
Cultural Debate Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"You've got to argue about what wisdom culture is supposed to distill."
"The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters."
"If we can't say that the building block of our society is a man and a woman, what do we believe in?"
"There's a difference between cancel culture and accountability."
"This is a step in the right direction in the culture war and shutting down these moral authoritarians who are so brazen in their arrogance."
"This should not be a culture War issue; this should be a human issue."
"Age-appropriateness is such a big part of all of this, and the left really wants to remove the boundaries of age-appropriateness."
"Cancel culture isn't about canceling the right, to a great degree a lot of people on the right, it's the left is trying to censor us."
"When culture was telling us what companies are essential and saying the church is not essential, I'd say eternity is essential."
"The world is messy. Wokism, what is it? A force for good, for bad, the woke ultras..."
"The only reason all this gender bs is so prominent and oft-discussed at the moment is because it keeps getting brought up."
"The irony is as delicious as a spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles and grilled jalapenos the same people who accused liberals of being intolerant cancel culture supporting lunatics are now themselves calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-A."
"Lol anyone mad about Harry Styles in a dress is just mad that he can pull it off better than they can."
"There are legitimate reasons that people have to be concerned about SJWs taking over entertainment that they enjoy."
"The whole pronoun thing, it's actually it's not semantics, it's a really important hill worth dying on because they're trying to redefine the language."
"The assault on gun rights is the one area of the culture war where the left has consistently failed."
"I want to go on record saying this... I will die on this hill defending the original five nights at Freddy's game."
"When you tear down Thomas Jefferson, people get mad. When you tear down or desecrate a religious icon, people feel that in their heart." - Tim Pool
"You can't pick between them, the people that I'm most Stones Stones guy I'm a Beatles guy is like no I'm both you can be both."
"Did you ever think that you'd longed for the good old days when all we had to fight about was the definition of marriage?"
"Embrace the culture battle and embrace the fact that everyone is opposed to what you think." - Michael Knowles
"Is racial discrimination wrong? Absolutely, hell yes."
"It's a culture war issue insofar as a woman's ability to be financially independent."
"Cancel culture is an attack on free speech, which is guaranteed by the Constitution."
"The battle of culture is about language and defining words."
"It's a battle about language and who defines words."
"It's all about language and they deny observable reality."
"The battle is about language and defining words."
"Perhaps the biggest controversy regarding pineapple however is whether it belongs on pizza."
"The flag that we see today is so back in 2015, a little video called the confederate flag debate."
"The Benjamins might be the best rap song ever all right it's debatable and the remix too is ridiculous."
"The traditionalist argument against Old Town Road is unfair."
"Roger Ebert was dead wrong when he said that video games can't be art."
"That's not cancel culture, that is cultural freedom and freedom of speech."
"It's like defending a statue being like, 'It's upside down, stay away from Robert E. Lee.'"
"People shouldn't be so worked up over whether or not something is defined as a remake."
"School choice is important, and we are not going to allow wokism and critical race Theory to brainwash a generation."
"God created gender, God created sexuality, God created uteruses, God created periods. No amount of culture's lies will ever change that."
"In the culture War, I don't think it's possible to go too far by speaking truth. The truth is the truth."
"If you're against the woke stuff and the gender stuff, well then you gotta come around."
"Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25th inadvertently celebrates pagan gods and traditions."
"Contextualization is a much better approach to this stuff than trying to silence your opponent, pull down statues, no platform people."
"Boris Johnson was a token right wing around cultural values."
"I don't think we should cancel Noam Chomsky, whatever that means."
"The only people who believe in cancel culture who don't like it are like white nationalists and people who want to be racist."
"Chrono Trigger and the Bible: a controversial debate."
"Simply for suggesting that sex exists, Rowling has found herself in the middle of a leftist firestorm."
"Is it even possible to separate the art from the artist?"
"Most of us would probably say art belongs in a museum, right? So the public can access it and/or study it."
"Christian nationalism or leftist globalism? Which political order do you want to live under?"
"Change of scenery. I wanna talk about gif gate slash gif gate. Some people had some very strong feelings about us saying jif instead of gif."
"It's time that we stood up against this. For far too long, it's been sort of like, 'Oh, it's just art, it's just creative expression.' But where do we draw the line?"
"People may then ask why is it okay to be proud of being black but not white?"
"There's a war on masculinity out there but I think it's a large large misconception."
"There is nothing empowering about the hijab."
"Declare war on flawlessness and the deconstruction of the family." 🚫
"The right answer isn't to cancel wokeness in return. It is to dilute it to irrelevance by reviving a shared sense of American identity."
"If someone's Throwing Shade and suggesting that the Beloved filmmaker and producer Tyler Perry might take the cake for being worse than Diddy, that's insane, right?"
"I am NOT a social justice warrior; I reject ideas like white privilege, intersectionality, and systemic racism theory absolutely unequivocally."
"Enough already with the people who are saying, 'Well, you just use terminology like cultural Marxism so that you don't have to address these real issues.' Nothing could be further from the truth."
"The hypocrisy of the GOP crying over cancelled culture and then trying to cancel over a tweet is amazing."
"Pronouns, genitals being chopped off, all of the stuff that comes with pride is still happening." - "Although it is being pushed back against more and more and more."
"These are I think really misunderstood as far as what they actually mean it's whether you're an American born in Texas or a Brazilian the debate always just comes back to preserving history and Heritage or removing hate and racism."
"The war on Christmas trend isn't letting up anytime soon."
"I see Die Hard as a Christmas movie that takes place on Christmas Eve."
"It's a fraught topic, it's a hot topic, it's the other side of our current eternal culture war."
"Keep fighting against CRT because the fight is not by any means over. CRT is essentially the racist notion that everything in the United States and from the United States is inevitably tainted with bigotry."
"Identity politics was the real reason that it's tearing our culture apart." - I spoke to Jordan Peterson about it; his answer will blow your mind.
"I think everyone, to their own extent, has to figure out how to separate the art from the artist."
"I guess I'll bite the bullet on that one and say okay, well in that case I'm okay with liberalism as being authoritative over Islam because I like to defend fundamental human rights among other groups of people."
"There's something damaging about being made to feel shame because you relate more to Bella than some other feminist approved strong female character."
"The issue is once this starts, tell me where it ends. Think of the canceled culture."
"I think there are two things we can take from this and from the reaction to it: first, if you needed proof that canceled culture is real, here it is."
"Being a clear and consistent voice in the culture war is important."
"When liberals call for censoring views they find objectionable, they are the midwives of dystopia."
"Critical race theory is diametrically opposed to Christianity, you cannot have both."
"If people were talking about like changes to lord of rings being an attack on anglo-saxon culture it's because tolkien's views on anglo-saxon culture were influenced by the politicization and the racialization of anglo-saxon as a term"
"The war against wokeness has created a situation in which people who are against it believe that they are soldiers in a war against those who wish to take away their freedoms."
"Fighting back the tide of woke, attacks on free speech, and the very attack on foundations of our civilization."
"Art isn't science, why should we pretend that it is?"
"It's great to see a school actually take a stand against the woke mob."
"They're trying to take the Christ out of Christmas."
"Architecture provides the testing ground for many of the contested questions that painting is going to raise in this period."
"My personal belief is that many of these issues are extremely important; all sides of the arguments around culture are valuable."
"The debate of who is the superior Belgian between Flemish and Walloon has been settled, and it is definitely Flemish."
"This isn't a culture war; this isn't a matter of winning."
"We're not going to be able to move past the black women hate their hair debate unless we come to a conclusion and do something about the fact that black women refuse to actually embrace their hair."