
Inception Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"It took Hans Zimmer four notes to make Inception absolutely iconic, and they are C, G, B, and F sharp."
"You now know the composition of what is usually referred to as Inception's theme, and that is the track 'Time'."
"Morale has thrived over the 68 days since my inception."
"Everything begins with a thought."
"Inception is Christopher Nolan's masterpiece."
"It all started on January 31st, 2004."
"This is incredible already what our glorious rivalry was born was born."
"Inception if you can steal an idea from someone's mind why can't you plant one day instead."
"We think it's just the beginning."
"Inception, one of the greatest three-movie runs of all time. It's ridiculous."
"YouTube at its inception was designed to be a place where people were able to share personal videos."
"This moment marked the inception of what would later evolve into Lincoln Park."
"...everything starts with a thought."
"Inception is a goddamn masterpiece. The soundtrack is amazing, the visuals are great, the story it tells is insane. The idea of dreams being more than dreams is just amazing."
"Let's start from the first season. 16 teams, each champion of their own respective nations, came together to take part in the first edition of the Champions League."
"If you can steal an idea from someone's mind, why can't you plant one there instead?"
"everything that's bad always starts good"
"Terminator was an idea that I had when I was in Rome. I was just sitting around basically in my hotel room. I was, in fact, sick at the time. I had a real high fever and I was just laying on the bed thinking."
"All great things begin as an idea."
"Where does it start? What happens then? Does the rule repeat again and again?"
"Let's start from the beginning, where did this idea come from?"
"Everything starts with a thought. If you do not repel the thought, it turns into an idea."
"It is the beginning, it is the commencement. Bulma goes 'you're cute' and then gives him a pink shirt and then, you know, we're beginning."
"Dream within a dream. Dream within a dream. I see, they're going to have to plant an idea instead of steal one."
"It's the beginning of this online."
"This will be one of the inception points of this is where mutants are going to spawn from."
"Kill my mind is sort of credited with being like the beginning of everything."
"This is the beginning of the beginning of it all"
"This is the start of the beginning."
"It all began eight months ago in the heat of February."
"You're here to steal an idea. Why can't you plant one instead?"
"Inception: A mind-bending heist film that blurs the line between reality and dreams."
"It's part of my mind control. I mean, that's the Inception part, right?"
"The universe began at a certain point in time, which implies it had a cause. If something begins to exist, it implies it had a cause prior to it."
"Without a doubt, the most innovative practical effect in Inception takes place during the hallway fight scene."
"Everything that is or was began with a dream."
"That was the start of the madness, that pretty much, yeah, that was the start of it."
"It was the start of many things, it was the beginning."
"Conceive something, conceive it first in your own mind."
"It was very much in the early days."
"The idea for Huckberry started on a chair lift in Tahoe."
"Sin always starts where it starts: it conceives in the category of lust."
"Every idea and dream starts in a seed form."
"I started back in 20, like I had the idea for a really long time."
"The reason why our lifetime in our recent memory UFC began... the way that Dana White and the Frederick brothers handled it in 2005."
"It's just like inception, isn't it? It's just like in a delightful way, I should be very clear, it's like... yeah."
"Aurelia began life all the way back in 1938."
"This is my moment. I said, 'I got a singer ready to go. Let's start another band.' Perfect timing. Boom. That was the birth of Fear Factory right there."
"I started the project by making this little book."
"Thoughts are the inception of major decisions, major changes. The movie Inception, it's all about planting a very important thought in the mind of a certain person."
"This is truly just the beginning."
"Started perhaps the brightest inside joke of all time."
"The field of photobiomodulation was born."
"...an artist creates... from an idea, from nothing."
"Everything that you see starts with that drop in as if you were doing a heart."
"I loved Inception. It's a brilliant screen."
"So began the building of a religion."
"The view is that from the very beginning, our own mind as it is has been pure, uncontaminated by anything."
"This literally started as an idea, I kid you not, 72 hours ago."
"You really think that I am controlling everything? I don't know how any of this started in the first place."
"Spring was designed ab initio from the beginning; it's always been lightweight."
"Inception is an incredible achievement in cinema."
"All belief begins in the will to believe."
"If you have a little inception title, I think it would be 'Never wake up from your dreams'."
"It would mark the inception of the kingdom of God on earth and the establishment of the sovereignty of the law in the world."
"Everything starts in your mind, right?"
"It was only a few years ago that I was sitting at my kitchen table typing away in a Word document for the first draft of a crazy idea that I had."
"The whole point of Inception is that you're not meant to know where the hell you are."
"It's been open source since its inception and it's been community-run since its inception."
"We felt a deep sense of starting something big."
"NASA, from its inception, it's under the Department of Defense."
"Creativity is the act of making something out of nothing."
"It began with a kind of a little daydream."
"We believe that every life is released into the world at conception along with its death."
"Everything begins with the thought."
"It's about inspiration, not the idea but the moment before the idea when it's total."
"Milton is able implicitly to announce something like his own nativity as a poet."
"The only thing that matters in Inception is Cobb's relationship with Mal."
"The birth of the computer revolution."
"Everything develops out of the kernel of an idea that's presented at the beginning."
"That's how all the best ideas start."
"It's all about creating something from nothing."
"It both feels like you can't believe it's handmade and yet you can see the birth of a starship there."
"It's so amazing... it all started with just this crazy idea and this dream."
"You dream a dream within a dream."
"This is how it all began, how something starts in the head and comes down the arm and into the hand."
"Everything starts with a thought, or actually, I'll take you back, starts with an idea."
"We're gonna go to level 1 and we're gonna like plant the idea for Fisher, and then a level 2 is gonna be his own idea."
"The first version of the Matrix was thus activated."
"We're living in the inception of technology."
"Every good idea starts somewhere."
"You don't need to start with an idea; you start with a problem."
"Inception, one of the best movies ever."
"Such great events often start with a whisper."
"Curiosity is like the womb, the birth of purpose comes with the inception of curiosity."
"The idea of doing a sketch comedy show started a long time ago."
"It felt like there was a vision from the start."
"The principle of equity was born."
"That translates to belief because that is where it all starts inside."
"Pyrex Vision was Virgil Abloh's first ever fashion label."
"This was the birth cry of the P-61 Black Widow, a fighter conceived in desperation and born of necessity."
"Christ was the word who existed with God from the beginning."
"Journalism begins with a simple idea."
"Roth was created two Octobers ago during a 24-hour game making day."
"The Genesis of this, I had this idea a couple of months ago where I thought it'd be really cool."
"The launch of Bitcoin was an Immaculate Conception that can never be repeated."
"Nothing happens unless first to dream."
"The Snowmobile Hall of Fame Museum started as a dream back in 1982."
"Little did they know, this was the beginning of chaos."
"Everything that you're looking at began as an idea in the mind of a person."
"It's the beginning stages of... something new."
"Everything starts in the mind first."
"Everything starts with just one thought, an idea, a desire, or a goal that changes everything."
"Birth of an idea or a project that's going to take off and soar."