
Inversion Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Reverse vampires: They survive by eating garlic and drinking holy water. The sun is healing to them. If you stake them through the heart, they become immortal."
"It's like everything got flipped on its head."
"...we are living through one of the greatest inversions of Truth and morality of modern times."
"It's THE literal inversion of the holy trinity, the pagan triple goddess."
"We see the grid looking almost like a flip of our championship table."
"Creep 2 is kind of an inversion of the format of the first film and it was an extremely creative way to continue the story in an organic and interesting way."
"Like inverted black is white white is black."
"Good is bad, bad is good, beautiful is ugly, ugly is beautiful."
"Madoka Magica has become this thing where the tragedy and the inversion of everything becomes the selling point."
"It's like the infernal inversion of that, where everyday life is saturated with libido but libido that makes us miserable."
"So, whereas the purpose of the Libervision may be a synthesis with divine energies, it derives from magical systems which are really about communing with and commanding maleficent celestial energy, so kind of turning that on its head."
"We got to a point in a Star Wars movie where the hero almost became the villain and the villain almost became the hero."
"The fair has become foul and the foul has become fair, and the whole of Scotland here is a place of tremendous danger and of blood."
"You also get great whip coming in and going out. The forces are great, the visuals of the train below you add to it. I don't think I'm alone when I say the top gun stall is my all-time favorite inversion."
"When you invert things, the order-- well, you know it. It has to be that way. It's that way in life, right?"
"...nine times out of ten what's right and what's wrong to the world is flipped upside down..."
"Inverse is actually a pretty strong technique."
"So, when you're upside down, things are upside down. Also, when you're looking at an angle, what you may think is the positive is actually the negative."
"This is a second inversion Triad because we've got the fifth in the base."
"Learning to fall. It's the fear of falling that holds everybody back when trying to learn inversions."
"Such a universe glass is basically a giant black hole turned inside out."
"It was crazy and it's not something predictable, no. It's a song that stands everything on top of its head."
"So if you start inside the circle you go outside of the circle. That's what inversion does to you."
"Instead, he asked that they turned his cross... put my head to the ground and my feet to the sky."
"When I flip it, I go from a positive to a negative, but then I also flip the numerator and the denominator, yep."
"It's a really amazing feeling to be acting in the exactly the opposite way that you intend to act but that inverted choice being the thing that brings out the initial intention."
"It's a common occurrence: inversion leads to recession."
"That'll be the reverse function there, the inverse function."
"You can solve many problems by inversion."
"When you're upside down you start seeing things differently."
"Any number to the power negative is the same as 1 over the number to the power positive."
"Whenever you go upside down, you always want to take a child's pose first."
"We're allowing the blood to change direction and fill the crown of our heads."
"Working on our shoulder mobility in this way is really good for working on our inversions, our pincher, and our handstand."
"Inversions are really good also to relax, especially before going to sleep."
"Linguistic inversion is when words are defined to mean the exact opposite of their everyday meaning."
"An inversion is simply taking a note which is not the root and sticking it in the bass."
"Instead of showing you the way the world is, it shows you the way the world isn't supposed to be, the inversion of reality."
"That drop and those two inversions are wild and it's a perfect finale."
"Whenever that inverts and the two-year is higher than the ten-year, we have had a market crash along with a recession."
"A NOR gate is essentially an OR gate with an inverter applied."
"Bonnie a cloud inversion down there of Coniston."
"I love going upside down; it's my favorite."
"To find the inverse of a function, every X swaps with Y and every Y swaps with X."
"The inverse of a function is like working from the inside out."
"The ship uses inverted controls, so when you pull up, the ship's gonna go down."
"Problems frequently get easier to solve if you turn them around in reverse."
"In life, unless you're more gifted than Einstein, inversion will help you solve problems that you can't solve another way."
"Whenever you're inverting an interval, it's really quite simple actually."
"The inversion of a major sixth is a minor third."
"The inversion of a perfect fifth is a perfect fourth."
"You turn upside down, let all the blood rush to your head, and then you imagine something that you really want to happen, and it happens."
"I like the inverted zero G stall, that we were upside down for like a hundred feet, and the barrel roll."
"When we go upside down, it's different than our normal orientation, a different perspective."
"The world turned upside down; if ponies rode men and grass ate cows, and cats were chased into holes by the mouse."
"At carnival time for thousands of years, men became women, white became black as the world was temporarily turned upside down."
"It's essentially like scaling the y-axis by -1."
"The image that hits your retina ends up getting inverted and reversed, almost like you're looking in a mirror."
"Any diminished seventh chord could be in any inversion; if you drop the bass note down a half step, it becomes a dominant seventh."
"The world is inside out and upside down."
"If you have a negative power, all you do is you get the number to the power of one and put a one over it."
"Any augmented interval becomes diminished when we invert it; any major interval becomes minor when it's inverted; and perfect intervals stay perfect."
"A to the power of minus M is equal to one over A to the power of positive M."
"Downward facing dog is both an inversion as the head falls below the heart, but it's also a great stretch for the hamstrings; it decompresses the spine."
"The inverted forest is unbelievable; the trees and pretty much everything else grow upside down."
"Once we've written this forward model, we can easily invert it because of the strength of WebPPL."
"Self-inverting functions are such that the f of X is equal to its inverse."