
Medical Testing Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"When my doctor offered me 50k to test something on my body, I said yes."
"The paradox is that you could take a test which is highly accurate... and yet when assessing the probability that your particular test result is correct, you can still land on a very low number."
"We've made great progress over the last week. A million tests are in the field; every state lab in America can do coronavirus tests."
"Testing is how you monitor the rate of infection and you control for it."
"We're doing millions of tests. It's pretty amazing."
"First thing check your hemolytic labs, if they're positive, good. Move on to the second part."
"I could tell you do you have COVID antibodies right now... we can detect that response."
"We tested far more than anybody else. We have the ability to test. We've come a long way from an obsolete broken system."
"Testing is critical to know what's happening with the virus."
"The new test will be a very simple one of much easier than the existing test."
"A thousand dollar test could potentially save more than 60,000 people a year in the US alone."
"I think anxiety might be manifesting this symptom now because even though your test was negative, the doctor did happen to mention that it's possible to have a false negative."
"Funding will also be used to trial population testing, people would be regularly tested regardless of symptoms."
"We're all warriors together. I am, you are, we all are. It's what we were saying before. It shows the testing, and we have the best tests in the world."
"I've never had that wide a panel of tests done on my voice at once, and I think this is going to be an amazing experience."
"Antibody testing is a big part of the solution."
"Perform the TEG scans to catch it before it's too late."
"We've gone from 300 thousand tests total to three million tests total in three weeks."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"Testing is an important component but it's not the only component."
"This was obviously another test that they had to do."
"Viagra was actually tested to see if it could lower the blood pressure in humans."
"We are now in a new phase of testing." - Admiral Brett Giroir
"I saw you mentioned getting tested for EDS... so much medical stuff."
"Let's get a few billion of these tests, Roche, and let's make them dirt cheap."
"If you reach certain values, we can run more advanced tests to try and see exactly where that blockage is."
"But you don't have to take shots in the dark. You can go get a test and say, 'You don't know if I'm at 200 migs of twice a week.'"
"The tests and the platform that was out there could only run between four and twelve tests per platform per day. We've now moved into platforms that can run basically tens of thousands of tests per day."
"One of the ways that the doctor can determine whether you have a nerve that's being irritated or pinched in your neck area is by doing just a couple of real brief simple orthopedic tests."
"These blood tests helped us identify low iron and anemia."
"So the best test has been and still is the PCR test."
"Liver function tests evaluate much more than liver function."
"We are better than anybody in the world on testing. We have tested more than anybody in the world and we have the best tests in the world."
"An easy test...before you get cancer. Great."
"The calcium scan as the ultimate test for if you have significant arterial disease."
"Using both tests helps in predicting fracture risk."
"You can get more advanced lipid testing without your doctor."
"Genetic testing was basically what saved my husband's life."
"A strength test is a better predictor of all-cause mortality than a blood lipid test or a blood pressure test."
"We've completed more than 19 million tests, the most anywhere in the world by far."
"HCG test is crucial for women of childbearing age."
"This blood work is the single best thing Jenna could have done to reduce the risk of disease severity should she get covered."
"The United States has now conducted more than 5.4 million tests nearly double the number tested in any other country more than twice as much as any other country think of that."
"The job they've done has been incredible, the testing that's been developed and being developed right now has been truly an amazing thing."
"Sensitivity rules it in. So if you have a very specific test and the test is positive, you can rule that disease in."
"As of closed of business yesterday we have been able to perform in the United States over 894 thousand tests."
"You can get your amyloid status right... from just a drop of blood."
"The food sensitivity tests... I find them to be completely and utterly worthless."
"That's what I'm worried about, those [ __ ] tests being inaccurate."
"What is the probability that I have the disease given that I got a positive test? Well, remember that we can write this out in terms of Bayes' rule."
"Breath testing is the most common way of diagnosing SIBO, based on the idea that excess bacteria can ferment sugars and produce unique gases."
"Most lab tests don't differentiate between protective antibodies and damaging antibodies."
"Don't abandon visual field testing. It's still the most important test."
"Is it best for patients? Probably not. OCT cannot replace visual fields at the moment."
"Neck tension is what we're testing."
"...so there is no recommendation to obtain manometry or pH testing in patients with eoe unless you are conducting a clinical study or you are after to prove a point or another."
"TSH is considered the gold standard... not one study that shows that TSH has anything to do with normal thyroid function."
"The absence of yeast on a stool test doesn't mean it's not there."
"I'd encourage more doctors around the world to order these basic diagnostic tests because I know in the UK at the moment it's pretty hard to get the function isn't it."
"...if you only do the serum-based assays in these patients."
"Stool testing for C diff should be done in a patient with ulcerative colitis presenting with watery diarrhea."
"The only reason you do this test is if it can guide therapeutics."
"Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) testing allows us to determine if there are any cancer cells left in the bone marrow, which is crucial for understanding treatment outcomes."
"MRD negativity typically results in a longer time of disease control and longer overall survival compared to MRD positivity."
"MRD has been associated with longer progression-free survival and overall survival, meaning the time that the disease stays under control and how long you live are typically better for those who are MRD negative."
"Routine blood tests when we say routine how often is that um so those are gonna be like usually bi-weekly to begin with so once every two weeks and then as the therapy continues it's going to be every three to six months during the maintenance phase."
"Thiamine is notoriously difficult to identify even with the most gold standard testing."
"You can't rule in a diagnosis without simultaneously ruling out everything else on the differential."
"We must never try to analyze the field independent of the structural tests. The visual field should always match the appearance of the disc and the RNFL. If it doesn't, then it might not be glaucoma."
"The placebo effect is so effective that the way they test medication has to be against it because it's that effective."
"The only way to deal with it really is to have lots of testing."
"Unlike other solid tumors in non-small cell lung cancer, PDL-1 testing still remains quite important."
"If we can tell with one test whether somebody has a bacterial or viral infection, that can save everything."
"I can't even imagine the world without PSA."
"Sensitivity refers to the probability of a person with the condition of interest having a positive result."
"Sensitivity is the ability of your test to detect all those who have the disease from the diseased population."
"Specificity is the ability of your test to detect all those who do not have the disease from the non-diseased population."
"Better to be safe than sorry, if anyone's needing to do an STD check, go, it's not that bad, you just pee in a cup, get the blood test."
"Lab tests for Dengue... really depend on the timing of when you see the patient."
"We will do PGs testing which will test to make sure that the embryos are chromosomally normal."
"She has a friend who went to her workplace to have some mammographies done."
"Molecular tests are the gold standard for Covid-19 testing."
"Antibody tests will tell you whether a person has been exposed to the virus and the body has mounted an immune response, which is extremely useful."
"The rapid tests ultimately have a sensitivity of about a hundred percent and a specificity of more than 95 percent."
"Initial workup should include a semen analysis, assessment of ovulatory function, assessment of ovarian reserve at day three FSH level, and a hysterosalpingogram."
"Nuclear medicine tests tend to be some of the highest radiation dose tests that you can do in a hospital."
"Increasing sensitivity, or minimizing false negatives, is generally good for screening tests."
"Increasing specificity, or minimizing false positives, is generally good for diagnostic tests."
"We see the EMG is appropriately working during the cough."
"Newborn hearing screening tests the baby's hearing; the heel prick screening, you're drawing blood and you're testing for a whole host of disorders."
"A perfect test would of course be 100 percent sensitive and 100 percent specific, but that's impossible so we get a little bit of each for every test that we do."
"The best test for Huntington's disease is a chromosome analysis."
"The urine albumin to creatinine ratio is critical. It is the best way to figure out where you stand."
"It's the cheapest thing that you can do as far as a test is looking at a biopsy on H&E with an experienced pathologist."
"The way I want to use the D-dimer, I want to use a D-dimer when I only want to do one test to get a person out of my ER and send them home, and it's a reliable test."
"It's very important that people don't think that CA 125 is the magic test."
"The gold standard test is the best test for a disease."
"Sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify all patients with disease."
"Specificity is the true negative rate and that's going to measure the proportion of actual negatives that are correctly identified as such."
"The accuracy of the test then is how good a test is overall; is it capable of finding positive and negative results?"
"It's like when you get a COVID test, it goes all the way up to your nose."
"There's a tradeoff between how rare is the disease versus how rarely is the test wrong."
"If a lab test has a lot of specificity, it's very good at telling a particular issue, a particular problem."
"Testing is our way out of this crisis."