
Marine Conservation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The most important thing we're looking for in a new area is for there to be plenty of reef structure so that the kelp can attach to it."
"The Vaquita... the most endangered marine mammal in the world, with only around 13 individuals and dwindling."
"This stream is a charity stream, and I am the last of a 24-hour stream for the whales and dolphin conservation."
"You don't have to worry about an ocean filled with sharks instead you should be worried about an ocean without them."
"I think that what I'm very happy about is that I've helped the spearhead a lot of the technological development to make the oceans more transparent."
"Protecting juvenile fish in these distinct nursery areas, the no-take zone enhances offshore fish populations."
"Corals are animals, they're dying, they're in trouble, they're important, and we should do something to save them."
"Preserving our oceans and maintaining livelihoods is not something that's mutually exclusive. In fact, it is part of a virtuous cycle."
"A solid argument: the surface world is harming the underwater kingdoms with pollution and ecological disasters."
"Guy jumps off his boat to save sea turtles tangle."
"It's indeed a noble goal to get across the message that sharks are not human-eating monsters."
"Marine biologist swims with great white sharks to promote conservation and dispel myths."
"The oceans are so bare and just plain empty; more life spawning in the ocean makes it less dead."
"For various reasons, but mainly as a result of rising ocean temperatures and the amount of pollution that's released into the environment, marine life is undergoing one of the greatest threats in our planet's history."
"For every piece of apparel in the Kanagawa Wave collection that's sold, Razer will fund the recovery of one kilogram or roughly two pounds of marine plastic."
"The Taiwanese white dolphin, which is actually pink, is one of the rarest species of sea creature in the world."
"This is a trojan horse. I'm making a swimming spectacle of myself to try and convey the fact that by 2023, Talus Grand Palais want to protect 100 square million meters of marine ecosystems."
"We have a responsibility to protect that fish."
"We can do better than a toxic waste landfill in an endangered Marine sanctuary and reef ecosystem."
"Four-year-old Nina Gomez collects trash from the ocean with her father, Ricardo, working to prevent marine disaster. 'Because otherwise fish and turtles die,' says Nina."
"Ocean pollution is a big problem, and if we don't do something to stop it, it's only going to get worse."
"The money should be spent on making plankton that can survive ocean acidity levels rising."
"The Marine realm, a crucible of life, is undergoing challenges; pollution, warming seas, and other environmental issues threaten many of these oceanic species."
"There is one solution that is proven; it's a success story everywhere in the world, which is Marine reserves or Marine protected areas."
"Through globally interconnected marine conservation efforts, the organization's impact is growing and they're always open to people like you to help make this happen."
"Is there anything more wonderful than protecting the marine world? Yes, doing it with your friends."
"Once the coral fragments reach a certain size, they're ready to be acclimatized back in the ocean and grow even bigger."
"Any profits, any proceeds from the clothing, I'm going to be putting it aside for a reef CA donation for schools."
"Jaws definitely demonized and villainized sharks but it also opened up this whole world of curiosity for shark funding and research."
"We wanted her name to really inspire people."
"Teaches children about recycling methods to address marine pollution."
"Nursery areas are so important for shark species; we really have to try hard to protect those areas."
"The love was for the coral, it still is for the coral."
"Let's take the starfish back to the sea."
"Sustainable fishing is essential to protect future fish populations while still providing a valuable protein-rich food source."
"Just so sad to think that our marine life is suffering because of us humans."
"I'm Charles Vinnick, and I'm the executive director of the Whale Sanctuary Project."
"It's by far my favorite Sea Life center in the country and probably that I've ever been to."
"We need to increase our efforts to restore and better understand marine ecosystems everywhere."
"We must unite to prevent and reduce marine pollution."
"I'm the creator of duvet Leone, this is a streetwear ocean awareness and marine life based brand."
"Through the collective determination of scientists, policymakers, and communities worldwide, we have witnessed the resilience of these gentle giants."
"The marine ecosystem is their environment. And we have to respect that."
"Reducing single-use plastic means less death of marine life."
"Coral fragments are suspended from ropes to allow them to feed and grow, protected by the coral gardeners."
"Their survival depends on the gift of the whale."
"If we all try much harder to keep our sea clean, Dave won't think us humans are mean."
"We cannot let our greed for seafood destroy our marine habitats."