
Fictional World Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Wano is actually the origin point for the Sea Stone mineral in all of the land of One Piece."
"People affectionately refer to me as the Pokémon Professor. This world is inhabited far and wide by creatures called Pokémon."
"Vega Punk's contingency plan will hamstring the world government."
"The premise of this world is that there was once a race of giant creatures here but they died off leaving only their earthworks and their garbage."
"The Persona series is basically what you’d get if a group of otaku made a Pokemon clone set in the world of Inside Out."
"The powerful idea with Cataclysm was 'what if we imperiled the world?'"
"Jurassic World: a world where possibilities meet hope."
"Years ago, Ozen received one and eventually collected 120,000 men pins artifacts embedded into her skin."
"Bellows even says that the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic, organizing witches into particular covens, imprisoning anyone who refuses to conform."
"It's really interesting how it provides a really nice glimpse into the world of Pandora."
"Welcome my child to the land of cerebri, our world of origin, place of survey."
"An overall wonderful Pokemon whose existence makes the Pokemon world a much better place."
"I think ending this world in the land of Ivy rose is about as fitting an end as I could ask for."
"You throw this cast at me and I can't help but get a little excited to see a return to the Mary Poppins universe."
"In the world of Cyberpunk, you might be becoming someone new every day."
"Brazil is the world that the Evil Genius from Time Bandits would make if he gained all control."
"The Sims 4 is a utopia where bad things never happen."
"Wang explains that zombies adapt differently and have five sections: Wanderer, Mutated Rank, Terror Rank, Disaster Rank, and Catastrophe Rank."
"The atmosphere of the academy had that Bloody Rusty and Industrial likee setting you'd find in the other world..."
"We've established the New Republic, knocked out powers, taken Mandalore."
"It's the dawn of a new era, a beautiful morning in Hyrule after the moon was threatening us just I think yesterday. So yeah, it's a new era, new beginnings."
"Are the petty games played by the Westerosians 200 years from now the same ones about to be played by these a-holes?"
"The world is healing but her fate is yet uncertain, together we shall be Azeroth's protectors once again, here the new age of dragons shall begin."
"It honestly feels like the most detailed world that we don't live in experience I've ever seen."
"Hockey is now a fundamental building block throughout the entirety of the One Piece world."
"Saved and Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy are Crown kings and queens of Narnia."
"There's nothing quite like Bakano and Durara. Nothing with their aptitude for nonlinear storytelling, nothing with their sense of time and place, and nothing with casts this bizarrely lovable."
"I hope people appreciate it and enjoy it because it makes the world feel even though it's a fake world."
"Monkey D Luffy is about to become the world's most wanted man with a truly staggering Bounty perhaps even the highest of Bounties in all of the fictional pirate histories."
"Power world is a lot more fun when everything goes perfectly."
"That's an intense theory... the citizens of Whoville doomed to live in constant fear of obliteration..."
"If we don't stop him, there will be nothing left of Azeroth to defend."
"Even if they make it make sense, like how it makes sense that the Nords could be imperialized and stuff by now, you know it's 200 years in the future like you know all of that could happen feasibly. It still would have been a better setting."
"The atmosphere in this game, I'm pretty sure it's unrivaled. Never have I felt like I've actually entered a new underwater city."
"An awesome cast of characters that are just dropped into the middle of one of the coolest and most interesting fictional worlds."
"I kind of like the idea that like Hydra saves the world from Loki and then takes over."
"It's exciting for the future of electric trucks."
"If there were like, you know, a Pluto in the One Piece world, there's a Neptune and a Uranus in the One Piece world, right?"
"He's the first guy in the entire series that has a bounty of, well, it was 1 billion, but even to reach that number was insane at the time."
"Thra feels like a real yet also alien place filled with fantastic flora and fauna."
"Dominaria is hope. Like you said, it came back from basically the dead, right?"
"To this day, almost 24 years later, Ocarina of Time's version of Hyrule is still magical and fascinating."
"A fun twist on a character that you wouldn't expect to be this harsh and abrasive."
"The golden Republic sounds pretty damn cool to me."
"What if you could walk into the Madrigals casita just saying meet the family."
"I did it, sniffers, tough gobs, and rascals can now all stay in the Overworld and live in peace together. I won."
"And that is how the world of Teyvat dies. Not with a bang, but with a whimper and empty wallets."
"The industry of Isengard, in service to Sauron. You have commanded the orcs to remove the gardens of Isengard and expand the original deep underground storehouses."
"Hina and the Gang have a lot to figure out about not only Licht but the entire world's past."
"Santa really does change our perspective on how the world of devils work in chainsaw man."
"Now we head into the future, the timeline Trunks is from."
"There's probably still a lot more to see with the engineers' place in the grander scope of the story."
"Baby Finn being left behind in Vampire World under the protection of the self-fixing autonomous and sentient Peppermint Tank was such a cool concept."
"It's a world of fiction, okay wow nice okay so we're following the fan or um."
"Harry Potter is one of the things that I am always in the mood for."
"Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth is probably the greatest work of fiction ever conceived."
"It's not Yonko versus Admirals, it's the Yonko versus the world government."
"Maybe it's like five years later after Harry's gone back and it's now the headmaster and he is basically your guide as you come up through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter."
"Godzilla established himself as the sole ruler of Earth, terraforming the planet to his liking."
"Yonko bounties revealed, Luffy called the fifth emperor of the sea."
"The words of Lord Captain carry more weight than a salvo from 100 bolters."
"Probably the most troubling aspect of the Pokemon universe is forcing animals to fight each other."
"Chronopolis is a research institute built by Balthazar who is a character from Chrono Trigger."
"I'm glad they didn't do Luna though."
"Wakanda is built on top of a mine of vibranium."
"The filmmakers had an opportunity to change things in their fictional world to make that fictional World any way they desired the real world to be instead they settled for the status quo of Barbie land from the beginning of the film."
"Mandalore sucks so hard right now that like the planet is [ __ ] up that they get to sit out of the sequels right they're just like hey I see y'all doing a little bit of Star Wars up there we're working on our [ __ ] down here leave us alone."
"Consistency is vital for establishing a believable fictional world."
"Zou is a massive forest filled with beast people located on the back of a giant elephant, run by a fierce warrior dog during the day and an equally fierce warrior cat during the night."
"The Goray are characters who have been around clearly for centuries and know everything about the world, and they still have the same exact opinions as all these other Celestial Dragons."
"What do you expect? That's Westeros for you, savages."
"The Black Panther's real name is T'Challa, king and protector of the fictional African nation called Wakanda."
"...it's just the sort of book that you get completely engrossed in the world that the author has created."
"That's Los Angeles and that's the books and that's Harry Bosch's world."
"Bounties reflect both the threat and power of an individual towards the world government."
"It's a fictional world after all, so he's like, saw the concept of blood doping, maybe did a little bit of research on it, and just modified it to his ends."
"His character is one of the people who just wants to see goodness, and that is quite rare in this world of George R.R. Martin."
"I forgot how much I love this world and these characters."
"White London, where magic has been corrupted."
"He wants to make the world a good place to live in."
"Are you willing to help them rebuild the Heavenly Immortal Palace and maintain its tranquility?"
"With the reveal of the Seraphim, all of that has changed, and it turns out that the world government and the marines are in fact, undoubtedly stronger than ever before."
"Westeros is a world where everyone acknowledges that yes, dragons were a thing."
"It's explained to us that the now human beast... united all of the kingdoms and became elected king of the United States of Auradon."
"We got to figure out a world without All Might."
"I'm excited to see what happens and I really do love this world and these characters."
"I am literally just living in this world right now with these characters."
"The earth kingdom is no more... I have created a new earth empire and I will continue to lead it into the future myself."
"You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so sharp."
"Everything is there, for example, languages... fictional languages."
"I love bringing a character like this to life, and it's an honor honestly to be a part of this world."
"It's tough to live in Westeros, especially when you are royalty."
"There are more than 10 surviving countries on the Blue Star continent."
"I think this is Sansa's world we're all just living in it."
"I lived it, I breathed it, I felt like I was in the fellowship."
"I'm also gonna be so sad when it ends because I love this world, I love these characters."
"I've become so invested in these characters, in this world."
"The kingdom prospered, and the rare jack OTP lived on."
"I was just completely transported into this world."
"Namek is what Namek should be right now, very quiet and peaceful."
"It's a kind of dystopian book set basically in our exact real world."
"Skypiea translates to live action excellently and regardless of its importance, Sky Island needs to be fleshed out."
"Here is a world full of Aura and Mortal cultivation, the way of Heaven responds to the world in the dark."
"I am very content with never finding out who Luffy's mom is."
"I thoroughly enjoyed going through this world with them."
"I loved getting all the really happy feelings from being in this world."
"Blood is money, time is power, desire is treachery, welcome to Everless."
"She is definitely very important to the major world of One Piece."