
Sword Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The sword absorbs all those wailings, which makes Lock more determined to put an end to the plotting of the Vampire High Lord."
"This is none other than Shusui, which belonged to the legendary samurai Ryuma."
"Then just outside of the top 5, we have the infamous cursed sword, the Shodai Kitetsu."
"This sword is worth about fifteen thousand dollars."
"My brother got me this sword, I shall call it needle."
"Excalibur: a powerful sword capable of killing with a single blow."
"The sword that was made iconic from the Peter Jackson adaptations."
"The sword does not judge; it only protects."
"Um, actually, sting is not a sword, it's a dagger."
"This sword dates from the late 14, early 1500s."
"That's not how you take a sword apart."
"The sword Barrel Sensei gave her was enough for her."
"The rapier is one of, if not the most deadly swords ever designed."
"This is apparently true as well, like Viggo Mortensen really got into the part and he like kept the sword with him at all times just so you'd be really comfortable carrying it."
"Aokiji will go on to reestablish a new justice for himself and a new version of Sword."
"The bigger the sword, you know, the more pleasure to be had is what they say, right? That's what they say."
"The sword is a direct connection to the opening of this trilogy. It represents how far we've come while reminding the audience of experiences they would have had as early as the prologue it is the weapon that was used in the fight against Sauron."
"I've always said my sword was a tool of justice not a weapon but a way to bring back those good old-fashioned values upon which we used to rely but this isn't my sword it's a [ __ ] mistake."
"Will he use his sword to destroy evil in the name of God?"
"...the sword Kai poured down from the sky like the pearls of thunder."
"Have you ever held a sword in your hand before?"
"Will he get a new sword even stronger than Enma?"
"What's more masculine than The Rock delivering you a sword? I love that."
"The great graded sword class was a moto, the great great."
"The soul is born from the heart, the sword is made from the soul."
"An exorcist with a sword, huh? Put that one on your next blockbuster movie poster."
"This baby is the Lamborghini of long swords."
"Old man Lai asked Luu to look at the sword in his hands."
"Dorn Kirk drew the demon sword and sent Soul Force surging through his body. That wasn't the crash of an empty suit of armor hitting the floor. It was the sound of combat."
"...Yuki swings his sword and unleashes a hidden power deep inside him."
"The important part is that the sword takes a lot of cues from Excalibur."
"Nightblood, this is a sentient awakened sword native to the world of Nalthis and it was formerly wielded by Vasher."
"He talks about the valuable and magical sword."
"The Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword."
"Imagine if you could have a sword that had an edge thickness of like a molecule or an even an atom, it was that insanely sharp."
"So how can we get a sword that cuts through anything, a magically enchanted sword that whatever the material steel rock it can cut through it?"
"It means that it would remain sharper far longer than all other regular swords and you're never any sharpener, which is an awesome enchantment, right?"
"This makes her wonder how he feels about switching from a sword to a gun and ends up using too much of her magic on her sword."
"I think we really went above and beyond on this Ulfberht sword, and I can't wait for the next one."
"The entire sword can be assembled with just one pin."
"Fire whites can light their own swords on fire. You don't need to stab someone else to make a flaming sword."
"Finally, the monster's heart can be pierced by glorious golden sword."
"This exceptional sword gave us our English word gladiator."
"If CP Ij0 is the shield of the world government, then Sword is the sword of the Marines."
"I didn't come to bring peace but the sword." - Jesus
"Jesus said, 'Think not that I have come in peace but with a sword.'"
"A lone Knight was sent, his weapon: the demon sword."
"Look at that. It's a pirate treasure box with a real sword on top."
"We have no further need of the great sword here so let it pass on to the next true and rightful King."
"Yamamoto can heat up the tip of his sword to the temperature of the sun."
"We are in a spiritual battle, and we've got to bring our sword with us."
"This one is my second favorite sword as I love the design and the gold that is entwined with the subtle hinge of green."
"Use the sword not to wound or kill but to cut out falsehood."
"For all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword."
"This section over here, we have Godric Gryffindor's sword."
"I get a sense of rightness when I'm holding a sword. It's like, ah, I love it."
"Jesus knew when to draw the sword, and he wasn't a butcher, he was a spiritual friend and surgeon."
"So, this is a thrust-centric sword. If you're going into combat and your intention is to run people through with this blade, in the same way that you might do with the spear or bayonet or Lance, well, you only need the tip sharpened, don't you?"
"His sword ringill Glitters like Starlight and like ice,"
"A blade that injures everything it touches isn't really a sword."
"Genji's alt is physically impossible. His blade is too freaking long. Look at this thing!"
"Genji's blade is known as an odachi, similar to a katana or tachi in terms of design and build, but unlike those, the odachi blade is just short of three feet long."
"But what made it so alluring to shinobi was its size and its availability. With a blade less than 24 inches, it was far easier for a ninja to mount and conceal this sword on a person versus something like a katana."
"Nero has a talent for breaking swords."
"The pen is mightier than the sword, Alex."
"Let the sword eat it. Let the sword eat it."
"This sword is called The Magician's Judge."
"There's not a single character I can think of that would not be cooler if they also had a sword."
"The lion sword is powered by a compact energy field, making it a Power sword capable of channeling energies to increase its cutting effectiveness."
"Crafted by Ferrus Manus, intended to be the epitome of a perfect weapon, the Fireblade was a Power sword known for its ability to generate intense heat."
"The White Tiger Dao: a sword crafted for use by a Primarch, capable of cutting through virtually anything."
"Storm's teeth had the ability to effortlessly shred any substance it encounters."
"He went alone to confront the kij Jong company with just a sword."
"Live by the sword, die by the sword," said Naruto.
"One sword's chill overcomes the whole country, unbelievable."
"No matter how lowly, no matter how poor, as long as one's heart is set on the way of the sword, he or she can come to realize the meaning of the sword and share in the blessings left behind by the god of the sword of Jianghi with One's Own Strength."
"The main character uses the star sword's reverse technique."
"I considered the sword to be a kind of alter ego."
"I carry the prized sword of the king; he's entrusted me to protect his realm, and I will."
"Become a mini Samurai with this minimalist Katana."
"Shinku was asked to return the Divine sword he had been using to the princess."
"It is a sword that cannot be cut by anything but can also cut through anything."
"Law sword condenses a sword between the real and the unreal, ignoring any physical defenses of the target, causing psychic trauma."
"Fear will not guide my blade, this sword is a blessing and a curse all at once."
"Our hero repelled the attack with his sword."
"The sword of justice is still there to avenge."
"But when the sword aura appeared, it was extremely powerful."
"It's interesting to explore those things, how you can make a sword that is both a warning and an object of reflection at the same time."
"For $50, I think it's a great sword."
"It's a very inexpensive sword, all things considered."
"The sword has a silver hilt... exceedingly fine workmanship."
"Carson says that he likes someone, a lady who resembles a sword."
"One of the nicest American swords I've ever seen."
"The sword inside can be very different: moderately valuable, valuable, or extremely valuable."
"The sword's power stems from the Eye of Thundera, a legendary jewel with limitless magical power."
"It's a real early Koto blade, probably 1380s, 1390s."
"The Viking sword of the future, the mysterious Ulfberht swords of the Vikings, were created using technology from the future."
"You have a special connection with your sword, treasure it well," I urged her.
"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your sword, it is a lovely item."
"It seems like a very very nice sword for the money."
"The option to customize your sword is actually really cool, especially at this price point."
"It's a great sword value for the money."
"For $320, I would not hesitate in recommending the sword."
"It's a very good deal, especially if you want a sword that is laminated and folded."
"The ninth incarnation of the Demonic sword, dense fog!"
"Imagine a sword that could harness the raw power of a storm to destroy anything in its path."
"It's hand forged, just a beautiful beautiful sword."
"Ice can kill as dead as fire. Ice was Ned's great sword, Valyrian steel marked with the ripples of a thousand foldings."
"Normally you would think a father would name his sword after his son, but no, in this case, Roger named his son after his sword."
"It's not a soul sword, it's a hope sword."