
Resident Evil Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Rose is the completed form of Evelyn from Resident Evil 7, meaning that she is the complete pure form of the bio weapon."
"So much of my excitement and investment in Resident Evil Village lies in the fact that its inspirations are deeply embedded within classic Romanian folklore."
"Let's venture inside the castle, here we see three vampiric women in black who look similar but not the same."
"The remake of Resident Evil 2 is absolutely the one that I'm considering my game of the year."
"I'm just playing it as if I would be playing Resident Evil 7."
"Overall, Resident Evil 8 is an amazing looking game."
"In terms of reviews and sales numbers Resident Evil 7 was a hit and people really liked it."
"Resident Evil 7 is seen by many as a return to the franchise roots, a game that harkens back to the slow-building atmospheric survival horror that made these games such a hit."
"Resident Evil 7 is exactly what the series needed and has single-handedly restored my faith in the RE name."
"If you're a fan of the old RE games, this is a must-play for sure."
"Resident Evil 4 garnered multiple Game of the Year awards with critics praising everything from its graphics to its controls to even this voice acting for once."
"This track is not only one of my favorites in the entire series but it was the first moment in this game where I paused and thought to myself, 'Oh yeah, this is Resident Evil.'"
"Del Lago's boss fight is extremely memorable."
"While Romero would never bring his own version of RE to life, the legacy of George A. Romero is inextricable from Resident Evil."
"I love the Resident Evil films. They're super fun."
"To get fans excited for the game, Capcom released a tech demo... after such a positive reception for the tech demo, Capcom decided to have Resident Evil 7 be fully playable in VR."
"Many fans looked forward to the game going back to its roots of survival horror and not... well... boulder... punching."
"Capcom was just starting to hit a nice little bump in its popularity with their Resident Evil series."
"It looks like something is up... everything about it is what I want as a Resident Evil fan."
"Resident Evil is starting to become this game that sort of just tackles different genres of horror."
"Resident Evil games are very, very replayable."
"Resident Evil 4... the scariest Resident Evil of all time."
"I think a lot of people consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best games ever."
"What I would call the Resident Evil 2 remake either to somebody entirely uninitiated to Resident Evil or as an old longtime fan is just a massive achievement it's just a brilliant game and I think everybody should at least try it."
"This is my favorite Resident Evil game actually."
"Resident Evil Outbreak is not only a celebration of everything that made the series great but also a very interesting experiment with the new phenomenon of online console gaming."
"Clunky, yeah, that's the defining word I can use to describe Resident Evil zero."
"Is there such a thing as a perfect remake? The 2002 version of Resident Evil argues that there is."
"Resident Evil 4 is a masterpiece... a game that has kept me hopelessly addicted for years on end."
"Resident Evil 4 is not just a masterpiece but it's sort of like a master class in immersiveness."
"Resident Evil 1 remake is a perfect example of how you could remake a Resident Evil game correctly."
"Resident Evil 1 remake is how you're supposed to remake a game and it's perfect, flawless."
"The Resident Evil 1.5 beta is creepy in all the right ways."
"This game is very true to what Resident Evil was."
"Resident Evil 7 was an amazing success, and I love this game."
"For the first time in a really long time, I felt genuine fear in a Resident Evil game."
"It's not just an amazing intro for a Resident Evil game, this is a whole new level of Resident Evil."
"One of the best-looking Resident Evil's ever."
"Resident Evil 2, the perfect example of a sequel building upon the original."
"Resident Evil 4, an essential cog in the franchise."
"2002 was a great year for Resident Evil fans."
"Resident Evil 4 is a massive departure from just about everything the series was known for."
"Resident Evil 4 is the biggest, baddest, most unapologetic Resident Evil of its time."
"If you've never played a Resident Evil and you said, 'Hey, where do I begin without needing to know anything and everything RE4 is the perfect place to start.'"
"This marks the first Resident Evil game where umbrella isn't responsible for the monsters."
"Resident Evil 4 was originally meant to be only on a Nintendo GameCube."
"Resident Evil 4 on release was way ahead of its time and revolutionized the gaming industry."
"Resident Evil 2 has been completely remade from scratch for a new generation and the results are extremely impressive."
"The game feels like a fusion between Resident Evil 4's faster paced gameplay with the original design and flow of Resident Evil 2."
"The combat is a fusion of classic Resident Evil with Resident Evil 4, creating a perfect Resident Evil experience."
"Resident Evil definitely deserves to be in the discussion for one of the best game remakes to ever exist."
"The original Resident Evil... it's entertaining."
"Resident Evil constantly reinvents itself, Village is a tribute to 25 years of innovation and refinement."
"Resident Evil 4 changed the game for not only the series but the industry as a whole."
"Resident Evil 2 reflects the ongoing evolution of the series."
"Capcom has put so much love and attention into Resident Evil 2."
"Anything to get more Resident Evil at the time was amazing."
"That Resident Evil 2 remake that's come out has me just like in tears."
"It feels like Resident Evil with all the item collecting."
"Resident Evil 7 is scary in all these small simple ways. It's so expertly crafted it should serve as a lesson for all horror developers everywhere."
"Leon's worst first day ever as a policeman in re2 made for a more compelling character than the guy we got in four."
"Resident Evil 3 remake sets out to do what last year's remake did for Resident Evil 2. So, does it succeed? In my eyes, yes, with flying colors."
"The Remake injects that classic RE exploration into the RE4 experience."
"this game is absolutely worth going out there and getting right now if you're a fan of Resident Evil or if you're not you're excited by this kind of new tread of an old location"
"This monster perfectly encapsulates the different creativity that you see in monsters in the Resident Evil games."
"The Resident Evil 2 remake was a game I kind of loved during my initial run."
"You get a sense, playing the new Resident Evil 2, that these are design decisions that have been thought about for decades."
"Resident Evil 4 is the goat. It's as close as you can get to a perfect video game."
"Resident Evil helped pioneer the survival horror genre."
"There is loads more to explore with Resident Evil on the big and even small screen."
"It is really nice to see Resident Evil slow it down a bit and try to creep you out again."
"Resident Evil 4 is one of the most iconic games ever released."
"This game, like most other Resident Evil games, has the perfect mix of puzzles, shooting, and horror."
"This game and Resident Evil in general is the perfect balance of mystery, horror, puzzle-solving, and action."
"Resident Evil 7 biohazard: almost a complete reinvention."
"In these 25 years the Resident Evil series has had enormous success and with success comes soulless adaptations."
"Resident Evil Code Veronica now let me say this right away I hear all of you that say that this game too."
"This guy every single time he shows up to me he's like the face of resident evil on the hero side."
"...just the action mixed with survival horror... that's what survival horror is all about like her Resident Evil bad ass."
"for me my personal favorite and the game that I'll forever think of when I first hear that old console boot up will always be Resident Evil"
"an absolute badass that's known throughout the lore of Resident Evil as the ultimate zombie killing machine"
"In the original RE4, this fight was okay, but now it's probably one of the best bosses in the Resident Evil franchise."
"Have you seen the original Resident Evil's opening?"
"Resident Evil 7 wasn't seen as a total masterpiece by everyone, but the game took a massive leap into a new direction to give the series a fresh breath of traumatizing air."
"Playing Resident Evil 6 again for this project reminds me of its crazy, disorganized charm."
"It was fun exploring the origin story of the t-virus."
"Resident Evil 2 remake is as close to a perfect Resident Evil experience as you can get."
"Moonlight Sonata tinkling away in the background while wandering the corridors is always eerie and mesmerizing."
"Resident Evil 4... oh, best vibes, top dog vibes, very nice."
"What video game do you think this should be a part of? I would say, you know what, Resident Evil."
"Resident Evil four, what a game, it's an all-time classic."
"Resident Evil 4 redefined what a Resident Evil game could be, changing the focus and theme of the series."
"It reminds me of something that Leon would carry in Resident Evil 4."
"It's Gotta Be Resident Evil man, that's like my obsession in life."
"Yeah, that remix of the Resident Evil 2 theme was badass."