
Electron Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Every electron in the universe is a ripple moving about in this electron field...these fields are always there."
"Electron lets companies focus on building more features and improving their application."
"No two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers."
"There are very few devices that make me feel as happy to play and make me feel as satisfied with the final song as the electron also trending it is really truly a special instrument."
"When we rotate an electron by 360 degrees, it doesn't return to its original state but rather a 'negated' version."
"Wanna know where an electron is inside an atom? It’s here! And there! And everywhere, at the same time, actually!"
"What this actually means is that our electron can have...clockwise or anti-clockwise."
"You can't have half of an electron."
"The whole concept in the field called quantum mechanics is basically talking about what is an electron, how does it behave."
"The electrons that come off, we now know, electrons are everything."
"This was a conceptual understanding of the discovery of the electron."
"I hope you can figure out the answers because we don't actually know the answers to a lot of these questions but we know that an electron is not a little solid ball of like a bullet or something it is a wave."
"The spinning electron transforms it into a small magnet - this is called the gyromagnetic effect."
"Once upon a time, there was an electron and it had spin."
"Oxidation is the loss of electrons, increasing its valence state."
"The neutron has no charge and the electron has a charge of minus 1.6 times 10 to the power of minus 19 coulombs."
"Let's see the magic of Electron in the next video."
"Why does a particle like the electron have a mass? It's very important. If it didn't have a mass, atoms wouldn't exist or would be infinitely big."
"The electron owes its practical utility to its smallness. It might parody Shakespeare to say, 'My use is great because I am so small.'"
"The word electron gives us our word electricity."
"The work function is the minimum amount of energy required to release an electron from the surface of a metal."
"Thank you so much for watching, welcome aboard, let's jump into this Electron mod."
"We have also access to some low level operating system API; we can access the files in Electron application, we can access the networking, we can access native features as a battery, we can access menus, and so on."
"The electron is so fractal that it's charge distribution is what you call God."
"The basic idea is that if you just look at one electron moving in the solid and think about its wavefunction carefully using some topological concepts, you can explain a number of amazing experiments."
"The 3d electron actually has a higher effective nuclear charge; it's more attracted to the nucleus."
"The maximum speed of an electron is believed to be exactly the same as the speed of light."
"The energy levels for an electron are also quantized; they can only be this value or only that value or only that value. They cannot be anything else in between."
"The electron has two spin states corresponding to spin a half plus a half and minus a half."
"Davisson and Germer... showed not only that electrons have a wavelength but that the wavelength predicted by de Broglie was correct."
"The electron is in a superposition of all possible places at the same time."
"With the advent of microsatellites, smaller carriers like the Electron are becoming an attractive launcher for a new area of the launch market."
"Once a photon is struck and knocked an electron loose, you can no longer distinguish wavelength; all electrons look alike."
"The magnetic moment for the electron is the Bohr Magneton multiplied by the angular momentum divided by H-bar."
"For every electron corresponds a wavefunction."
"One of the greatest triumphs of the human mind in the entire history of the race is Schwinger's calculation of the anomalous Magnetic Moment of the electron."
"You can't specify the location of an electron; you have to put that electron all over the place, and that's what results in bonding."
"If I were an electron in a higher energy orbital, I would be more nucleophilic."
"The movement of an electron is quantized."
"In 1897, J.J. Thomson determined the specific charge of an electron, but it wasn't until 1909 where Millikan and Fletcher actually determined the actual charge on an electron and demonstrated that it's actually quantized."
"Electron is an open source library that was created by GitHub back in 2013 and it's used to build cross-platform desktop applications with only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"The two most notable applications built on Electron for me are Atom and Visual Studio Code."
"Consider an electron in an orbit... assume that the electromagnetic dipole effects can be neglected and only the gravitational force is relevant."