
Relationship Support Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Try to help them see that you are working hard not so that you can leave them behind but so you can have or share a good life with them."
"Supporting your partner in doing whatever it is that they wanna do even if you find it silly or whatever, if it's important to them, just support them."
"If you are exiting a major relationship and you're finally with somebody who has this much love for you... they're going to feel very good about connecting to you."
"He's present with you in that relationship ship and when things come up, he is there wanting to work on things instead of running away."
"He's going to handle me right even when I'm not at my best, that's a good feeling."
"Find the beauty in the situation, find the support... this person is truly supported you through thick and thin."
"There's something unique about you that really helps to guide them."
"He stays up with her, he takes her to a sleep clinic, he sends her flowers at work."
"He's a good partner when I'm in crisis. In some ways, I wish I was more like him."
"You're not responsible for your partner's happiness. You're here to enhance it, support it, enjoy it."
"When you see a vulnerability in your partner if you're trying to help them Shore that up help Elevate them."
"I am fully willing to pour into you the way that you need. You know fulfill your desires, learn whatever things you want me to learn."
"Loving him, supporting him, and nurturing him doesn't make you weak, it is strength."
"I got billions, that's what you gotta say. Shout out to my girl, she got me the smoothie."
"They see you as sacred, wise, and helping them come out of distortions."
"They see you as someone who's wanting to give to them, someone who's wanting to be there for them."
"You're not alone in your relationships, just reach out and ask for help."
"If they wanted to do it, I'd just be like okay, yeah, it's your body, yeah, go for it."
"If you're not trying to build your shorty up, you're definitely going super sucker."
"Checking in. Hey, when I'm listening to the situation, do you want some feedback? Do you want me to just listen? Do you want me to vent with you? Do you want me to distract you?"
"If someone has to want to heal themselves, if they don't want to heal, then it's virtually impossible to help another."
"What's the best part of my day? When you lay in my lap."
"If I can't give you what they never gave you, that's not my issue."
"A real woman that believes in you will look through all the um obstacles, man-made obstacles or distractions I put up."
"I realized that husband was the one for me when I was having a tough time at school and he was really there to support me."
"He's very supportive of everything I do and I see him a lot in the best way."
"Men deserve to have women in their Corner as well."
"Long-lasting love, teamwork, support, keeping the romance alive."
"The best advice I could give any boyfriends out there who have a significant other who is a teacher... just be supportive."
"Supportiveness: a basic requirement of any close relationship."
"You have to believe in him, and he needs to feel like you believe in him. Your partner is meant to be your biggest cheerleader."
"Engage in therapy or couples counseling if that's something that feels good to you."
"Fighting for a relationship looks like standing by someone in a healthy supportive way."
"It's okay to rely on you. You've already relied on me."
"A real man makes a woman's life easier so that she can flourish and be that loving, caring, nurturing queen that she is."
"Your person is standing up for you, the connection, and everything that's going on here."
"You provide them stability, they feel very safe with you."
"One of the most powerful things you can do for a man you are in a relationship, especially if he's deeply emasculated or deeply in victim, is to powerfully tell him and help him see his greatness..."
"This is someone who wants to fight for you like for real."
"A lot of you asked me for when I was talking about making a gift guide over on Instagram our books so I do have a list that is always in the description."
"Support your dreams and supposed to support mine."
"This is a beneficial time for your marriage and your spouse's success as well."
"They really want to show you that they want to be there for you, that they care about you, like they genuinely care about you."
"Two people who build each other up not tear each other down."
"Get fit, get back, support him, be nice to him, and sell him."
"A woman's support is one of the best things that she can kind of give you in a relationship."
"Every human being goes through challenges and what's really cool is for the past four years since we've been together when I'm going through a really big challenge she's in a really great place and she can always bring me up."
"You're the world to me. I promise to Stand By Your Side as we Face new and challenging experiences."
"We were supportive and happy for us, which was a huge relief."
"A supportive partner celebrates all accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem to them."
"Somebody that truly loves you, they yank your coattail."
"Your person's emotionally sensitive to you and your feelings, which is really nice."
"I'm a nurturer, I am a great listener, if you get with me I'm automatically going to be elevated, see, that's what I do."
"She knew she had somebody like ride or die through and through in him."
"That's a supportive partner, that's how she should have answered."
"Supporting her is going to make her see you as a superhero. It's a trait that definitely attracts women."
"There is no better support system than that man because you guys are doing it together you're feeding off each other y'all getting fine together."
"I want your partner to believe in you as much as your grandmother believes in you."
"Thank you for just being here, now, even though we have problems, you still manage to make me feel less lonely, Zora."
"Do whatever you have to so that everyone in your life can move forward theirs. Maybe it's the only way you can truly help her be happy."
"Thank you so so much for your love, time, and support."
"God wants to heal you, God wants to rearrange your finances, God wants to bring restoration to your marriage."
"I love you too no matter who you are whether a game developer or a homeless man."
"Why was Prince William not sitting beside her? Screw protocol, that's your wife."
"I understand why you feel upset, I understand why you felt abandoned, I understand why you felt betrayed."
"We have all been there since the beginning of Corey's and Eric's relationship...we welcomed her into our family and treated her as one of us."
"I would stay with you until the very end. I would do everything in my power to keep you alive."
"The ones I went on with Amia, as long as you're here by my side, I'll keep doing my best."
"Trust your girlfriend enough to share your emotions with her. If she's the most important thing in your life, you should be able to go to her with your emotions."
"Someone who wants like a commitment with you, someone who's going to be there for you through it all."
"Love is about sacrifice, fulfilling each other's rights through thick and thin."
"If you really care or love someone, make sure your relationship is built off of the understanding and overstanding of when you guys need assistance from one another."
"I promise to always be there for you... to communicate openly and respectfully."
"It's all heart, man. She was real nervous about yesterday afternoon."
"They will tell you every day and they will show you every day."
"But you know what if this guy breaks her heart, my cowboy boots will just have to kick his ass so hard he'll be spitting out my Spurs."
"I'm giving her any opportunity she wants, ultimate freedom, not controlling her, that's what I'm doing."
"My wife let me be who I am. She supported me."
"Access service is a big one for me. It would help if he takes the weight off a little bit."
"It's a no-brainer. If my partner... something really bad just happened... I will book the next flight."
"Helping people with relationship challenges can be great."
"Am I the [ __ ] for gatekeeping TSA pre-check? I didn't say it, you did."
"If you love her half as much as you claim to, then shut up and just support her like a good boyfriend should."
"You're very patient with this person... moving into financial stability."
"I wouldn't say no matter what there's always exceptions but can stand by our side for the most part and help us grow that's really important and that's what relationships should be about."
"This person wants to stand up and just fight for you."
"This woman held this man down in ways that we can't even count at this point. She played the team role, the team player role."
"Your woman should never have to ask you to exercise her ability to help you."
"I don't want Melissa to go but I also don't want to be the reason he doesn't Chase his dreams."
"When a man has a vision for where he wants to go in his life and he finds a woman who supports that vision and encourages him and believes in him, he will accomplish anything he wants. This is true, this is true."
"It's about what can you do, can you bring me peace when I come home?"
"This person feels like there's some type of change in events that makes them feel like they can help you or be there for you."
"They see you as someone who builds them up, fulfilling and emotionally nurturing."
"She helps me out a ton by taking stuff off my plate. I can be myself and the same person that I've grown up being and luckily that's one of a couple Super Bowl rings."
"You make them feel like complete, like you came and you balance them out, they feel balanced inside because of you."
"Your presence in this person's life has brought them a lot of confidence to succeed, maybe they were starting to lose some hope for their dreams."
"Great things and beautiful things are always happening for you guys. The universe has your back on this relationship."
"Nick was amazing, he was so supportive throughout that entire time."
"This person is a ride-or-die... they will be by your side no matter what."
"Thank you for letting me do that, that really made a huge difference over the past week for me and for my wife."
"Surrounding all my dreams, you make me stronger."
"The right person for you will support your dreams and understand your quirks."
"Nothing's better than having a partner who is complimentary to you."
"Idubbbz being a good partner Husband by not associating with people who relentlessly trash on his life is 100 a good thing."
"They want you back but I feel like they're going to show you how they have your back."
"If someone's willing to invest in your mental health, you know that's someone that really loves you deep."
"Therapy should have no stigma. No relationship can do well without it."
"Compliment her, appreciate her, watch her shine."
"Let them be in love, let them enjoy their newfound marriage."
"Find somebody who loves you and is willing to weather the storm with you."
"You are their sense of security and serenity."
"I'll support your like fetishes and the things that turn you off and stuff because you can't you've got to go with things in improvisation like the black gloves don't bother me the way."
"Sometimes in marriage, it's about saying, 'I am tired, but I really do want to show up for you.'"
"Don't worry, I will give everything I have to save you."
"I'm not a pusher of divorce, I'm a pusher of love."
"You've helped them to start dreaming for the future again."
"We owe it to the people we love to give them an opening to heal."
"Your spouse should be your key, completing each other."
"It's okay to ask for appreciation and love, and it's okay to ask for activities that help us to feel more connected."
"The support Travis and Taylor show one another is heartwarming."
"I want you to be able to come home to me and Sierra after a long day of wedding planning," he said.
"I loved that Alan was your man in your life at that time and that he supported you through like they've been together for 48 years."
"Erica was simply looking out for her man and in the process she discovered a very lucrative business idea."
"They just want to make sure that you can have each other."
"You guys are meant to be together, put a ring on her finger, I'm a true supporter."
"They bring a presence, a strong presence to relationships... they prop you up with their presence."
"Promise that I'll never leave you again, 'cause I hold you down forever."
"Maybe she is because I'm pretty sure being supportive of your partner is a pretty big component of being a good partner in a relationship."
"You're a beautiful woman, you're talented, you're strong, and you are my girl. You're going to sit right here, and I'm going to protect you."
"It's the baseline that if you're in a very happy stable relationship, a good friend embraces your relationship."
"They would be perfect for each other because they both need each other."
"Saving marriages one story at a time."
"Being poured into by your man and feeling safe by your man is so necessary for women like us."
"All you can do is give them your love and hope for the best."
"That couple's going to do whatever they're going to do, and they just want support and love."
"What do you need so that I can love you the best way possible?"
"Each individual should have their own individual therapist that they work with and a couples therapist that you work with together."
"Relationship Alive is my offering to you, so that you can have the best relationship possible."
"His love for you drives him to want to be the man you can depend on."
"When I come on my period, DeJean will go get the stuff that he knows that I like."
"I'm your best friend and your boyfriend, you can talk to me about anything."
"Make sure if you have a significant other, you are helping them lighten their load."
"You gotta be with somebody who's down with you because then y'all can work through anything."
"I love getting to help couples have their first consensual threesome with somebody who wants both parties to have fun."
"Each man is going to have to be able to get to know his woman and know what type of support she needs in the ways that she needs it."
"Fireproof... a really good marriage video, excellent, excellent video."