"The greatest wish a historian can have is to actually speak to someone from antiquity."
"Josephus wrote a 20-volume work called 'The Antiquities of the Jews,' which is a history of the Jewish people from Adam and Eve up to his own day."
"Nowhere else to be come face to face with antiquity up close you've quite this personal way."
"The Antikythera mechanism was so sophisticated that no other tool like it would be invented in the entire planet for another thousand years."
"It's what you could call an antique." - Referring to something as old or vintage.
"That feels great when the toys you had are in an antique store."
"I wanted it to sort of look ageless and strange, like something you'd find in a secondhand shop."
"The concept of the hero and devil King are just relics of the past."
"It still is a beautiful piece even more beautiful with age."
"More than 3,500 years old, and only just large enough to fit in the palm of your hand."
"That leather is nearly 2000 years old." - Highlighting the remarkable preservation of ancient artifacts.
"We can document that this actually predates any missionary exposure."
"Old violins, old trees, you know... they're more complex."
"Divination or divination tools are very old... mentioned in the Bible itself."
"This clock has been broken for decades now, but if any clock's worthy of an exception to that rule, it would be this one."
"The world's oldest rice paddies that have been discovered date back 6,300 years."
"The structures could have been built 1,500 years before the great pyramids of Giza."
"The complexity of constructing such circular towers in antiquity is a silent testament to the skill of Roman engineers."
"These glyphs of all manner of animals and plants are really old, I'm talking 200 BC to 500 AD old."
"It's wild when you think about the fact that there is remote antiquity that we just don't know about."
"These are some of the earliest pieces of jewelry ever, found in Brazil's Mato Grosso State."
"The Gundestrup Cauldron is a very old bowl, decorated with mysterious figures that have never been exactly identified."
"The 5/4 are very old, older than the golden Empire itself, some claim they were raised by the Pearl Emperor during the morning of the great Empire to keep the Lion of night and his demons from the realms of man."
"This Kingdom thrived a whopping 7,150 years before the great flood from the Bible."
"He’s a huge figure from late antiquity."
"It's definitely a George the second coin... that's mid-1700s, that is nearly as old as it gets around here."
"Masada is an ancient stone fortress located high above the Dead Sea."
"Without a doubt, some of the greatest lost treasures of all time are those from ancient Egypt."
"It's a remarkable story of a people that is thousands of years older than experts once thought."
"The roots of Aztec civilization reach deep into the past."
"It's a Bronze Age axe... it's nearly three to four thousand years old."
"The pyramid was built over 5,000 years ago, even before the pyramids of Egypt and Mesopotamia."
"There's compelling evidence that it's much, much earlier than that."
"The oldest map in the whole world... it predates written language."
"The oldest gold treasure on earth, almost 7,000 years old."
"It's a real thrill when you turn over a stoneware bottle and you discover a name on it."
"Absolutely the oldest thing I've ever found and the most significant."
"The Nimrod lens is the oldest lens in the world looking at it evokes mystery and wonder."
"They're inherited and they're older."
"How the hell had they left this sitting here? I felt a dull sense of fascination looking at it. It really was old and kind of interesting."
"These stone tools may not look like much, but when you think how incredibly old they are, finding them has been the archaeological equivalent of finding a needle in a 500,000-year-old haystack."
"The hypogeum is a subterranean structure dating back to about 4,000 BC, making this wonderful structure over 6,000 years old."
"I have an affinity for unique finds, vintage finds, antique art."
"Nonetheless, it is the oldest thing dated in North America."
"The can should go because it's ancient, and as you can see from the tank, it's huge."
"This is Egypt's earliest historical document."
"Divers recovered five sharpened stone tools, believed to be the oldest underwater archaeological discoveries ever made in Australia, dating back at least 9,000 years."
"The house itself was very old and had an interesting history."
"The warrior who was probably a participant in or victim of Julius Caesar's Gaelic wars passed away and was buried somewhere around 50 years before the birth of Christ."
"Astrology contains the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."
"It's not going to feel like you think. And there's no mold on it. Is this an antique?"
"Materialism is as old as philosophy but not older."
"For though we had penetrated into this tangle of archaic mystery, it required fresh resolution to carry us actually inside a complete and surviving building of a fabulous elder world whose nature was becoming more and more hideously plain to us."
"Of course it's an old paper, this."
"I have seen the dawn of civilizations who, in their time, became little more than a memory."
"We all felt an inexpressible thrill at the sheer age of the shriveled thing which in the dry air of the vault had endured through all the historic and geologic vicissitudes of the planet to provide a visible link with lost cycles."
"Next to Genesis and the creation story, Job is considered to be the oldest book in the Bible."
"It's a old wooden shotgun, look at that. That thing's been down there for a while."
"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! And you know, to think that whoever threw this away, this probably dates to the 17th century, but whoever threw this away, if they could have imagined the excitement that somebody was going to get from their old bottle!"
"That's amazing, just found it. Some type of locket or jewelry. It's got to be 1700s."
"In Pompeii you can see private houses very vividly and I think people relate very closely to that because they can imagine what was life like for a family in antiquity."
"Pottery from that era is proving to be a good deal."
"What is an antediluvian? The most literal translation is 'from before the great flood.'"
"When it comes to the New Testament and literature of antiquity, there's no close second."
"It may be one of if not the oldest complex symbols created by human beings."
"The fascination with crystals has been there since antiquity."
"The majority of them here are of 19th-century date."
"It's almost eldritch and ancient looking. It's absolutely surreal."
"This one's a kind of an older one."
"It feels aged, it feels like it's been here for a long time."
"For myself I have no hesitation that I am absolutely certain of the genuineness and antiquity of the Codex Sinaiticus as I am of my own existence."
"So even this one, this one's from 1890. So that's still nine years after Billy's passing. That tells you how old these are."
"It was the coolest shade of Decay Antiquity and desolation putrid dripping Idol on of unwholesome Revelation."
"This may be worth some money, I don't know, it just looks very old to me."
"I think what he has just found might well be on a par with them in terms of, oh my God, the rarity, the decoration."
"At least some parts of The Vedas must have been composed earlier than 6,000 years ago during what archaeologists called a pre-Harappan period that led up to the Indus Valley Civilization."
"...the enigmatic cave paintings left by the first human inhabitants the sand Bushman date back many thousands of years."
"That's amazing, that's an antique."
"I'm glad to have found some really cool old antique bottles today."
"That fart's been around since the 19th century."
"This is old yes yeah everything down here is old so had Sy take a drink."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls, written 2,000 years before they were discovered as treasure hunters caught wind of the find."
"We had found a prehistoric fire pit dating a thousand years older than any other known open aired feature in the Great Basin."
"I love, love, love old books with a story behind them."
"Modern humans have a great and ancient antiquity that really we should all celebrate."
"It was sold on the streets of the capital over 100 years ago."
"I mean, it looks pretty old, but at this point, it's truly a mystery. I don't know if this comes from the 80s, the 70s, the 60s, the 50s, the 40s. Not a clue."
"...they're so old that they're just hard to find the exact same one."
"Isn't it fascinating that these writings are so old and wise and relevant today?"
"Empty tombs in Antiquity were for individuals that had been declared to be translated."
"They go for some decent money if you get the right ones this one's early probably late 1890s through about 1910 20 the golden rule the whole works excellent tie-in piece here."
"The reality is, the New Testament has more ancient attestation and a wider attestation than any other book of antiquity."
"Last time on Locker nuts I bought a pair of lockers because I was intrigued by how old everything looked."
"We have to accept the civilization in India is at least 5,000 years old."
"Last tagged in 1954, little value due to rough condition."
"Just found a massive collection of old books dated 1879."
"That's a cool find, I reckon that's been there for a very, very long time."
"It's definitely a dinosaur but somehow it manages to not feel like one when you're behind the wheel."
"Everything is so old and looks so cool."
"This extraordinarily rare box is 600 years old and was used for holding books... to be able to study something like this is truly extraordinary."
"A touch of antiquity adds timeless appeal."
"Look at the woodwork on these walls, super cool, very ancient."
"There's some of the first milled wood that we've seen."
"These are based on the very first one the ra Mo and these are really really rare."
"These are like a hundred million years old."
"This is some of the oldest stuff we've dug in our area, unbelievable."
"A relic from the past, salvaged from history, treasured by all who possess it."
"The diday is one of the most fascinating documents from Antiquity."
"...even though the contents is much older this physical artifact is 121 years old and that is amazing..."
"Constructed over 12,000 years ago, Göbekli Tepe predates the Great Pyramids by almost 7,000 years."
"That is the detail of the very first treaty signed by the future superpowers of the Mediterranean."
"The Book of Enoch stands as the oldest known apocalyptic writing in history."
"There's apparently over 5,000 different locations of aboriginal rock arts, some dating back 20,000 years."
"We have much earlier manuscript attestation for the New Testament than for any other work of antiquity."
"Fake antiquity after enough time takes on value."
"Dr. Vajin Bom suggests that hypothesizing that the biblical Judges story was somehow written around the time of the Judges is just an outdated model which needs to be reexamined."
"Oxford University is older than Machu Picchu."
"All evidence from antiquity militates against associating Babel of Genesis 11 with the traditional site of Babylon."
"It's very hard to make something five and a half thousand years old as perfect as we would have liked."
"...dates back from about the 11th or 12th century so it's nearly a thousand years old."
"The motif of the missing body is exceptionally common throughout literature in the Greco-Roman period."
"Apollo was a sun god of great antiquity."
"Vintage piece, 40 plus years old."
"It's one of the most ancient cultures in the history of humankind."
"And what we've been told is that they're very old, they get very close to the originals, and what was very exciting, they preserved the text of the originals."
"It is not the earliest literary description of how to live Ma'at, but it is the world's earliest complete book."
"It's really vintage; it's one of the first."
"It genuinely feels to me like something that would have been held by someone a very long time ago."
"I like a little mix of old and new; I don't want everything to be so modern, and I don't want everything to be so antique."
"Hinduism is the oldest religion still in existence."
"Very early guitar that belongs in a museum."
"They just discovered a 7,000 year old structure, it's older than the pyramids, even older than Stonehenge."
"This ancient region is still awash in natural beauty and mystery."
"As it stands, that's the oldest DNA."
"You want to hear the oldest joke? Oh yeah, yeah, he slowed himself down, that was actually pretty funny."
"That book is over a hundred years old. I think it's from 1875."
"It is a very simple tool, an incredibly old tool, and when it works, it is phenomenal."
"Wine from the island of Chios is highly prized throughout the ancient Mediterranean."
"The buildings at Petra are engineering feats, especially for the time during which they were constructed."
"Some of the oldest Greek texts we have are the Odyssey and the Iliad."
"What if I told you they weren't Greek and were in fact probably much, much older?"
"The physics is well known; it's not new physics. It's actually quite old physics."
"Trompe-l'œil is an art of supreme illusion, an approach to painting that dates back to antiquity."
"This architectural masterpiece is not just another pyramid; it's actually recognized as the very first colossal stone building and the earliest colossal stone pyramid in Egypt."
"We owe a great deal of our understanding of early philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and health sciences to this ancient civilization."
"It's funny because out of all the locomotives you see here, this one is undoubtedly the oldest of the bunch and it technically runs."
"A tiny gem hidden in the shadows, black seed, the mysterious substance treasured since antiquity."
"I'm not a man of means by any stretch, but I enjoy old items, particularly antique and vintage books and documents."
"The Celtic languages predate the main notion of Rome; they're pretty old, to say the least."
"Papyri are manuscripts that, as their name implies, are written on the material papyrus."
"These manuscripts are generally speaking our very oldest manuscripts of the New Testament."
"The average other Greco-Roman literature, the average author from Greece or from Rome, has no literary remains for at least 300 years, whereas the New Testament has well over 100 copies in Greek alone within the first 300 years of the completion of the New Testament."
"The currently accepted range from the usage of this armor is from 14 BC to the 3rd century AD."
"The Tarkan dress is the oldest woven garment in the world."
"No study of architecture is complete without knowledge of the buildings of Greek and Roman antiquity."
"This cave is older than 80 million years."
"She thought of long reception halls hung with ancient silk, of the dainty cabinets containing priceless curiosities."
"The tale of Atana, one of the earliest and most captivating stories of celestial ascension from the ancient Near East."
"These are some of the oldest lava tubes on planet Earth, they're 190,000 years old."
"Some of them over four thousand years old, all of them of great historical and archaeological value."
"The 2500-year-old Egyptian crocodile mummy belongs to the National Museum of Antiquities since 1828."
"Ancient Alexandria was home to two of antiquity's greatest sights, neither of which survive."
"It's really quite amazing. And they're nearly 2,000 years old."
"A chant seemingly lost to Antiquity."
"The Alexandrian libraries were the most famous in antiquity and probably the largest ever assembled in ancient times."
"...the texts in the caves at Qumran are 1,000 years older than the text than the oldest text that we had in 1947."
"The silver scrolls contain the oldest biblical inscription ever found."
"I love old history, the older the history the better."
"It is actually a .58 caliber bullet fired over 150 years ago, way before I was born, any of you guys watching were born."
"This is a fascinating example of international exchange at a very early time in our history."
"The value in articles such as these are the workmanship, the rarity, and the age."
"I would go as far as to call that regal, is that the right word? What would the word be in Rome? Dignified, regal, or regalia, whatever."
"These sites were built approximately 5,300 years ago, which puts them 500 years older than the oldest pyramids in Egypt."
"Human civilization may be far older than we think."
"These are the earliest Biblical verses; they date back to the 7th Century BC."
"This home site could date back to... as early as the 1830s or maybe the 1850s."
"Look at this, this is the gate, is still there. An actual gate, probably the oldest excavated gate in the world."
"I just love old bibles, I really do, and I like helping them find a new home."
"I'm always hunting down more old stuff, I love finding it, using it in my home, and learning about it."
"Oh my Lord, look at this, now you're telling me that doesn't look hundreds and hundreds of years old, 'cause it does, it definitely does."
"Pocket knives find their origins all the way back around 500 BC."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is more than 4,000 years old and over 100 meters tall."
"The tomb is so ancient that it predates the Egyptian Pyramids by some six centuries."
"...the Italian Renaissance... a revival of the philosophy, literature, and art of classical pre-christian antiquity."
"It's not very old, I don't think, is it? No, but I do like it."
"It's not perfect, but man, is it gorgeous for a coin this age just to look like this."
"Ancient Greece was all about natural beauty."
"This particular Bible has been dated back between 101 A.D. and 200 A.D."
"Talk about a museum piece, just absolutely fabulous."
"The ancient Assyrians had advanced astronomical knowledge for their time."
"It's an exciting encounter, such a personal object taking you 500 years back in time to a different era with knights, armor, and swords."
"The ancient rocks under the mountains are roughly 470 million years old."
"In the BCE era, there was nothing. I mean, there were a few things, but it was mad boring."
"This is my absolute favorite period of ancient history."
"It's so far distant in the past, well, look at the Antikythera device, that's crazy, 2,000 years ago."
"The books are so interesting; I would like to show you these Old Mission register books with their hand-laid paper from Florentine paper manufacturers of the 1750s."
"The ghosts prefer to live only in old houses or the ones that look old."
"This last time it saw the light of day was during the time of the emperor Hadrian."
"Do you know how rare this is? Probably created before the dinosaurs."
"Zircon is one of the oldest gemstones that have been found on the earth."