
Propulsion Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"To give you a sense of the impact gravity has on space travel, during the Apollo 11 Mission, reaching Earth's orbit took nearly 27 times the propellant compared to the rest of the journey, including re-entry into Earth."
"And here we go, off. Propulsion continues to be normal."
"Thrust is critical for getting us into space."
"Vehicle is pitching downrange, propulsion is nominal."
"Rockets obtain an impulse from their engines."
"Magnetoplasma Rockets share a massive role in this Mission."
"Electric motors are very well-suited to driving a vehicle, propelling it with just a fixed transmission."
"Until we confirm that this amazing breakthrough propulsion is indeed a thing which will revolutionize the future of space travel and perhaps the future of human civilization I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"Antimatter is real and the notion that you could use it for space propulsion is a real idea."
"It's real in that there are these things that are moving in very bizarre ways and they have these propulsion systems that violate what we know about propulsion systems."
"The propellers have a propulsion power that has never been seen on a ship like this one."
"The idea of a warp drive is to stretch the canvas of space into a wave which hypothetically compresses the space in front of an object and expands the space behind it."
"This is known as an ion thruster, and if we can have an ion thruster, do you think we can make an ion spacecraft or an ion craft?"
"By constricting space-time in front of the craft while expanding space-time behind, the alien ship could propel along like a bullet exiting a rifle."
"Our alien ship is immune to the effects of inertia, the universal property of matter that causes a body at rest to stay at rest and a body in motion to stay in motion."
"Wave Engine Corp has demonstrated the first jet engine without rotating parts on a UAV."
"Looks like hot gas thrusters are going to return."
"It was 1:30 A.M., there were fewer people on the bridge, but right now the idea that there was a warning that they had lost propulsion, that they could potentially hit the bridge, it raises a lot of questions."
"The Mercedes-Benz GLE350de is a plug-in hybrid, which means that you've got an engine and an electric motor both on board the car, and both of which are capable of propelling you along all on their own."
"Two thrusts in one: initial thrust and constant thrust."
"This is a propeller-powered boat."
"The vehicle has four propellers like a drone with a total thrust of 3.7 kons."
"The current plan for the BPS space shot is to do it as a vehicle that is two stages each stage has a rocket motor that is about seven to eight feet long six inches in diameter it has about a hundred thousand newton seconds of total impulse."
"Nuclear power is the best bet that we have today for making long duration space flight a true reality."
"It utilizes electrical energy to ionize propellant and accelerate it using electric and magnetic fields."
"Documents describe sightings of aircraft that seemed to move at very high velocities with no visible signs of propulsion or that hovered with no apparent means of lift."
"You are sitting on the atom bomb that is about to explode in a controlled fashion shooting all this energy downwards and pushing launching the shuttle into space."
"That propelled them to invade Afghanistan."
"A Laser Sail is very much like a solar sail, bouncing light or other EM radiation off a thin reflective sail to impart momentum and thrust on the ship."
"Because combustion occurs very quickly, it permits a spacecraft to have enough thrust to escape from a planetary gravity well..."
"It is possible to create a large thin sail that would take these particles and be shoved by them, same as a ship sails the winds here on Earth..."
"Hall Effect Thrusters have seen continual improvement, achieving exhaust velocities as high as ten times our best chemical rocket fuels."
"...men were like astronauts, it was the equivalent, I mean they were propelling themselves through the sky..."
"What makes you unique is what's going to propel you forward."
"These engines can reach ludicrous levels of efficiency. In fact, the RL-10B2, which utilizes the expander cycle with hydrolox propellants reaches 462 seconds of specific impulse."
"So glad we appear to have propulsion."
"And here we go, we have LIF off! Propulsion continues to be nominal, R68 chamber pressure looks good."
"Each engine produced around at 22 500 pounds each which for comparison's sake was over double the thrust of the Rolls-Royce avons in the comet 4."
"It just feels like every pedal stroke is going into propelling the bike forwards."
"...that'll help propel you forward and up a hill when we run."
"The cameras have captured a UAP whose flying trajectory defies any traditional propulsion."
"These are basically plasma engines but a good one because they produce such a loud bang and such a bright intense light they are also the perfect solution for something else."
"...if you could imagine like Bob Lazar's Craft if you had some sort of fusion reactor that create this s this electrostatic energy so electric charge essentially and then you coordinate it so it works asymmetrically then you could Propel a craft with no propellant."
"We are still achieving 10 times the specific impulse of traditional engines."
"But within an ion engine, you can fire these ions out the back much faster and you can get by with a lot less fuel."
"You can use them as gravitational slingshots, especially in pairs, to speed ships up to a decent fraction of light speed or slow them down too."
"At present only chemical Rockets can provide the high thrust needed to do this job."
"So, if NASA and other agencies were willing to take the risk of having a nuclear reactor blast out propellant from the surface of the Earth, you could get a better rocket system to carry stuff into space."
"...creating sufficient energy to push thousands of tons of ship through the world's oceans in silence and with no vibration whatsoever."
"lazar described this antimatter reactor as the heart of the spacecraft's propulsion system capable of generating a powerful gravitational field"
"the concept hinges on creating an anti-gravity effect allowing the UFO to slip through gravitational fields rather than overcoming them through conventional propulsion"
"The benefits of a large propulsion system are similar to having a car with a big and powerful engine: the vehicle becomes very maneuverable."
"That's called propulsion, but real rockets use Rocket Fuel to blast off."
"Storytelling is most propulsive when it's personal."
"Solar sails are an exciting technology for interstellar travel."
"Your paddle is just an anchor that's holding onto a piece of water so you can then propel yourself past the paddle."
"This is one of the more popular propulsion packages for the 38-foot cruiser."
"What we now think about these footprints is that that's telling us about propulsion and how they walked."
"You want it to be able to just kind of float where it is so that you can just have your propellers up your propulsion sort of push you wherever you're going again very a lot like space."
"To travel between the stars requires vast amounts of fuel and energy, but as it turns out, the ocean of night in deep space is full of fuel, if you can collect it along the way."
"The basic concept is that as you shove matter down the throat of this engine, some is fusing and releasing energy and the byproduct along with all the gas that didn’t fuse is absorbing that energy and blowing out the back as a propellant."
"That's sick. That's there it is, wow."
"It's a really soft, it's really squishy, but with that plate in there, it really propels you forward."
"Rocket boosters providing the initial lift to get Starliner to orbit and then later the second stage Centaur engines finish the job of getting the spacecraft into orbit."
"The nuclear thermal rocket will take us at least all the way out through the solar system."
"The technology exists, I think there's a European company that has an idea about a trailer actually providing propulsion."
"You can fire manhole covers off the nuclear bomb."
"Whatever these things used to move around, it's probably not petroleum."
"At the heart of the Kawasaki P1 are its four meticulously engineered turbofans."
"Generosity propels and drives the whole eight factors of the noble path."
"Humankind will require a propulsion technology that is a great deal more powerful than traditional rockets."
"The F-35A is equipped with a single Pratt & Whitney F-135 turbofan engine."
"It's propelled by the Arts on one side and Industries on the other."
"Once lifted, using the second propeller, thrust is generated which moves the hovercraft forward."
"The air pressure builds up and the air presses down on the water, which will push down on the cork until eventually, the rocket takes off."
"These engines are so powerful that they can realistically accelerate the craft to a significant fraction of the speed of light."
"Using mana to propel the hammer forward like a jet, Grey smashes the bag."
"The main way they tried to solve it was to change the propellers."
"Solar sails are a type of spacecraft propulsion system that uses the pressure of sunlight to produce thrust."
"Thanks to this engine, the anti-gravity aircraft does not use conventional turbine or rocket accelerators."
"With a master's or PhD, you could design the next breakthrough in propulsion methods that could propel the spacecraft to greater speeds."
"Falcon 9 uses two propellants: a refined form of kerosene called RP1 and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer."
"The theoretical propulsion methods for unidentified objects push the boundaries of our current understanding of physics and the universe."
"A firearm is a mechanism that propels a projectile through the combustion of gunpowder."
"NASA's advanced propulsion Physics Laboratory, informally known as Eagle works, is challenging everything we know about propulsion and power."
"If you assume that they've got some revolutionary new propulsion that works by manipulating gravity per se, and I would like to think that that's a game-changer for mankind."
"The way they use their wings underneath the water... is exactly that you need for it to propel so fast."
"Marketing and sales are still like the jet engines of the plane."
"The four propellers should give tons of thrust and their counter-rotation should make the thing very stable on the track."
"The primary drive technology was slipstream."
"Propeller's efficiency is a measure of its effectiveness at converting engine power into propulsive thrust."
"The ignited fuel created an explosive force that could be used to propel a vehicle forward."
"The difference between a solid fuel and a liquid fuel is the difference between a bullet or an artillery shell and a jet engine."
"You want the highest exhaust velocity and higher ISP, which hydrogen provides."
"At the end of the day, you're taking hot stuff and you're accelerating it out of the nozzle."
"Discovery now getting a boost into orbit from its twin orbital maneuvering system engines on either side of the shuttle's tail."
"It was propelled by twin fusion reactors."
"This bike balances all that out so you get a suspension that actually still moves and propels you forward."
"We must use the atmosphere both as a reaction mass and also for its chemical energy."
"We just put sufficient air breathing propulsion on it to reduce the job that the rocket engines have to do."
"If we could find an engine that would get us up to Mach 5 breathing without introducing too much of a weight penalty, then we should be starting to win out."
"The advantage of that of course is that when you finish with the air breathing bit, you can then go on to replace the liquid air with liquid oxygen that you're carrying on the vehicle."
"The Sabre engine beautifully combines elements of jet and rocket propulsion."
"Once these solid fuel rockets are lit, that's it; they can't be shut down or stopped. You are on your way to space."
"We plan on doing a hybrid electric propulsion system."
"How close are we to building an antimatter propulsion system?"
"It's amazing, those JJ engines definitely are designed for a tug."
"Whales depend on their tails for propulsion, not their legs."
"The propeller is basically a miniature wing that spins around and creates lift that pushes the airplane forward."
"The powers that be wanted to understand how this craft propulsion system worked."
"The thrust force is actually proportional to how fast we're ejecting mass from the back of the rocket."
"Solar electric propulsion... building a high powered system using flexible arrays and new thrusters for high power."
"The formation of differential equations from known solutions makes the topic more propulsive."
"When you kick down, the water is trapped on the blade, and as you kick down, the water shoots off behind you, just perfect, like a jet engine, and you go that way."
"A powerful gust of wind that propelled the ship forward."
"Solar sails are a method of propulsion based on the reflection of photons from a star."
"We figured out how to blow things up enough to speed into space."
"The direct matter to energy drive can be utilized as an anti-gravity propulsion device for use on land, in air, on or underwater, or in space."
"Whatever the case is, something is propelling you forward."
"Something in June is going to really propel you on your path to what has always been destined for you."
"While love can be a beautiful emotion, it is equally a form of energy that propels you through life."