
Life Acceptance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Through his near-death experience, Bojack goes on an existential exploration of accepting the life we've lived and our own mortality."
"I am a realist and there is every possibility that my brain activity will go down super quickly in the next two months and I'll die or maybe it'll go slowly until I die of old age. Anything could happen. I've accepted that."
"You do not have to like your life, you just have to do it."
"Tulip isn't living her best life, but she's living one she can accept, and that's something we can all learn from."
"Accept that life is hard sometimes, but also accept that life is good."
"You should embrace all aspects of your life."
"Whatever comes your way today, that's the universe sending it to you and you eat it up."
"Not every day has to be perfect, that's okay."
"Understanding that there are always going to be moments of hardship, there's no getting around it."
"Life is messy but I honestly do not regret any of the decision that I have made."
"Life isn't always good, it's like lifeing. Embrace and accept that."
"We are not hopeless to escape the narratives that trap us; we can embrace life for the chaotic, hypocritical, beautiful mess that it is."
"If you're not willing to accept the most fundamental truth of your life that you are going to end then you're not going to be willing to accept anything else either."
"There's a lot of people who are trying to find those little gems out in the Midwest."
"The universe is not perfect; imperfection is true perfection."
"Gratitude is to be grateful for... the entirety of his life and to accept it." - Jordan Peterson
"There's nothing evil about our reality, there's nothing bad about where we are."
"Ultimately, there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to be upset about."
"You cannot complain about the life that you have."
"Accept everything in your life and know that the harder the trials you have the bigger the soul you have."
"Life goes on either way, life is great, perfect either way."
"Life is life and what has happened has happened. Acknowledge, accept, learn, use your pain to fuel whatever you do and life goes on."
"You don't have to understand anything for life to work out."
"Surrendered to the natural ebb and flow of life, peace of mind is possible."
"Life is messy and that's okay can you guys see my muscles in this legging."
"All is as it should be, as it ever was, as it always will be."
"It's not perfect because perfect can't exist right now, but I gotta tell you it ain't bad."
"We're all just going through this crazy thing called life, and you just gotta accept it and move forward."
"To have the greatest life in the world, be completely and fully accepting of death. The more you go, 'I'm fine with death,' the more you feel free."
"Far better to depart and be with Christ but if the Lord wants to leave me here for a while I can accept that as well."
"I'm not ashamed of anything I've done in my life, not ever."
"It's definitely not an easy conversation to have, but I think actually the ultimate way to go here is to start to make more peace with death being a natural part of life."
"God doesn't ask if we accept this life. There is no choice. The only choice is how you live it."
"Accepting the facts of life, accepting reality."
"I think it's really important for your mental health to accept your new life where you are."
"Allow this whole domain of life expressing itself to be as it is, to be met and known and fully accepted in this timeless moment as it is."
"If you want to be happy, then you have to learn to accept there are some parts of your life that are just going to be unfair, and there are huge chunks of your life that you have no control over."
"My life is exactly as it should be."
"I center myself in safety and accept the perfection of my life. All is well."
"Whatever is meant to be in your journey, go with it, don't beat yourself up about it."
"Everything that He does, whether I like it or not, is for my good."
"Releasing stress is about letting go of our expectations and agendas."
"I accept and know that my life will not be perfect."
"It's not about how perfect of a job you did or who got more done, it's about normalizing what real life is and encouraging you that it's okay to take it one step or day at a time."