
Descent Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"The mountains that tower above the capital force pilots to descend much more steeply than at other airports."
"So she filled that void, but then it gets darker and darker."
"Let the descent into Madness begin." - Mad King
"Gotham's descent into madness, fueled by corruption."
"We had perfect targeting going in, and then the sequence of events as we went through this complicated and dangerous descent onto the surface went right on plan."
"The bike is an incredibly capable descender, especially when it gets rough and rowdy."
"Noah descended from the sky, capturing everyone's attention."
"House Tyrell trace our descent to Garth Greenhand, the legendary first king of the Reach."
"Once you enter into hell, the only way out is via a door at the ninth circle and bottom of hell."
"So she begins her descent into madness."
"From the great heaven she set her mind on the great below."
"My mistress abandoned heaven, abandoned Earth, and descended to the underworld."
"Inanna abandoned heaven, abandoned Earth, and descended to the underworld."
"The gradient points in the direction of steepest descent of our cost function."
"Climbing is the easy part, it's getting down is the part they don't tell you about."
"This is a way of descending down into the underworld, into the land of the, or the world of the, departmental world."
"It's no big deal," Tion Ling reassured Kin Yun, revealing his own werewolf descent.
"I picture myself at the bottom of a pit, and from above a flood was descending, pouring down the shaft to engulf me."
"The Bible teaches that man began high and sank lower with every subsequent generation."
"That descent is incredible. It's super flow, it's tacky, it's fun. It's probably one of the best trails I've ever ridden, no lie."
"We should descend into hell while we are still living, in order not to descend there after we die."
"He's in a place he's in the kingdom where he has to ascend to get to God. 'I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.' No, you're gonna be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit."
"The camping trip we had yearned for turned out to be a descent into the unknown, a haunting experience that shattered the Tranquility we had sought."
"Something happens though, Charlotte descends. I'm calling it."
"We all rushed down the mountainside in a panic, pushing past each other trying to get through."
"Claim the aristocracy of the spirit, not of physical descent."
"...the legend larger than life and the dizzying descent back to earth begins not in one of cycling's european hot spots but in the bike racing backwater of texas."
"He has no idea that he's made all the way down into the bowl."
"It's a slow burn but it's meant to be that way as you're slowly kind of descending into madness along with this family."
"I would love to see more negative character arcs. The hero everyone loves slowly descends into evil or madness doing what she thinks is right."
"That realization is what pushes him off the deep end."
"Round and round and upside down went the peach as it plummeted towards the earth."
"He finds himself falling into darkness and appears in front of the Tower."
"The descending line feels like it's tumbling down a flight of stairs and all you could do is try to hold on."
"The story of aesal's descent into the underworld is a complex tale with themes of loss, sacrifice, and rebirth, exploring the depths of Sisterhood and revealing the Rivalry that tied ereshkigal and inana together."
"You're going to feel a little bit of a drop."
"It's a long way down when you get off here."
"She caught her breath at the warm embrace of soft feathers as they gently carried her downward."
"It's not a fall. It's a gradual descent into sin."
"She fell like a maple seed, pure wedding on an autumn breeze."
"He descended into the lower parts of the earth."
"Bojack spirals deeper into addiction"
"She now began to come absolutely straight down. As she floated gently down, Mrs. Twit's petticoat billowed out like a parachute showing her long knickers."
"This story showcases their rapid descent into chaos and turmoil."
"The descent off the mountain was indeed very, very steep, and care was required."
"Jesus will descend in the city of Damascus."
"It's going to get going down that hill, girl, it's going to get going down that hill now."
"In mountain climbing, the real danger of any summit bid begins on the descent."
"I'm just gonna start my descent a little bit faster now."
"Every day my power grows and so too does my descent into this darkness."
"That bike won awards for how it handled and how it descended."
"...they did exactly the same thing down his 30 kilometer descent."
"I was terrified but I slowly made my way down."
"He's not an angel going up, he's God coming down."
"They descended in a cage elevator until they reached their destination."
"In many European traditions, gods or heroes descend into the underworld, do battle with forces of the underworld, and take from the underworld some wealth that they possess or something which they have stolen."
"Then you roll down the other side."
"We're probably at the bottom of a coal mine," the earthworm said gloomily. "We certainly went down and down and down very suddenly at the last moment."
"Oscillations caused two problems: increasing descent rate and increasing chance of being injured on landing."
"'The real guru is the one through whom we have our spiritual descent he is the channel through which the spiritual current flows to us the link which joins us to the whole spiritual world.'"
"Ahsoka uses her Sabers to twirl down into the tomb."
"We're lowering our hot air balloon; we're looking down from heaven, getting a little closer to the ground now."
"From their abodes, the children of light descend."
"The very heavens writhed in agony at the descent of something divine."
"We're doing an emergency descent."
"The dragon swooped once more, lower than ever, and as he turned and dived down, his belly glittered white with sparkling fires of gems in the moon."
"This thing really turns into an enduro style rig that's very capable, climbing steep terrain and coming back down on some really fun descents."
"Most people who die on Mount Everest end up dying on their way down the mountain."
"The path of descent is the path of transformation."
"Modern-day birds are descendants of feathered dinosaurs, evolving over the last 65 million years."
"The seeds of descent are sown amongst the ranking fire."
"It takes a kind of humility to take a little bit, a step down off the top of your mountain."
"She clambered out of the window and slid rather than climbed to the ground."
"Maybe we need to descend in order to later progress."
"So now to descend, I have found that if you lean back some, where your legs are kind of perpendicular to the tree, it's much easier to repel down."
"The point of the main parachute is obvious: you want to bring the rocket or payload down to the ground softly."
"If you are going to slow down or descend, you plan to reduce the rpm something less than that green mark, it's common practice to pull the carburetor heat on first."
"He's almost there, then he's got the pleasure of the long descent."
"Bring just as much awareness in coming back down as you did in going up."
"It's a true appreciation for the bike pointed downhill and the ride quality of all the descents that you're encountering."
"We are about to descend after the method of the dustbins," he explained cheerfully.
"The dragon god descended on Jiangbei."
"All existing organisms are descended with modifications from ancestors that lived in the past."
"Darwin taught us... it looks like somehow they're related by descent with variation."
"[F]rom Morn To Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve, A Summer's day."
"If you're top of Mount Everest, any direction you go, you go down."
"The climb down's harder than it was up."
"The slowest speed manageable with the minimum use of brakes is our goal when descending steep and slippery slopes."
"Falling, they were dropping like a stone."
"I love reading stories about... characters just spiraling."
"Truly, this is the house of God; this is the place where God comes from heaven and comes down to the Earth."
"She was like an angel who came down to earth."
"This album features an array of characters either experiencing or being dragged down to Hell."
"The thing we've got to think about now is how on earth are we going to get down to earth?"
"Slowly the great peach began losing height, and the buildings and streets down below began coming closer and closer."
"Going downhill is a lot easier than going up."
"The spirit of God descended upon Him like a dove."
"...he knew that it was his only chance to survive, so making an intentional effort not to look down into the seemingly endless pit of Darkness, Joe began his slow descent into the void."
"It's easy to go down into hell; night and day, the gates of dark death stand wide."
"You will continue to gain altitude for two seconds before beginning your descent."
"The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a voice of an archangel."
"He descends deeper into insanity."
"And I'm going down, all the way down. I'm on the highway to hell."
"Being Latino or Latina means that you are from a country that descended from Spain or Portugal."
"Let's move on to what everybody wants to know about how the bike descends."
"...I will also make a nation from the son of the slave girl, since he is descended from you."
"Beautiful, beautiful speedy descent."
"Overall, it is probably the best handling descender I have ridden, maybe ever."
"Your spirit came down from above, from the imperishable light."
"She descends from the heavens, emerging from the sun in the form of a girl to the Earth."
"It's almost the equivalent of going up and up on a roller coaster and then you just plummet down."
"Inspires a lot of confidence on the descents."
"Plants directly descended from fungi."
"We are beginning our final descent."
"It's a super fun bike to descend on."
"It's going to be fun, I'm going to walk all the way to the top, the highest point of this road, and that's going to be like three maybe four miles straight of downhill, no pedaling, non-stop."
"That's half the reason you climb to the top of the mountain, so you can do that on the way down."
"You're going 150 miles an hour and descending at 700 feet per minute, and it just comes in bang."
"It's like climbing to the top of the mountain, you get to the top of Everest, great, congratulations, but you got to get down."
"Equalize, elevate your deflator hose as high as you can, deflate, press the deflator button, exhale and slowly descend down."
"Oh my lovers, I love you all. It is only because of my love for my creation that I've descended on earth."
"On your descent, you will visit Kala Patthar, the highest point of the Everest Base Camp trek."
"The descent really was something else, after a long day spent heaving the bike over the pass, it was wonderful giving our legs a rest and letting the tandem just roll down through this ancient gorge."
"I felt very much that like going down an escalator, I had no fear and I had no regrets."
"A being clad in blinding light descended from the sky, her skin was as white as ivory, her eyes were as pale as the moon."
"Glorious descended from the heavens."
"Sometimes your subgradient may not even be a direction of descent."
"It is believed that the tunnel was built to represent a descent into the underworld."
"The Holy Spirit came down from heaven and inhabited the hearts of the first Christians."
"It is literally a descent of the world's soul."
"We now start our descent at the top of Beach Road."
"Cultist Simulator is a game about a protagonist's descent and exploration into the deeper nature of their world."
"The descent into hell became an integral part of the archetypical hero’s journey, which has been recapitulated over and over in so many ways."
"Knowing now he's only got to descend down to the bottom and then climb up the Col de Peyresourde."
"If the player reaches the top of the jump, start moving down."
"The descent into the depths of hell was an arduous one."
"Allah Azza Wa Jal ordered Adam and Hawaa to descend down to this world, and that's the first journey of Adam and Hawaa in this dunya."
"Beautifully captures two men slowly losing their minds."
"No one ascends into heaven but he who first descended. There's only one way down and one way up."