
Slow-motion Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"So it's a four times slow-mo. The recording in 4K, 120 frames per second. This would be gorgeous."
"Remained a heavily beloved piece of Kit, not only for sentimental reasons but also for the incredibly satisfying slow-mo gameplay."
"120 frames at 1080p means 4 times slow motion."
"This makes it so much easier to capture slow motion."
"240 frames per second, that's like the slow mode that's really slow that's not just kind of that creamy nice slow-motion feel."
"Do you ever feel like sometimes you're just moving in bullet time?"
"Like even that did the dude running down the street, that's probably like 30 seconds of him running down the street which turns into a three-minute video in slow motion."
"A drop is just an opportunity in slow motion."
"It's one thing to see this stuff in real time but to see every frame so meticulously detailed at a tenth of the speed is breathtaking."
"Slow motion, 20 seconds long and it's going insane. Look at this!"
"Super slow motion is dope. You're gonna have a lot of fun with that slow motion camera."
"Whoa, two at a time and in slow-mo! Holy geez, that is cool."
"It's already beginning, so we've got to do some slow-motion here."
"You see the hammer coming back and everything's like slow motion."
"This update lets you add slow motion effects to your videos."
"It's an amazing film, watch it in slow-mo and you'll understand."
"Hold on, slow motion bro, this is literally Bollywood."
"A super slow shot is going to feel cinematic, it's going to feel more dramatic."
"Make sure you subscribe if you like slow-mo."
"Everything is in slow motion and that's a good thing."
"Slow motion gives you a really cool effect in the video."
"He literally stated he perceives a bullet in slow motion."
"Number ten is slow motion. Now, beginners sometimes get carried away with slow motion because it looks so freaking cool."
"Slow motion can benefit our videos in a few ways."
"you can use normal frame rate footage and turn it into slow motion high frame rate looking footage"
"And there you go, we just watched a lightning bolt happen in slow motion. Science!"
"It was like everything was moving in slow motion."
"The weirdest thing was that time just really seemed to move so slow."
"It's all slow motion for all the people in there."
"It fired off and for me it felt that there was a pause but everything kind of slowed down for me... It was all very slow motion."
"It was just like everything went slow motion."
"When they showed Goldberg taking out Lodi with a paw to the head in slow motion, that was worth it."
"Just look at the perfection now we're seeing it in slow motion."
"If you want those super smooth slow-mo shots, that's what you would use this for."
"I typically shoot everything at 4K 60, so 60p, 60 frames a second, which means that I can slow everything down to nice slow motion in post-production."
"Slo-mo is his calling card and I think that he does it well, and he deserves to be an S just for his slo-mo."
"If you set slow motion yourself in 120 frames per second, you're going to get a much better bit rate and it's going to look a lot better."
"The slow-mo cameras were a good choice. I think they really work. I hope I really hope that they can commit to that in the regular season."
"Watching this in extreme slow motion, it's almost like watching a ballet of firepower, a bullet ballet."
"Slow motion cameras are absolutely insane."
"The entire club shifted to a slow-motion movie scene."
"Use slow motion not just because everything looks cool in slow motion, it also has its practical uses."
"There are five possible ways we can survive this, and it's in super slow motion. And you know, it's all of that, is part of it."
"Go very slowly, slow down, you're going to find more subjects, you're going to get more shots that you're happy with."
"Slow motion can help you to show your audience the action more clearly."
"60 frames per second is the first frame rate that people consider to be slow motion."
"It's always important to have a high frame rate just so you can slow it down in post without it looking super choppy."
"I always record in 120 frames a second because you can slow down the footage down to 20%, which is insane."
"I shoot everything in 4K 60 because I want to slow down the main thing I'm looking for with b-roll is slow subtle movements."
"Oh, this shot is great with him slow-mo to the kid."
"The idea of the higher frame rate is that when you shoot at faster frames per second and you play it back at regular speed, in this case, it would be four times slow-motion."
"I think I had to grow my hair out now so I can look cooler in slow motion."
"I love that slow-motion so much, no other camera that I know of in this kind of price range in size does 480 frames per second and it looks good enough."
"The picture quality at 120 and 240 frames per second is actually very good."
"There's not a whole lot of moments in your life that you remember kind of like coming to you in slow-mo, but for me, it was."
"It's pretty amazing for slower moving subjects."
"Shooting it in slow motion gives you that same kind of feeling when you see soda being poured in like a McDonald's commercial."
"Making a slow-motion video is actually a lot simpler than it sounds."
"The GoPro is one of the best cameras that I have found actually that allows you to slow your video down."
"Looking at slow-motion, it's a really well-executed fun feature."
"Recording everything in 60p gives you the opportunity to do the cinematic 2x slow-mo."
"Being able to shoot crispy 4K footage in five times slow motion is very impressive."
"4K 120 for me has opened up an entirely new world of handheld creativity."
"It's so smooth, it looks incredible! I love the slow motion!"
"Slow motion footage is one of the biggest assets and tools I use when creating my sports videos."
"120 frames per second is definitely my favorite frame rate for so many reasons."
"There is nothing more satisfying than getting that perfect dunk or that perfect goal celebration in nice buttery smooth 120 frames per second slow motion."
"That was sweet. I loved how we were seeing those slow-motion lightning bolts across the face."
"They made the slow motion look like art."
"This is performance right here, every moment is cool because it's all in slow-mo."
"Slow motion is pretty sweet with fire."
"He's so beautiful that her world suddenly turns slow-motion."
"The real image quality value in the RX, in my opinion, is all of the slow motion options."
"It gave me a great excuse to play around with some slow-motion videography."
"It's amazing how just small movements, if you slow them down, it has a completely different effect."
"Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Gary floundered, not comprehending which way was up."
"The s23 records slow motion video up to 960 frames per second, that's to say Ultra Ultra slow motion video."
"Zack Snyder, he's the slo-mo king."
"If you're someone that likes to shoot a lot of slow motion, especially when it comes to YouTube or content creation, slow motion can really help make your videos feel epic."
"Seeing this stuff slowed down to this degree is so much fun."
"Am I the only one who loves it when they put everything in slow motion and you can see how Barry saves people?"
"I saw the back of a nun wearing a black habit and veil... her garments swayed side-to-side in slow motion."
"It was the kind of game that seemed to take place in slow motion."
"It's really fun to take videos of fast-moving subjects and watching it in slow motion."
"The more frames per second you shoot, the slower you can play back that footage."
"This camera has a dedicated slow motion mode where you can shoot exclusively slow motion video up to 180 frames per second."
"If you want to do some slow motion stuff, you can do that in here."
"The 120 frames per second slo-mo is really cool."
"You can capture high quality slow motion video right in the camera."
"There's something about slow motion footage of people reacting to balloons popping which is a ton of fun."
"Everything kind of went in slow motion; everything around us went very quiet."
"We're starting to get just a very slow-moving particle effect, perfect."
"It's a pro-oriented camera; it has high frame rate mode which offers incredible slow-motion up to 960 frames per second."
"Overall, the Hero 10 is a clear winner for smooth slow motion footage."
"I want to see more slow-mo utilized in K-Pop videos."
"This camera can actually record in 4k up to a hundred sixty frames per second, so you can get that really nice slow motion."
"I get incredibly sharp and detailed 4k up to 30 frames per second and full HD 1080p up to 120 frames per second for slow-motion."
"I'm always amazed when they show someone with the puck and making a goal, but they do it in slow motion. You can see how the hockey stick bends."
"Amazing smooth operation with a slow motion mode."
"Shooting at 50 frames per second means I can slow the video down when editing to create a slow motion effect."
"It was one of those things where you see things in slow motion."
"We have some slowdown here, some nice bullet time because I like Matrix the movie."
"Everybody looks epic when they walk in slow motion."