
Policy Influence Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The real harm that the ultra-wealthy are doing is not in the Bohemian Club; it's in the policies that they push for by supporting certain candidates and lobbying for certain positions."
"Science fiction is written for the societies we're going to live in decades from now, and that these policies are the ones that are policies of an advanced society."
"The Student Union body was a very powerful body. It was too powerful and they were known for one thing: their voices."
"The left love science... What they like to do is speculate about science and then use the weakest possible scientific findings in order to push the idea that public policy should be shifted in their direction."
"His legacy continues to influence us nuclear policy and energy discussions."
"The CCP can do whatever it wants and the U.S. can't say anything about it."
"Culture does affect policy and policy makes change absolutely it's time to change because hearts and then change minds."
"If we didn't have Elon, our countries would be dictating what goes into space."
"Support among the top 10% of income earners doubled a policy’s chances of being adopted."
"First the ideas, then the ideas started to spread, then the ideas started to influence policymakers and politicians."
"Do you want Bezos and Musk and all of them to be 100% in control of policy over us? No, I think that's completely insane."
"The conversation you guys are having is going to be very influential on the course of public policy."
"We ask that those people who are outraged channel their anger towards policymakers."
"They saw what happened in America and decided to strengthen their abortion rights in their countries."
"Images actually can galvanize the public and can activate and catalyze policy."
"Sin is that subtle - it's not dismissive of how profound it can be."
"What have I learned? If a policy or a rule gets in the way of the liberal agenda, it will be shredded."
"The elitists in our society have cut themselves off from the rest of America and now are attempting to dictate policy to everyone else at the cost of human decency."
"Our voice is coming out in policy, legislation, and actions."
"In hard times, there is often an inflection point, a point that changes minds and compels policy."
"At the end of the day, we've got to change policy, legislation, hearts, and minds."
"Protesting strategy makes you change your policies, but partnership should change your perspectives." - John Hope Bryant
"The black church should be leading the charge in trying to get some of these policies, some of these laws changed."
"This is why we fight, this is why we advocate, and we push policies."
"His perspectives on the issues like nuclear threats, border security, energy policy are vital contributions to the National conversation."
"It doesn't matter who we elect in our midterm election or the 2024 election because our entire capitalist system is being usurped with leftist policies."
"No story is going to show us more about what's going on with policies of state than Disney. Disneyland in California shuts down and lays off 28,000 people. Disney World in Florida keeps going, keeps everybody employed all because of policies."
"We need only look to the United Nations Secretary General, to the IMF, the EU, as Petersburg climate dialogue, the Canadian government, the COP 26, universities Network, and Business Leaders around the world to see this."
"We're supposed to have a republic we should at least have some say over our foreign policy right shouldn't we at least be able to ask some questions."
"Someone with the guts and the intelligence and the wisdom to actually make it turn into policy."
"so Republicans it's up to you do you want it or don't you want it if you keep telling your politicians you want it they're going to give it to you they're going to give it to all of us and drive that hatred all the way through"
"If you don't like the outcome of public policy, think about the rules and how to change those rules."
"There are times... when they will overturn things that benefit concentrated groups."
"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do."
"California's bad ideas go National really fast."
"Public policies determined more by campaign contributions than by Merit debate or deliberation."
"Think tanks can pass better laws than if elected officials were just Googling or guessing the pros and cons of the bills before them."
"The Biden pie: energy, electric vehicles, and cannabis."
"Using my ancestors to change policies, to me, that's extremely offensive."
"When you vote, then you get to actually have a voice in where resources are going to go, you have a voice in the development of policy."
"The court has been acting not as a judicial body, but as a policy-making body."
"Our ambition is to have the ideas we advance drive the national conversation and ensure Canada is the best governed country in the world."
"The world is much more shaped by friction than by policy."
"Public sociology... reaching broader publics because they read, reaching policymakers with ideas, connecting politics, culture, and social theory."
"The Scots were able to use what is called a direct petition to actually request information or push policy ideas straight to their MSPs."
"As we grow bigger, it would not just be investing in organizations but storytelling and campaigning, trying to influence policy in a meaningful way around the world."
"The policy makers around the world, especially the COP 27 in Egypt later this year, would benefit greatly from the four IPCC reports."
"The current structure of the internet was driven by economics and national policies."
"We need to bring back diplomatic history and military history; too many people who make decisions on policy and strategy involving war have been educated in social science theories."
"AI is impacting human lives and sometimes negatively so rapidly that it is not good for any of us if we, the experts, are not at the table with the policy thinkers and makers to really try to make this technology better for the people."
"Interest groups form around single issues to influence policymaking."
"Left realism would have a big impact on the policies and thinking of the New Labour government from 1997 onwards."
"Labor believes Australians deserve to know who is donating to candidates and political parties and who is influencing policy."
"We're providing redress for small businesses that don't already have redress presently because they don't have the resources to come to DC and to weigh in on these matters before they happen."
"I'm lucky enough that the social media influence I have also helped shape government policy."