
Paranormal Activity Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"There's tons of activity throughout the video. I'm talking sounds, things flying across the room, doors slamming shut."
"This house is quickly starting to become one of the most haunted places in San Antonio, Texas."
"The brightness and size of the orb in this footage is quite unique."
"Objects moving and sometimes childlike behavior."
"Lights would flicker and reports of dogs barking could be heard from empty rooms."
"To this day you can hear the child crying in the middle of the night and can even sometimes see Lizzy wandering the bridge looking for her child."
"The humming had completely ceased... overwhelming feeling of dread."
"Cameras and other electronic equipment malfunction, or the batteries just die without warning, so no pictures or video can be taken at all."
"Regardless of who the spirit is, its appearance in the video is downright terrifying."
"Could this cluster of sightings be the focal point of the vortex, a portal where aliens travel into and out of our world and take those of us they wish?"
"This prison is haunted, and the paranormal activity is totally legit."
"For some mysterious reason paranormal phenomena like this one have been occurring more often lately."
"The place is teeming with the ghosts of its former residents, with no fewer than 15 spirits lurking in its rooms and hallways."
"Your home seems to have legitimate paranormal activity."
"Hospitals have a history of paranormal activity, and stories like this one continue to captivate the public's imagination."
"The Amityville Horror is the subject of one of the most notorious and controversial alleged hauntings in American history."
"As soon as the men left, Legos, other small objects, marbles, toys... started flying around the house again."
"There truly, truly, truly is something going on here."
"The phenomena in the Uinta Basin has been going on since before the United States government existed."
"On tonight's video we're going to be dealing with dark evil entities and demonic energies."
"Let's say the prayer again, maybe it'll actually give us a sign."
"This haunting is so weird because every time you try to confront it, it just goes quiet."
"There are small things missing from their pockets or bags while touring the grounds, workers have later found them on the floor in the Baker Suite."
"While walking through the now crumbling building you can feel cold spots, hear voices, and see orbs floating through the air."
"Locals and tourists alike agree that there is often a bad energy in the air which is often attributed to the angry Spirits seeking revenge for their remains being disturbed many years ago."
"Lights are flickering, some chick's floating."
"Visitors have reported hearing their screams from the dying room to this day."
"This is the room in which, in the last few years, we seem to have had the greatest amount of activity."
"Many commenters agree that this footage is unsettling, to watch and is definitely one of the most realistic pieces of poltergeist activity they've seen."
"Since sleep is a time for the brain to relax, some experts have suggested that humans may be able to sense paranormal activity more easily in this state."
"My EMF thing is going off right here, by these boxes!"
"Slender Man stalks prey, triggering 'Slender sickness' and inducing paranoia."
"The universe is always going to make a way for our voices to be heard."
"Doors opening and closing on their own, voices whispering through the halls, banging and knocking sounds coming from empty rooms."
"The crew had expected to debunk the legends surrounding the plantation, but they couldn't deny that there's definitely paranormal activity there."
"Don't move, why is she moving y'all? She's turning in the c. What was that? What was that? I heard some beeping."
"Multiple objects and store products crashing down and a cabinet door slams against one of the CCTV cameras. Creepiest of all, a life-sized doll kept in the glass display case moves on its own toward the camera."
"Locals believe the girl haunts the spot and frequent reports have been made witnessing the ghost lurking around the tunnel."
"They're dealing with ghosts, hauntings, and cursed objects."
"I'm almost positive just based on what we've experienced this whole night, I think there's a demon in this house."
"The Whaley House believed to be one of the most haunted homes in America."
"It said Room 11 is haunted by her ghost and those that have stayed there say they routinely hear rattling doorknobs."
"Visitors to the estate claim to have seen ghostly white figures in the night."
"Others claim they've seen a middle-aged man with a white mustache sitting at the bar."
"So is this just a coincidence, or are we witnessing some genuine paranormal activity here?"
"Ghosts and spirits haunt the desolate streets they once walked, demanding to have their stories told."
"If there is anything in this house with us, can you please touch that box and let us know that you are at least here?"
"Is that really a ghost wandering around and then disappearing without a trace, or just a brilliant hoax?"
"A married couple stationed at Fort Irwin in California are relaxing at home when suddenly their motion-activated baby monitor turns on to reveal some scary stuff caught on camera."
"Balls on the floor mysteriously seem to just start rolling around on their own."
"Basically, I can't fully explain this video, so this might actually be paranormal."
"Encounters with sprinting ghosts are commonly associated with haunted locations or areas with a history of paranormal activity."
"Full-bodied apparitions, physical attacks, demonic voice recordings, electronic malfunctions, possessions, and thousands more of documented cases."
"Of evil, Waverly Hills is considered to be the most haunted location in America. One hundred years of terror rained upon the five-story building."
"They won't let us leave, who's all around you? The shadows."
"Former resident, Dawn Declout claims that it's occupied by restless spirit often witnessed jangling pots and pans among other creepy unexplained phenomena."
"The poltergeist began disturbing the family in 1966 with a wide variety of paranormality."
"The stories were always the same: the lights came down from space, sucked on those people, paralyzed these people, and affected these people."
"The crew experiences several Eerie happenings while recording in the Castle's basement."
"This place is just off the charts with Paranormal Activity."
"Absolutely terrifying with his own eyes, a dark shadow figure moving from right to left right behind him, but his GoPro camera captures every creepy detail."
"His cameras capture furniture moving on its own in one of his investigations."
"The creepiest thing about the place is that both elevators stop on the third floor, only to open to nobody."
"With such a terrible history, it is not surprising that the former Weston State Hospital has become a hot spot of paranormal activity."
"Wow, okay, can you give us another sign you're here?"
"Locals have reported feeling as if they were being pulled underwater by unseen hands."
"The only thing there now is a small trailer home between the woods but this wasn't the last report or end of the goblins."
"Overcrowded prison...55 executions...a woman named Selena...still haunts the grounds today."
"I need to get the ghost out of there. It's pestering my sister's business, her livelihood."
"Regardless of the tale's origins, the paranormal activity reported at the intersection suggests that spirits may still linger in the area."
"Reports have actually become more frequent over the past few years, with eerie figures spotted down long, dark hallways and disembodied whispers almost a daily occurrence."
"Some argue that the sounds resemble those usually found in a recording or video and therefore might be fake. Others swear that there's a spirit haunting the basement, possibly a child who died there long ago."
"While many scary ghost videos show figures that appear to float aimlessly down hallways, this shape seems to behave with purpose."
"The mansion was first built as a hotel in the 1890s... Objects would disappear only to reappear later on or would move on their own."
"A paranormal investigator confirmed the liveliness of the doll, claiming that it changed position by itself and even changed the expression on its face."
"Could it be possible then that the Redditor's pets knew that something ghostly was roaming right outside the bedroom door?"
"It's now said that her ghost haunts the home and that she takes a particular dislike towards male visitors."
"The Bridgewater Triangle is real, there's no question in my mind. The weirdest things happen here, the most unexplained things happen here."
"There's something in that house that's intelligent and evil, something that knows that I know."
"Ghost hunters ended up capturing a ghost walking on a bridge."
"This is very elusive Skinwalker Ranch is not only disturbing at times and haunting but it's a complex mystery."
"The only time his camera freezes is when paranormal activity is happening in front of him."
"Okay, if you buy a new home and then you go into the attic then you look in a trunk and there's a creepy doll in there covered in bible verses just burn it."
"The night skies over Phoenix seemed to have a history of strange events."
"The most active of all phenomena, though, were the orbs, or bright blue balls that zipped across the fields at night."
"That's when something weird happened. It disappeared. It was almost like it blinked out of existence."
"Was there something paranormal shaking that bed and presenting those enormous dogs?"
"Best idea ever... using a spirit board in a haunted house."
"The footage hails from New England in North America. Now if you're familiar with the Paranormal Community, you'll know that this region is renowned for its numerous Bigfoot sightings."
"Utah, particularly northern Utah and the Winter Basin, is one of the most active paranormal and supernatural hotspots on the planet."
"Apparently, one of the girls who believed she could talk to the ghosts placed her iPhone on a little shelf in the closet."
"The black mausoleum... leading many to say he awoke some evil poltergeists."
"Connecticut is rich in history... but also rich in paranormal events."
"Terrifying paranormal activity disrupts the happy celebration!"
"What really went on inside this portal disguised as a farmhouse for the family was harrowing. I knew evil existed and I still don't know exactly what a demon is."
"Built around 1736, this house in Burrillville, Rhode Island, is the site of one of the most notorious hauntings in U.S history."
"We came back here to try and get some answers."
"My roommate's nightmares and hallucinations were getting worse... she would walk into the house and see something standing over her."
"The spectral sightings and eerie atmosphere make Shaker's Bar not just a historical landmark, but a portal to the past."
"This entire hotel is said to be haunted by children who have stayed there."
"A heavily complex story where a group of friends encountered more spirits and shadow figures than we have seen in ever, a combined decade doing this."
"You do know this is the most haunted location in America."
"I just saw movement on the camera too. Did you see that? I heard it. No, I saw something crawling on the floor."
"To this day many people believe that this is one of the most credible instances of paranormal activity occurring."
"Stan takes the role of what he calls a signal disrupter where he visits other people who are having similar hauntings with other creatures and beings of various kinds."
"They were first spotted by a man named Jose on his front lawn in Fresno California who captured this footage on CCTV."
"That's some scary stuff they've caught on camera."
"This is the most haunted playground in America... located in the middle of Maple Hill Cemetery... said that when people go there, especially at night..."
"It was also known to make inexplicable noises, to move objects, and to even strike those who offended it."
"We got the craziest EVP and it says Lizzie Borden who lives here."
"Even people who don't believe in the Paranormal got quite afraid after watching this video."
"These parents from Los Angeles were startled when they discovered ghostly spots hovering around their sleeping baby."
"It's probably the most haunted location in all of Colorado."
"Proper freaky dekey, mate! Imagine that, just having some fun with your mate, investigating some old barns, and then a bloody black shadow like that looking at you all bloody weird."
"After our time in Washington, it was easy to see why this state has more sightings than just about any other in the country."
"That was the most disturbing, terrifying, and greatest paranormal footage ever taken."
"I've had my face smashed into the protective glass of the dybbuk box by an unseen force."
"Spirits attach themselves to objects and over the years haunted objects come in and out of these stores like crazy."
"The doll can be seen slowly tilting its head while the girl is too busy playing to notice."
"The alleged ghost that was pestering the Hitchings family soon began penning letters to Shirley."
"Do any of you want to talk to us? I'd love to see you. I know whoever's in here likes to mess with people, play little tricks."
"I've never seen this much activity in one night before."
"As one might expect, most paranormal and supernatural encounters occur in the hours of darkness."
"A strange white translucent figure seems to move perhaps even walk straight into a solid wall."
"Some seriously fucked UP shit happened in that house that I can't explain."
"Being a paranormal investigation, sometimes it seems like you hit a lot of dead ends, but right at the end of the tunnel, you find the biggest clue ever."
"Flight Crews and passengers report seeing lifelike apparitions of Flight 401's crew."
"I've basically had a very long-winded way of making this one point: a lot of the UFO behavior that we observe is related to the phenomenon of alien abduction."
"The demon house of Gary, Indiana: a family's life turned upside down."
"People who don't believe there is something supernatural happening on the ranch are delusional."
"There is an extensive anthology of reports from hundreds of residents, tourists, and newspaper reporters who had experiences within not just the house but the grounds as well."
"With great power comes great responsibility and hi-yah."
"I kind of want to break it next time, let's sleep here tonight and do the whole Ouija board thing."
"We may never be able to fully understand what exactly the Perron family endured all those years ago, but whatever was or wasn't cast out from the Arnold Estate that fateful night in 1974 will continue to remain unsolved."
"This hotel is said to be haunted by Madame Pele."
"She explained that on the 15th of December 2016 there were reports of strange noises and dropping temperatures on the third floor."
"Witnesses have reported door slamming, shadowy figures, and even blood-curdling screams from within the building walls."
"Unexplained things happen on this bridge 100% hands down."
"What looks to be an arm reaching out to the woman on her supposed deathbed can be seen on camera."
"This is the time and day when unexplainable paranormal events happen."
"Barely six months into their lease, the Pickmans were looking for answers with the extraordinary phenomena becoming more erratic."
"Ghostly spirits can haunt the halls of any location with the past."
"But she goes over and she tells her you have to call a paranormal investigator it is probably the only group of people that if you reach out to them with a story they're not going to treat you like they're crazy."
"There were angry spirits in the house. It needs to be exercised," the paranormal investigator concluded.
"Strange noises such as the sounds of rats gnawing the bedposts, dogs fighting, and chains dragging across the floor were all reported."
"Using Ouija boards and provoking spirits is dangerous. It almost killed my friend, and it almost killed me. Please take caution if you do decide to dabble with these things."
"Occasionally we will have trigger objects react."
"Urban Legends Begin because of people who slip through the cracks. They've seen what's out there or think they know what they saw. Our job is to deal with it so it stays a legend."
"Bossy, the psychic dog was suddenly alert to an invisible anomaly."
"My camera shut off dude... there's something pulling energy here."
"I truly still think that there's something attached to me because even when I do ghost videos with other ghost YouTubers we always end up experiencing more than what they usually do."
"Caught an EVP that almost sounds like a child calling out for its mother."
"Paranormal Activity: It was new, it was a new type of sub-genre within a sub-genre."
"The Sherman family reported sightings of strange lights, UFOs, and circular doorways at Skinwalker Ranch."
"Why does Paranormal Activity often happen to Children rather than adults?"
"Basically what happened tonight, we had a piano play by itself, we had a giant bang, we talked to a spirit with responsive answers, it scared us out of the other room."
"The team saw tons of activity in Ramsey School, including slamming doors, loud bangs, shadowy figures, disembodied voices, and items moving of their own accord."
"There is always a weird atmosphere in the chapel, for instance, we hold wedding ceremonies here and I'm not sure if it's thanks to the Paranormal forces but I have seen several people faint here."
"The brothel is said to be a paranormal hot spot."
"Doors opening and closing on their own, near-constant electrical malfunctions, and the feeling of being watched, followed, or even touched by something unseen."
"The children... the home she grew up in where there was so much Paranormal Activity."
"The belief that the place is haunted is due to the grim conditions and traumatic events that occurred within its walls over the years."
"Lights switching on and off, doors opening by themselves, and a whole tray of glasses dropping off the counter in the bar when nobody was near."
"Prisoners trying to communicate with the living, the executed continuously reliving their last moments, or just an old building replaying its horrific past?"
"Paranormal activity saved our lives." - Frankie Gotz
"This quickly led me to believe the place was haunted."
"I've experienced paranormal activity a lot but that's the only time I've ever seen an apparition and it scared me to death."
"...the farm has a reputation for being haunted, with visitors reporting seeing ghosts, hearing unexplained noises, and feeling an eerie presence."
"To this day, workers and visitors alike find small things missing from their pockets or bags while touring the grounds."
"Visitors to Bannack have reported seeing ghostly apparitions, hearing unexplained noises, and feeling a very strong spiritual energy throughout the town."
"St. James Garlic Height most certainly doesn't disappoint when it comes to paranormal activity."
"The Witch's room is believed to be a hot spot for paranormal activity, with visitors reporting feeling a strong presence, sudden drops in temperature, and hearing unexplained whispers and demonic voices that emanate from thin air."
"Reports of ghost sightings and paranormal activity are on the rise this year."
"A few of the teams have actually come to us and told us that this location is in fact very haunted."
"The amount of paranormal experiences that I experienced living there..."
"Tonight we are investigating the old Tooele Hospital, which is now known as Asylum-49."
"They've had no other paranormal activity since they left and they're just glad they got out of there with their lives."
"The ongoing investigations into the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch have become a focal point for researchers seeking to understand the nature of Paranormal Activity."
"I heard a voice that was not through the spirit box. Did you not hear that?"
"That is the first time I've heard two words actually come from the Spirit box from this whatever in general."
"I had footsteps in my hall at night that would run rapidly and then stop and then start again."
"There were a few times where it would swing on its own. I never opened my window so I know that it wasn't the wind."
"We were dealing with something truly paranormal."
"This place is sick. This place is awesome. So much stuff has already happened."
"There was a family living in a house, strange and spooky things started happening around their home. They heard knocking sounds at the door, but when they opened it, no one was there."
"Flickering lights are one thing, but a switch visibly turning off of its own accord? That's a whole other story..."
"The Paranormal Activity went from sometimes to all the time, literally overnight."
"The King's bedroom is very active."
"Dozens of people who visited the Martin Croft house could later swear that whatever they had witnessed was caused by some unknown, incomprehensible force."
"They were more active in September, which is when Florence was murdered by the police in 1922."
"It's no wonder that there are hundreds of witnesses who can testify to experiencing paranormal activity."
"Biggest thing for me was the bang in the summoning circle room and the walking in the hallway."
"Tables flipping over in the living room in the middle of the night causing me to storm out my bedroom ready to whoop some burglar, to find nothing but an overturned table."
"They said that things would move by themselves or disappear only to reappear later."
"The moment I stepped back through though, the feeling of electricity flowing through me returned until I left the garage."
"The paranormal experiment was about to begin."
"Many staff and visitors to the building have reported to have paranormal experiences here."
"Castle had lived up to its reputation as a hive of paranormal activity."
"The combination of Edwin's openness to spirits and numerous attempts to contact the spirit world created the perfect storm and catalyst for an especially intense haunting."
"Oftentimes people have noticed that paranormal activity has decreased when they actually engaged in conversation and let the spirit share their personal story."