
Social Benefits Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"We haven't established a single way in which these groups hurt us, but we have established ways in which they help us."
"Unions that, if I may be so bold, have made the entire world much better for literally everyone."
"Because small increases in public transit use can have big social benefits. It might even make public transit itself better because it shows that there's demand."
"Proper table manners always help you and never hurt you."
"We can benefit a lot from intergenerational relationships, even if only online."
"We're basically shortcutting those laws of physics and delivering the social and psychological benefits of being able to be present and feel like you're there with another person."
"The car, the money you lose is just the cost of smiling and laughing with the people around you. That's a great thing and that's the advantage of notoriety."
"I do think comedy can bring people together in a certain way and that's why we keep doing it."
"Hanging out with a friend is truly... it can give you energy."
"More people riding can only be a good thing."
"How can you complain about something that promises to give you free housing, free college, free health care, and a livable income even if you don't feel like working?"
"My hubby makes about 50,000 per year. I make about half that... if I were to leave my husband and I were to become a single mother with government benefits, I'd have way more money."
"The ability to move in and out of China for individuals... has had huge social benefits over the past 40 years."
"Second chance hiring is about safer communities, a stronger workforce, and a thriving economy."
"So, while they give the five trillion to the richest people and they screw everybody else, wouldn't it help them to give everybody health care and a UBI? It wouldn't hurt."
"Feeling embarrassed can even benefit our social group."
"Being kind goes a long way and it does pay off."
"There should be some sort of a dividend for living in America and paying all these taxes."
"Venus represents the good things of life; it's going to make you more charming, increase your charisma, and make you a much more pleasant person in the eyes of other people around you."
"He's just an old man who wants to give us health care and education and that's it."
"Both offer free daycare, free preschool programs, and free college."
"They want free stuff. They want to hand out free stuff."
"Guy friends are a precious public health commodity the single men have covered."
"I miss the feeling of having eaten those things but and I do think that sugar is an addictive substance."
"Sweden pays extremely high taxes compared to the US, but people are willing to do it because they feel like they get the benefits out of it."
"It's just so nice to be in person with people."
"It also makes you more freaking attractive if you're sitting up straight."
"I get respected I get you know free stuff doors open um it's it's not even just about what I get but it's about having the respect"
"Beauty doesn't just count on Instagram attractiveness improves an individual's chances of securing a job offer getting a promotion earning more votes in an election and living a happier life"
"The happy side effect is that you become more memorable."
"I think a Nordic country would be sweet to live in, not just because of their robust social safety net."
"Incremental progress is still progress. We have to fight tooth and nail for every benefit we can get."
"What are the good things that came out of this quarantined world that we've learned about legislative advocacy?"
"The social element of buying local, eating local, co-mingling locally by going to the farmer's market."
"It really is the child tax credit alone is like, you know, a universal benefit for parents."
"We don't want any bureaucracy that involves individualizing benefits from the government is wrong but any bureaucracy that is set up to provide Universal benefits is right."
"Without McDonald's, I wouldn't be able to make new friends, make chickens."
"Social interaction is good as well as people that have the same mindset as you."
"We don't necessarily understand that if we just allow this group of people to be in our everyday lives... how much we could benefit."
"I am like a lifestyle brand in the sense that if you are my friend your lifestyle increases."
"Collecting, preparing, cooking our own food creates mental, physical, social health."
"If you live in a dope community man you know what I mean like shout outs to you for that bro cause his community was looking for him it pays to be nice to people bro."
"High-speed rail has so many other benefits... economic and social, just so many benefits."
"The fact that we're going to have seniors get dental, vision, and hearing in some ways is a big deal."
"Ultimately, I think the net benefit will be good."
"But perhaps the biggest advantage to Housing First is the improvement in the quality of life it provides."
"We have changed the lives of so many people here."
"Actually, it creates a lot of positive incentives in terms of people being able to live what I often refer to as a livable life."
"Wrestlemania is a good thing for the entirety of mankind."
"These changes actually would help everybody."
"They'll remove the asset limit, add inflationary benchmark, remove the income exclusion, and remove the marriage penalty."
"You guys want your girlfriend to be like, close to your friends. Want it's not a want, it's beneficial."
"Lifting makes you a better man and a more attractive man for women but also for others."
"70% of gamers play with a friend, fostering social connectedness."
"I did what I did, not to make money, but to help prevent the defeat of a new system which had, at great cost, given ordinary people food and fares which they could afford, a good education and a health service."
"Making friends within the community will make the entire experience more enjoyable and will also increase the rate at which you improve."
"This year's report shows clearly that scripture engaged people make better neighbors."
"It was easier to be honest with a stranger... it was this incredibly therapeutic tool."
"Being in the same place with someone... has some benefit that is different from being on social media."
"Being nice in life makes everyone else nicer to you."
"There's a persistent underinvestment in big social beneficial Innovation."
"Love is gonna win and you will no longer fear a loss of benefits."
"Blue zones don't just live longer, they do so with more energy, better health, and all the other stuff that makes them fun to have at parties."
"Socialization is good for you; socialization is good for children; it's good for dogs; it's good for people and animals to be in the same place because socialization is important."
"At first he was skeptical about all this human interaction but right now he was glad he decided to do it."
"The silver lining of all this is that it brings people closer together."
"Favor is a magnet; everybody looks at you and you become their delight."
"The extension of those benefits were clearly necessary and even though they weren't extended at the full 600 per week like they were before, 400 is still better than nothing."
"I have met other people through you, it's just a wonderful community."
"Working is great. Have a positive attitude about it. Be optimistic about it. It's a privilege. You'll be friends. You'll gain confidence."
"It's helped me level out so as a result I'm more pleasant to be around."
"The more people you have doing well, the better off you'll be."
"By nurturing vibrant and cohesive urban spaces, skate parks strengthen community bonds and create a sense of belonging."
"Helping others ends up helping you more than anyone."
"It opened a lot of opportunities for me - from gaining friends, popularity, and even travels."
"Appearance isn't important for women that there is a pressure that exists for women to conform and when you do conform you get all these benefits."
"That's just sick dude, that must have cost a lot, benefits of dating a rich girl, my friends."
"Monogamy actually reduces things like rape, murder, assault, robbery, and fraud."
"Our research has contributed to medical and social benefits on our home planet allowing us to find new ways to combat disease back on earth and develop technologies to deliver clean water to remote communities in need."
"Being attractive comes with advantages: more friends, more attention, and favorable judgments."
"Making friends can be beneficial to both parties."
"When religious individuals are primed, they tend to display more pro-social benefits."
"One glass of wine a day contributes to longevity... what's contributing to longevity is the wine or is it the socialization and the connecting with the people around them?"
"Survival depends on living in a group because you get benefits from being with others."
"Socializing is good... it relieves stress."
"Having a cute dog can do wonders and most people don't think about it."
"Y'all are living life on easy mode in certain aspects: free health care, free education, you know, free vacations basically."
"Confidence and self-esteem that comes with martial arts... one of the top benefits of martial arts is socialization."
"The number one benefit that we are going to get from Jiu Jitsu is the social skills that you can bring from Jiu Jitsu to your social life."
"Healthcare is a human right, not simply an employer-based benefit."
"Public goods, such as lighthouses, roads, and poems, are special in a couple of ways. Usually, though not invariably, they have especially large social benefits."
"Being social has so many advantages, from caring for your young to having backup when you need it."
"If you become wittier, if you have a more likeable personality... all those things are definitely true."