
Fragrances Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"YSL Y... these fragrances are extremely versatile, you can use them almost any season, any situation, and pull crazy compliments."
"I just really love Chanel fragrances they make me feel sexy and womanly and mature."
"Fragrances can condition yourself to actually feel more competent, to feel more confident, to just feel better about yourself."
"Eric didn't want fragrances that would stick around that you wouldn't be able to get rid of."
"Fragrances create a very personalized representation... Positive and Powerful connections to others."
"Discovering your style, building your collection—it's also a great tool to express yourself through fragrance."
"You'll kind of see that reflected here we have 13 fragrances I think I already said that."
"The other thing I love about this is that you know it is genderless as well. All of the fragrances are genderless, which is key for me."
"16 fragrances that I discovered last year that I think you guys need to know about."
"Fragrances that smell like petrichor, geosmin, just before it rains, you know, earth, soil tincture, all that stuff."
"Fragrances could get reformulated or discontinued very easily nowadays."
"I think clone fragrances can be a point of contention."
"Also let me know what fragrances you consider cozy and comforting that you're going to wear this Autumn season."
"Fragrances only start conversations."
"A great collection of fragrances for under 100 dollars."
"...there's a lot of love and affection for many of these fragrances."
"Fragrances can still smell amazing even after decades if stored properly."
"I'm going to tell you about 20 more all-time greatest fragrances that still smell great today."
"Seven clone fragrances today... these ones have got good projection, good longevity, they last a long time. These are strong boys."
"I love coconut. I think I have at least 15 coconut fragrances in my collection."
"Lush does natural fragrances very well and they're super transparent about the ingredients they use."
"If interlude man is Kali, Overture woman is almost like Carly taking some time out and having a basket of apples."
"Memoir man is criminally underrated, one of the best modern fujiers in my opinion. I love it."
"Opus 13 is filthy in the best possible way, like Carly and Medusa having a party."
"These are 25 fragrances that I'll never ever stop recommending to you."
"Luxury inspired fragrances at a fraction of the cost. Typically you can get these fragrances for as low as $29."
"So that wraps up my top designer fragrances for life, these are the scents that I just hold dear to my heart."
"Fresh fragrances that are worth every penny."
"Your breakdown of fragrances is awesome."
"If I were making my own personal top 10 of like my favorite lines of fragrances the Dior Homme line would be in the top 10 comfortably I'd say top five comfortably."
"I freaking love fragrances; I love perfumery."
"It's the season of giving, and fragrances are not a bad choice at all."
"It's time to wear some lovely, cuddly, and interesting fall fragrances."
"These are the 10 fragrances that I enjoy wearing the most."
"Perfect fragrances, very very sexy."
"We are unleashing the top 15 best kept secret fragrances of all time."
"It is a great way to get high-end fragrances without paying retail price."
"I've recently very much gotten into fragrances."
"These are my holy grails, my hall of famers, fragrances that I currently recommend all the time and will most likely recommend for a long time."
"I hope you guys are enjoying my series of videos for discontinued fragrances."
"Seasonal fragrances... some fragrances just work better in colder weather, some fragrances work better in warmer weather."
"What I like about all three of these fragrances is they are similar but they each have something different about them."
"I love perfumes. I feel like I'm starting a little perfume collection."
"These fragrances that I'm talking about today are definitely worth finding and buying if you can."
"I cannot think of a better way to sample a whole mess of fragrances than that."
"Springtime fragrances, one of my favorite times of the year."
"Everyone knows this hobby of fragrances can be expensive sometimes, eye-wateringly expensive."
"Find out about my top 20 luxury designer fragrances coming right up."
"If you store your fragrances correctly, they can last indefinitely, well past the end of your lifetime."
"Thank you so much for watching, and today I'm very excited to be sharing with you my top 10 favorite fragrances to wear in a suit and tie."
"My favorite brand for fragrances is Creed."
"Fragrances are some of the best gifts to give and get."
"This time from 2010 to 2020 was a great time for fragrances; we got so many game-changing scents."