
Vivid Imagery Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"The valley before them was littered with human bones, some still wrapped in tattered shreds of clothing, and others clinging to strips of dried flesh and hair."
"Their picture is like a vivid portrait Frozen in Time showing this intriguing moment in history."
"Oh my God, that half face, that half face on top of it! It was an octopus, centipede, spider kind of thing, but there was a half-shaped man's face on top of it!"
"Fix your Gaze on this scene the alligator's eyes emit an eerie luminescence."
"Commander Cullen could see the Titanic Clash of adamantium and steel against flesh and hardened bone."
"I'll never forget... the whole night sky is just lit up with just fire."
"The otherwise light in its black body burned with unreadable emotion, as if to try to fight the flames spreading quickly along its body."
"Panama - puts you immediately in the fast lane of his hellish ride through a hot summer night."
"That's what's amazing. That orange. It's like with Castro whenever we go up against Castro."
"Moisture sweating like a freshly buttered crumpet."
"You can almost see the soul leaving their body."
"Black holes: bottomless pits like the jewels of Hell."
"As the last rays of sun fell upon the blood-soaked decks."
"It felt like a war zone, and it was still fresh."
"He's dripping wet like a dolphin right now, I can feel it."
"Absolutely terrifying with his own eyes, a dark shadow figure moving from right to left right behind him, but his GoPro camera captures every creepy detail."
"The spear shot through the air like a ray of light."
"Imagine if chunks of metal fell from the sky to Earth in just one second—under such rain, something like hundreds of knives would pierce the human body."
"Lewis just cut through it like you've got a knife warm and put it on a loaf on a bit of a bit of butter, oh tasty." - Sam Collins
"I want to see that breath, that life escaping from them when they exhale."
"You know what I mean like I'm drinking water and I can't even drink it fast enough. I would dip my paintbrush in the can and when I pulled it out it would be dry before I touched the wall."
"Your flavors, your juices running through my head."
"It was like flowing electricity, it was not even 75 feet up. I could have hit this thing with a rock."
"Going from that black and white world of Kansas in Wizard of Oz into the Technicolor world of Oz is how I felt going on to that small world in Japan."
"She clings to her chest, her face burning brighter than a thousand splendid suns."
"It paints such a picture, Dracula playing this organ from the top of this castle."
"Our razor sharp claws will cut him and splatter their foot."
"With a sudden flare, the flames turned burning hot. 'I cry out as what feels like a thousand knives stab into my skin.'"
"Seeing things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion."
"His blade gleamed in the moonlight, its deadly dance a symphony of destruction."
"Juveniles are very dark red or black, very slender with a large red spherical head."
"He lights up like the fourth of freaking july."
"The experience I had had out of my body was really in color."
"Tyson's right hand made his soul pack its bags and then it got caught in traffic on its way to the shadow realm."
"My eyes turn to saucers, like a deer in headlights, my life flashed before my eyes!"
"Charging into battle with a sword in one hand and hunger for killing in the other."
"Losers don't matter in the history books. He's a fucking footnote, not even that. He's a sticky note who's fallen out of the book and getting trampled on by dogs."
"The descriptions of Oxford are just ah that unrivaled."
"This has got the same energy of, you know those crackheads that you find at a petrol station at 2 am in the morning."
"I'm like a little kid in a candy store right now."
"It's like a stretch, it's like a face but it's like stretched on a skin rack."
"All right, let's get out of Totentanz. Oh, it's gonna be that grim thing when you leave a club into broad daylight and you're like, 'Ah, like a vampire.'"
"The silence ruptured like a rock dropped into a steel pool."
"Jericho is like a bloody quivering mess at the end of it."
"It feels like there's like shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in my throat and he's like 'I've got you again Turtles'."
"The creature's eyes, a piercing yellow, glowed in the darkness like fiery embers."
"If you're gonna go down, go down like flames."
"The sky take an axe to the prison wall escape walk out like someone suddenly born into color."
"Devil's fingers: it literally looks like the devil's fingers and it smells exactly how I imagine he would smell."
"This depiction of hell is so brutal and so unsettling that it actually is probably one of the best depictions because it makes you not ever under any circumstances want to go there."
"I put all six bullets into him and then watched him collapse into the dirt like a sack full of rocks."
"It's like being trapped in a corner where there's a massive animal coming at you."
"Red lizards: monstrous apex predators with more hate than blood."
"It kind of looks like Grandpa Abel just walking through the gates of hell."
"It was like a bag full of cherries and blackberries and everything else that makes a bloody substance when you shoot it."
"They need to have our minds strongly prepared for these experiences and events, and that's done through repetition and through strong imagery."
"Blazing fire, big and bright, definitely burning well."
"My favorite image of the entire tournament? England fans celebrating overweight middle-aged men topless rolling around on tarpaulin."
"I mean, the cockroaches literally growing out of the carpet is kind of disgusting."
"In that moment of bliss, their cheeks flushed with a deep Crimson Hue."
"the Flames sawed in the wind and the Embers paled and deepened and paled and deepened like the blood beat of some living thing eviscerate upon the ground"
"My breath turned to visible vapor as it left my lips, and the cold air felt like an ice cream blanket on my skin."
"The entire root system was ablaze, like the soil was full of fluorescent worms."
"There was blood everywhere, like a scene from a horror movie."
"The look in his eyes was burned into my brain, reminding me of a wild animal in danger—vicious, crazed, nearly feral, completely terrified."
"His bed is on fire, his clothing is on fire, and next to him, there is like a window that is to the Hellfire."
"I just felt like I was flying through the gates of hell."
"I can visualize every scene unfolding like a slow-motion movie."
"If you can make the reader see the scene, that's when it comes alive."
"The spear glows gold as I wield it and ram it right into her chest. Jesus."
"It felt like I was being chainsawed in the stomach with hot sauce on the chainsaw."
"The guide's descriptions were vivid, and I felt like I could see and hear the images he described of terrified prisoners being heckled by the guards and other inmates."
"I just see his body like, you know when like E.T. rides his bike across the moon?"
"It's like when [__] uh Goku falls to a planet and like the mountains break. That's what it was like."
"And then I bought bike shorts, because when I rode it, my ass - or my gooch, you're good - oh my gooch, you feel like you're getting pounded out by an 8-inch big boy with balls, no?"
"Fire, darkness, blood. There is no better description like the real hell."
"Imagine fighting the shells of 86 ancient tortoises. That's jarring."
"Kirsten couldn't take her gaze from the bear she could see the sharp teeth and Long Claws it was so close she could smell the musky stink of its fur."
"You gutted him like a fish in that apartment too."
"Purple is not only highly colored prose. It is the world written up, intensified and made pleasurably palpable."
"I have never seen so much color in my life. It literally looks like a rainbow threw up on my dining table."
"He was so big he was an uncomfortable sight to see like a praying mantis folding up behind a plate."
"The liquid filled her throat with fire."
"It's like they'd taken a squirrel and put it up your ass. Nobody wants that."
"It was a lot like standing inside of Television static, like every atom was charged and visible to the point that you could see the move as you moved through them."
"She sprayed, she machine gunned hot diarrhea down my gullet."
"It looks like when a snake tries to run on a silky smooth bed."
"This fragrance just sparkles I swear it's like pixie dust like if tinkerbell were flying around in here throwing pixie dust like this is what it would smell like."
"So strong that he hurt her and caused her to spray milk all over the place like a boobs sprinkler."
"Liquid go down like a bloody fat kid on seesaw right now."
"...like that of a one-eyed cyclops..."
"I'm fast like that [ __ ] shoots out of me like it's like a [ __ ] letter going through a tube at a bank in the 1950s."
"What is that aftertaste? Somebody's got to explain that to me. It's like you eat a piece of chocolate and then it turned into licorice, I don't know, and then somebody takes a piss in your mouth."
"It's like you squeezed a flower to create this paint color."
"Its eyes were orange, bright, almost glowing."
"It's like a unicorn pooping in your mouth right when you bite it, just bursts with our nose."
"Have you ever seen that part in The Matrix where the agent begins to shift and morph? That is precisely what this person looked like."
"It was like a nightmare come to life, a creature straight out of a movie like the Creature from the Black Lagoon."
"He said it looked like the fourth of July out there."
"It looked like someone had shot it with an assault rifle and then an elephant rifle or something."
"It feels like something is reaching its hand down in my mouth, trying to snatch the living soul out of my body."
"A chimpanzee will eat your nuts right out of your ball sack I mean just like - you know just like two olives"
"I was drowning in a swarm of baby faces, they were laughing like baby vampires."
"Every page is like this, the metaphors and images spilling off of the page."
"A 20-foot wall of water that looks like a tidal wave but it's not water it's uh it's poop."
"Do you know what having monstrous jaws cut through your flesh feels like? Me neither."
"The smell was indescribable, the hundreds, no the thousands of bodies everywhere, decomposing, putrefying."
"This really highlights all the cracks and everything around that pothole, and boy I can tell you, this really brings it to life really quick."
"I've heard a lot of screams on TV and movies, but I had never heard such a blood-curdling scream as this before."
"The Earth vomited me forth like a squelch as if expelling something indigestible."
"It tastes like the Playboy Mansion smells."
"There are some brilliant descriptions of farm life."
"The light of the drawing of the swords of the Noldor was like a fire in a field of reeds."
"It was a stunning cornucopia of just color and sight and sound."
"The sea seemed a sheet of polished obsidian on which the warships seemed to have been dropped and been immobilized, centered amid concentric circles like shock waves that form around a stone dropped in mud."
"I could picture every scene of this book so perfectly in my brain, and it just was such an experience reading it."
"The imagery is just very striking; there are some really striking moments which I will not forget."
"The match scratched noisily across the rusted metal of the corrugated iron shed, fizzled, then burst into a sputtering pool of light."
"The greens and purples and oranges were so alive and so vibrant, they were dancing around and ebbing and flowing like an EDM concert."
"The eyes are very piercing in their crystal blue."
"The color is so deep, it's deeper than the deepest portion of the Atlantic Ocean, and it almost feels like you could dive right into it."
"The harmonica poured its heart out and the music glittered like sunlight on the spokes of a wheel."
"Although Frank's ability to traverse so many topics is impressive, how he paints pictures for his listeners is extraordinary."
"Their blade wove a lattice of silver light, eviscerating everything that approached their edged web."
"You spin around, you laugh to yourself, and I see you shine in every color, resting your head in my arms."
"She was like a force of nature. A tornado of whirling fabric and raven hair."
"Magic, bright and brilliant and blue, it glowed in her eyes and shimmered beneath her skin."
"The mountains lining the horizon brought dragon teeth to mind, as if the Mojave itself was sitting upon an immense dragon's tongue."
"The intense and lurid splendor which burns like gold and bathes like blood."
"Forever my mind's eye of Mary Jane Watson and Aunt May, the colors just pop."
"The morning's sky was already a bruised mixture of purple, red, and ochre; a violent storm was approaching."
"He turned to me, his face still in the sun, and his eyes seemed to glow."
"It's like being dragged down a hallway backwards and being smacked in the head with for just like this powerful hit of like a pineapple taste and this hit of like a banana taste and then a hit of like a berry taste."
"This atmosphere paints a vivid picture of being taken hostage and drugged in a sci-fi alien strip club beneath the earth's crust."
"The sky above the forest darkened and clouds of the deepest purple, blue, and green spilled out from a single point in the heavens."
"The sky was purple, it seemed to be spewing flames."
"Away went Tom Walker, dashing down the streets, his white cap bobbing up and down, his morning-gown fluttering in the wind, and his steed striking fire out of the pavement at every bound."
"The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles that flashed and passed in our glasses."
"The wheels are yellow, the upholstery's brown"
"The horror elements of this book are brutal, like disgusting, you can picture it in your head very easily."
"Whiter than the white hot light of a thousand burning suns."
"His eyes just lit up like two candles."
"The sky was black with naval vessels and private and public pleasure craft, flying long streamers of gay-colored silks."
"The food descriptions are beautiful, and the descriptions of the town - everything is really picturesque."
"I like extremely vivid pictures in poetry, not just gray poetry, and I like it very musical."
"As the last of a blood-red sunset streaked the Baltimore sky, throngs of working people crowded the streets."
"I still see those shapes stalking me in my sleep, circling me like sharks."
"When the light hit its eyes, they were vibrant yellow and menacing."
"He didn't sugarcoat or glamorize it; he painted vivid pictures with his words."
"I thought that is an amazing image to be a part of the language, just if you take it literally, like a bat out of hell."
"The eyes were like a blue flame on torch."
"His marmalade-hued ember burned as bright as the morning sun."
"The very air grows thick with tension as the blue-white arcs of energy twist and writhe like serpents hungry for release."
"The water is as blue as it looks."
"It glimmered and shone in the torchlight, a thousand smoky ripples of silver and midnight swirling from grip to point."
"I need to taste the noise, see what I'm saying? It's like Starburst, taste the rainbow."
"Sharp as a sword thrust, the sound of a horn split the air bright and baneful."
"He smelled and tasted like Starbursts."
"You can actually see the steam of his breath coming out when he's breathing."
"The maester did not believe in omens, and yet... old as he was, Cressen had never seen a comet half so bright, nor yet that color, that terrible color, the color of blood and flame and sunsets."
"She could have been 19 or 39, with a fine-featured face dominated by the greenest eyes I've ever seen."
"Hello again, Billy," his eyes fluttered open, a bright ocean blue.
"As if a spark had been released from his heart, each thought and mental scenario sent jolts of electricity across his body."
"It felt like we'd been lost in the desert for three years and someone brought up a giant icy mojito."
"The wind had blown off, leaving a loud bright night with wings beating in the trees and a persistent organ sound as the full bellows of the earth blew the frogs full of life."
"I see it now, that dreadful scene; the blue waves dancing beneath the brilliant sunshine."
"The Jade white python stuck out its blood-red tongue and moved its mouth back and forth; its tiny cold eyes were filled with blood while its white jade-like body emitted an aura that sent shivers down one's spine."
"He was like a flame himself, he glittered to our eyes."
"Her descriptions of the setting were so beautiful and really made you feel like you were there and could experience the same things as the characters."
"It was such a like beautiful world, like it was so colorful and different and intriguing."
"It's so dang blue and beautiful outside."