
Offerings Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"We're not telling people what they have to do or don't do; we're just simply offering them things that people often express as meeting human needs."
"Offerings symbolize our willingness to give something of value to God."
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house."
"Epic are serving up their weekly offering as per usual."
"Something came to an ending, they're ready to offer you something better, something healthier."
"I do feel an offer coming up Scorpio. I do feel as if they do want to offer you something long-term something stable that is going to be something you've been wanting to manifest from this situation."
"Let's dive on in and take a look at what it has on offer."
"When you talk about church offerings, imagine we meet in hotels, right?"
"I found this cherry blossom Oasis in the middle of the snow so I offered up a golden apple to the shrine."
"To celebrate the 50th anniversary, special offerings can be found around the resort including at the hotels and at sanaa at disney's animal kingdom lodge."
"Don't worry, as long as you leave an offering."
"The corn dog offerings over in Disney World are going to be just as wacky and wonderful as the ones in Disneyland."
"So we won't have to beg for offerings if people just learn this."
"They offer more than just mystery boxes."
"Variety, it's important to us and we really try to keep it where we can offer as much as we can."
"If any man of you bring an offering unto the Lord, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle even of the herd and of the flock."
"You get these underground tunnels where offerings are made and many of these stromberg shells are actually found in those underground tunnels."
"Puja in Hinduism typically involves offerings to deities and can vary greatly in complexity, reflecting the myriad of local traditions."
"Offerings really is something that has value to you."
"Find some flexibility in your offerings and determine what you're well positioned to do within the scope of what you already offer."
"Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith, he was commended as a righteous man when God spoke well of his offerings."
"The biggest thing is building value inside of what you are offering."
"Tithing is a commitment to tithe and to sow offerings."
"Planetary deities tend to be somewhat transactional, so you should let Mercury know what you offer in return for his favor."
"We should not enter before him empty, let us honor the Lord with our sacrifices and offerings."
"Animal Kingdom Lodge hits it out of the park with its unique theming and offerings."
"The grain offering and the drink offering are cut off from the house of the Lord."
"Offerings are really big. That is why you also need to learn who our people were, what did they like, so you can understand what they liked."
"Rinpoche showed the greatest respect for the Karmapa and personally made offerings to each of the monks."
"This Festival has a 1200-year history where 25 and 42-year-old men come to make offerings for good luck."
"We're a great state, we have a lot to offer."
"When it came to sacrifices, the Lord required the best. Cain's offering lacked his best, and therefore, it was not respected."
"Place does have a lot to offer and it should be on your consideration list if you are looking at retiring to Ecuador or moving here as an expat."
"Giving her offerings of anything you would give a mother, chocolates, red wine, maybe flowers, would be a really easy, quick way to connect with her as well."
"Giving that offering to her is a really great small ritual that you can do to Frigg."
"You'd be hard-pressed to find a city that has more to offer than Paris does."
"Keep tuning in because Oaxaca has a lot to offer."
"God must accept the person before He accepts what you're offering."
"One cruise on the world's largest cruise ship is not enough to check out everything the ship has to offer."
"This is a ship that has plenty to offer in every regard, and it’s fair to say that this is a ship that’s still got it!"
"We've got a little bit of everything for everybody."
"Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce."
"It's a wonderful city with a lot to offer."
"There's a lot to offer in this tropical paradise."
"They really have something for everybody."
"I give offerings that are genuine."
"Never give a sacrifice that has blemishes. God really isn't honored when we give to Him the castoffs."
"Bangles are offered to deities also by people wanting children."
"All that we are, all that we have, all that we do, and all that we suffer, become offerings of love."
"We have a little something for everybody."
"I got basic advanced premium tiers and I offer them different experiences."
"It's a really fun and enjoyable experience and honestly has a whole bunch of things to offer."
"Offerings can be a very important part of our expression of our affection and gratitude."
"This area has so much to offer people aside from bikers."
"Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar."
"Those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts, shall be punished forevermore."
"I don't want your burnt offerings, I want you to love."
"With all your offerings, you shall offer salt."
"Are your offerings and your sacrifices seasoned with salt, seasoned with grace, led by the Holy Spirit?"
"I love everything this has to offer."
"A wise man knows which gods govern the areas that interest him and what to offer them when he seeks to gain their favor or turn aside their anger."
"The experts believe that the fact the items were buried so close together implies that they were a tribute or an offering to somebody."
"It's actually a really nice city, isn't it? It's got a lot to offer."
"Excellence truly has something for everyone."
"It's relatively cheap and it has so much to offer."
"Services: these are all the services I have to offer."
"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings."
"Vinegar and wine... could any of them be offered with the burnt offering? Nothing in the Torah says no."
"Guyana for me is unique in not only what it has to offer but how it offers that."
"I feel like they truly have something for everybody."
"Don't step on Canang Sari, the little offerings the local people make to their gods."
"I really want to offer people a variety of readings."
"As we give today's tithes, offering, and seed, we're believing God for jobs and better jobs, raises and bonuses, benefits, business prosperity."
"Remember all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice."
"Universal has some amazing holiday offerings that I think if you're missing out on those, you're kind of doing yourself a disservice."
"We like to have a variety of different things to give everybody."
"This location just has so much to offer."
"Don't miss out on amazing opportunities; opportunities are going to be offered to you here."
"This particular region really offers everything."
"These are the top of the top offerings from both lines."
"I make offerings to Black Manjushri and all the Buddhas."
"This is best of Los Angeles and there's something for everyone here right now."
"They are the best of the best, respectively in their offerings."
"I think it's really cool that Disney offers these luxury experiences."
"I'm really excited to see what this has to offer, especially in that respect."
"This is really cool that this Airbnb offers all of this, especially for the price."