
Document Management Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"I expect the people around him to... help him pack up and catalog and return documents that are classified."
"He's a pack rat and gets attached to stuff. He doesn't recognize this as an important law or something that he has to abide by because it's Trump, and he thinks that the rules don't apply to him."
"Let's just pull these documents up and see what they say."
"Be organized! From the very beginning of my home buying journey to the very end, I had a folder with all my financial documents gathered."
"Page versions and recycle bin...get you out of a jam if you inadvertently got rid of old things."
"I am coming now on the 12th of August, another letter emerged claiming the opposite. Early September, this letter was shown to me."
"At the end of the day, that is what this was about, he's building that file, and it's not a very light file."
"I just showed you in an hour and 15 minutes or so how to print, save, load invoices."
"Document management is a massive problem that touches every single company in the world."
"A bit like Dueling Banjos but with more paperwork."
"This is essentially an admission that there are a bunch of documents, but they're telling the court they don't want to tell us how many documents there are."
"The only hope for documents like this is that they are beyond the capabilities of any human being to apply practically."
"You can export everything... as a PDF, Microsoft Word file, even PowerPoint."
"You have to do to define what a document is which is that a document is retained if it is if it is in paper form but scanned into a cloud system and a retention schedule kept there."
"Google Docs basically takes whatever your document was at that time, and then just copies it over to the current document."
"It's not just restricted to a word document or an excel file. You're really able to add in whatever you would like, okay?"
"Now, once we're in here, we have a couple of options. We can upload a file or we can create a new file. We're going to do both in this lesson."
"It just basically sorts all of your documents for you um and I'm doing it for my dump folder but you could do this for your entire computer."
"Another remarkable advancement of SharePoint libraries over shared drives was the ability to apply custom tags or labels often called metadata to documents."
"Working with files and uploading documents is one of the primary focuses of SharePoint."
"Creating files and uploading files in SharePoint are critical tools in our arsenal of working inside SharePoint."
"The navigation pane makes it easy to navigate through a document."
"The navigation pane allows for easy navigation in large documents."
"Slim down really big Word documents by customizing image size and quality."
"You have taken with you your document and you can access that document from any computer."
"Add interactivity to formerly static documents."
"You can go through your document anytime and just collapse up either some lower level headings or some higher level or top level headings and it's a really easy way to hide the stuff you're not going to work on and get to the stuff you really need."
"Linking documents in Teams for centralized collaboration."
"A document library should serve a single purpose. There are a hundred different ways that we can configure SharePoint, and of those, arguably, you know, 80 are wrong and 20 are right."
"So now you can take all your bills and all those kinds of things, all your documents, and just scan them quickly. The ones you don't need, you can just shred them and get rid of that mountain of paperwork that you've had stacked up."
"Keep it simple but keep those documents in a safe place."
"Outlines are really helpful when you're working with a large document because you can use it to navigate to different sections of the document based on your Styles."
"One of the main differences between SharePoint versus a file server is multi-user editing, you can have multiple people collaborating, editing, giving feedback in a document at the same time."
"Make sure that your name is listed here. You want to have your name as the identified user of any documents you create."
"When you launch GoodNotes, it immediately takes you into your documents section."
"Advanced PDF more of you as time goes on will probably be using an advanced PDF. You can obviously make your templates look a lot more sophisticated with advanced PDF."
"Use a file merging tool to combine PDFs together."
"By using Page Break, you have full control of where one page ends and another page starts."
"Good news everyone, if you're trying to upload documents to a SharePoint document library from your app... Microsoft has thankfully made this process so much easier."
"Another application is document classification, so if you have a large collection of documents, you can use it to separate different documents by topic."
"If you have the same file, same kind of format, everyone wants to use the same format, then definitely it's better to add it as a template."
"That's the exact reason why you should shred your papers."
"If you just look at the document without inspecting conflict, it'll just pick one of the two."
"Everything is linked to these master controllers, so it allows you to change so many different things in your document all at once."
"Simple concept, but as you go updating your document, it makes things a lot faster, a lot easier to do, a lot more efficient."
"Documents are always saved, you don't have to click the save button."
"It gives you this ability to link pieces of documents together or even whole documents together and edit them in one holistic view."
"You can backup your project to a place that lets you store your documents online in the cloud."
"So I basically have all of my documents in sync at all times across all of my devices."
"It's always good to save the document."
"Rhino Inside Revit provides a safe handle to the active DB document."
"No one really has access to Google in their company, but many companies have a lot of documents."
"The idea with the global form is that it's available no matter what document I have open."
"Get started allows you to start with a new document, continue editing what you've previously edited or recently edited."
"Next up, we can create a PDF from our form submissions and then attach them to an email or save them to your server."
"There's only one version of a document and edits are made in real time."
"Let's add a feature to our document, which is to autosave."
"I'm using my phone scanning feature tool pretty often, so I scan documents, PDFs, homework, notes, and more."
"You can manage all your templates or you can manage your individual contracts with DocuSign also."
"Travel wallets manage your passport, boarding passes, and other important documents."
"When you hit save and publish, now your application has the ability to upload documents."
"What does a workflow do for you other than routing your document electronically? It can be used to control the access of files, it can be used to trigger actions, and then the ability to set revisions."
"Using a Google Doc for keeping minutes is a good idea because Google Docs are hard to lose and easy to find."
"Document Management System is always designed to management the e-document task or e-document operation."
"The key feature of our Document Management System is upload file, download file, view file, copy file, scan file, and move file."
"If you are planning to work on Document Management System or you are planning to develop a new system, you need to make sure that you should provide these options to user."
"This is how you can beautifully add documents and it's very rich."
"The big piece of syntax in this release is the ability to build these models and apply them to your SharePoint document libraries."
"It has some funky AI that automatically scans those documents."
"SharePoint content type is truly a holistic document management solution."
"Also, automatic creation builds and materials and complete document management and revision control."
"Contribute permission says users can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents."
"You can restrict editing to limit what others can do."
"SharePoint has some excellent document management features and capabilities with co-authoring, check-in and check-out, and version history."