
Empires Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Looking back over the last 500 years of history, we can see this cycle that empires go through."
"The empires eventually faded away, but their magnificent remains continue to captivate our imaginations even today."
"It makes it seem so predictable from a historical perspective... the rise and fall of Empires... they go in this six cycle Trend."
"No empire survives the tides of history and the fate of each is to fall."
"It's that kind of a thing...be humble, be honest about it."
"Fascinating is in Daniel 2 you've got the metal pieces of the image that represent the different Empires."
"The reason why Empires fall is because the attack surface becomes so broad."
"Empires are both a reflection of human nature and exist in conflict with it."
"Micro militarism... when dying empires lash out."
"History has generally been a process of empires slowly accumulating weaknesses and then collapsing."
"I actually think it was pretty genius when Snack was trolling people with that, right?"
"Empires rise and then fall... they over stretch themselves... they expend themselves into extinction essentially."
"Empires cling to the past even when the signs clearly indicate that there's no way to resuscitate the past." - Andrew Bacevich
"Many kingdoms have risen and fallen on this very spot."
"Jews have been assaulted by some of the greatest empires the world has ever known. Every one of those empires, seemingly impregnable at the time, has been consigned to history."
"Regimes like all human creatures rise and fall, and world-bestriding empires fall harder, faster, and more surely than that."
"History is always going to be a little offensive because I mean you look at all these empires, I mean there's a lot of killing that goes on."
"The rise and fall of ancient empires: a journey through time and space."
"The Great War was waged on a global scale, brought to every corner of the earth by the mighty and terrible empires which waged it."
"The most populous, prosperous, and technologically advanced empires on planet Earth were all right next to each other."
"Alexander the Great created one of the biggest empires in history that stretched from Greece to India."
"All empires in history have an expiration date."
"These dominating empires came after Babylon: Meo Persia, Greece, and Rome. The nature of these empires was accurately reflected by the nature of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream."
"If history has taught us anything it's that Empires rise and fall all the time."
"This is a situation that's transformative, this is a situation where certain empires had to fall in order for something new to be created."
"Why should we care? It will be a very unstable world if we return to empires."
"There's a rise and fall of great Empires, and you fall most when you've risen the highest."
"Between 1754 and 1763, the world was convulsed by a truly global conflict between two great empires, the British and the French, and their various allies and colonies."
"There is no more Egyptian or Ottoman or Byzantine or Mayan empire."
"Empires don't die because they lose a war. We haven't won a war since World War II. They die because people stop believing in them."
"The Ottomans, the longest empire in the Muslim world."
"Every major Empire that has fallen has fallen from within."
"All empires collapse eventually and America is no exception."
"Empires rise and empires fall, but humanity has remained and in truth kept growing, appealing to the idea that empires fall is a concept mismatch."
"The success of the Wari and Inca empires were really underpinned by incredible feats of human engineering and technological innovation."
"Some of the most glorious empires in the history of the world come from the humblest beginnings."
"In West Africa, between 300AD and 1100AD, Ancient Ghana was the heart of the Ghana Empire, existing in what is now Mauritania and Mali."
"Empires fall apart, they change, they fragment, then eventually hundreds of years later somebody puts it back together again."
"Empires are expanding because they desire access to new or more resources and new or more markets to sell stuff as well as the desire to access networks of exchange."
"Empires have to figure out how you're going to unify the empire, how are you going to rule over places that are very far away from the capital or from the ruler or ruling family."
"Empires are expanding because they're responding to what other empires around them are doing."
"The Americans were saying the empires are not the defining part of the world; we should think of the world as a whole."
"There have been multiple empires that have come and gone since that time, and then we get to ours."
"...Mastery of this great sea route would dominate the global policy of the emerging empires in Europe."
"So when you look at these and understand that those are empires... going forward, there's a second part to the dream."
"1250 the old world as it used to be, the age of the empires."
"The Earth is littered with the ruins of Empires and civilizations that once believed they were Eternal now these are powerful quotes."
"Empires of old were greater when it was multiple cultures integrating."
"Empires have never been overthrown from within."
"There's a very large body of literature looking at how the rise and fall of empires and different polities and their transformation throughout history has often been tied to climate change."
"I love that quote: 'The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.'"
"What do you think is the greatest empire in world history?"
"Seeing how quickly huge empires grow and then immediately disintegrate helps us understand the wonder that was Rome."
"However, Afghanistan didn’t get its name as the Graveyard of Empires by mistake."
"Empires built and destroyed, immense fortunes made and countless lives lost, all in the name of spice."
"Everywhere where the Mongols were, Russia, China, Middle East, are going to become these gunpowder Empires."
"People come here and build their own media empires with multiple contributors."
"Nimrod eventually became the father of two of the Bible's and World History's Greatest Empires: Syria and Babylon."
"Empresses do not stay on the market long. They're marriage material, they build empires."
"These three empires - Mauryan, Gupta, and Mughal - had a significant impact on the artistry and wealth of India."
"The three major empires were the Mughals in India, Safavids in Iran and Ottomans in the Middle East, Anatolia and Eastern Europe."
"It built and destroyed empires, enslaved millions, and created the most powerful corporation the world has ever seen."
"God is in control and not the powerful empires of the world."
"The great empires of Germany and Austria-Hungary had collapsed following the war."
"The fate of empires depends on the education of youth."
"The fate of empires depends on the education of the youth."
"Four great Empires collapsed and were replaced by radically different political regimes."
"The first world war was not a war between European States; it was a war between Global Empires."
"Focus on your MOMS: Manchus, Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids."
"Every empire in this period built monumental architecture."
"Empires are almost impossible to keep hold of long because it collapses on the middle because of debt."
"History is a succession of seemingly invincible superpowers which all eventually fall."
"The clash of these two empires determined the course of history."
"The city of Kiev has thousands of years of history going back to the Roman Empire and more recently the Byzantine Empire."
"But why did such an advanced and mighty Empire suddenly vanish from history?"
"Empires do not stand by human might, man-made machines, and missiles. There is not a wall high enough nor thick enough to prevent a nation from falling when God pronounces that nation's doom."
"The cobwebs and the mice on the model of Valyria suggest the inevitable fall of all empires."
"Alexander the Great... he went out conquering whole peoples and Empires."
"Afghanistan in the 19th century was known as the graveyard of empires."
"From the era of the Pharaohs to the Mamluks, from the Ottoman Empire to Napoleon's France, it has been one of the strategic points of many critical states."
"The grandiose upheavals of the Romes of this world constitute a lesson in myths of imperialism, the fragility of power, the impermanence of permanence, and the magic of a name."
"All great empires begin from but a grain of sand."
"If you were to come out here in the early 1800s, stand on this spot, you would be in three empires at once."
"I have lived for a very long time. I've seen empires rise and fall."
"It's important to acknowledge not only that many of these city-states and eventual empires are very much ethnically and even racially diverse."
"The head of gold, Babylon. The chest, the arms of silver, the Medes and Persians. The brass hips, of course, Greece. And then the legs of iron, feet of iron and clay, of Rome."
"Empires are very inclusive systems of government."
"This was the crossroads of Empires, and of course, it's the most logical place for a final battle."
"Most of history is the history of Empires."
"Empires are either built or destroyed."
"The Roman state was almost constantly at war with the Iranian Empires ever since the two entities touched borders."
"We're dealing with the founding of the three major empires of Western Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai."
"Some of the successor kingdoms to his great empire were short-lived, others endured for centuries."
"The greatest of empires will eventually fall, no matter how unlikely that may seem at the height of their greatness."
"During every Empire's existence, there are brief moments capable of great change and upheaval."
"Greed can destroy empires, right? And that's all it's always done, is destroyed empires."
"The river has seen mighty empires rise and fall."
"I've always kind of had a passing interest in old empires, especially the Spanish Empire, the British Empire, from the Golden Age of Sail, Age of Pirates."
"Empires have dominated the whole earth, the whole world."
"History dictates that every Empire before it has fallen."
"Empires have a way of crumbling to sand, and all that's left of Mesopotamia are a few of its treasures."
"We're going to see four Empires that are going to fall apart throughout this: the Russians, the Ottomans, the Austro-Hungarians, and the Germans."
"It's the circle of life, all empires come and go."
"Eclipsed by the splendour of the Persian, Macedonian and Roman empires, civilisations of the Bronze Age are often relegated to a status of mystery in the popular consciousness."
"Come, let us sit on the ground around the fire and tell tales of the fall of once-mighty empires."
"I've seen some of the greatest empires fall fast."
"We earn their respect, and we've done that when humans, like emperors of empires, this is how emperors have domesticated their empires."
"Kash gave birth to Kemet, Kash gave birth to ancient Babylonia, Kash gave birth to the Persian Empire."
"It's like a reincarnation, so to speak, of all the ancient capitals of the great empires past."
"This is like really the end of the old world, this is the collapse of all of these empires."