
Historical Architecture Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The structure was completed in 1736, 40 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed."
"It's even speculated that the pyramid tip would have actually been covered in gold, making it such a tremendous sight across the Egyptian landscape."
"This city has often been called the medieval Manhattan for good reason. It's amazing."
"This one stone here weighs over 250 tons. How did they do any of this?"
"The ancient pyramids of Corral predate the Inca civilization by four thousand years but were flourishing a century before the pyramids of Giza."
"It's one of many structures that Joser commissioned during his reign but it's certainly the most well known among them."
"Louis XIV transformed Versailles into the ultimate power base, a great Royal City under a single roof."
"Great builders thrived in North America from the earliest times."
"The great Zimbabwe stone houses are a collection of three stone compounds that make up the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe."
"The real wonder of the site is the Neolithic Tower."
"Huge underground cities and bunkers in Turkey: Derinkuyu, a huge tunnel system used as an underground city."
"Structures such as the great pyramids were undoubtedly calculated and carried out by a civilization of immense capability."
"Pyramids were for the Egyptians," archaeologist Rufino Mauricio says. "We don't know how they brought the columns here and we don't know how they lifted them up to build the walls."
"The enduring qualities of the White House have lived on within its thick sandstone walls."
"Some of the earliest houses invented by ancient peoples were portable tents."
"Amsterdam is perhaps Europe's best-preserved 17th-century city."
"The Dome represented the vault of the sky spanning Hitler's global empire."
"The luxurious Villa that we've found might be slightly smaller than we thought but it's still vast and it's a fascinating example of Roman engineering and Landscaping."
"The Doge's Palace was originally built in the 1300s."
"One of the best preserved structures is the mighty Pantheon, the former temple to all the Gods of ancient Rome."
"They made the perfect fortress that was continually modernized through to the 18th century."
"Very ancient monuments rest upon the tops of each mountain."
"Ancient humans were far greater at constructing than modern humans could have ever imagined."
"The walled settlement here actually predates the Great Wall, which was built on top."
"Nowhere on earth can you find as many pyramids as in Africa."
"It is in Nubia where you can find the beginnings of pyramid building."
"The surface pottery indicates the platform was built sometime in the mid-second century BC when Petra was a flourishing and wealthy center of commerce."
"This is very representative of the Norman style architecture... it would be a king-sized castle for the 11th century... I really would love to have it."
"Legend has it that the structures were erected in just 20 years time, meaning that a block had to be moved into place about every five minutes of each day."
"A true castle has proper fortifications and defensive elements."
"Forli, only fine, but better than not by much."
"Forli, a decent example of Romanesque architecture despite its muddy appearance."
"The Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece and has rightly earned the title of a wonder."
"One of the largest and most complex examples of prehistoric architecture in britain."
"These make Chichen Itza one of the most awe-inspiring ancient wonders ever built."
"Castles were some of the most imposing structures ever built, withstanding both bloody assaults... and the test of time."
"Starting at around 2500 BC, Sudan's ancient Nubian civilization left behind more than 200 pyramids."
"Precision cut stone masonry which today could only be achieved with the use of advanced stone cutting machinery."
"Somewhere between 1640 and 1655, Jahan actually began construction of a second Taj Mahal across the river from the first."
"The stones used in construction tightly fit together without the use of mortar."
"Isfahan in the 1600s was the capital of Iran and there were palaces and this enormous royal mosque was built there."
"We've even got the curve behind Matt, which is of the stairway shown on Scott's drawing."
"Our sacristy was like the wings of a theater, and what a theater."
"Avila is one of the most impressive medieval walled cities in all of Europe."
"City Hall Station, with its Romanesque style architecture, remains virtually untouched since 1945."
"The Parthenon: a 23,000 square foot Temple held up by 69 marble columns."
"This might be the oldest building in Egypt altogether."
"The Cleveland couple's charming old house was no ordinary house."
"I wanted to know once and for all, did architecture once hold a lost function that has been hidden from us? Did the cathedrals hold a mystery? Yes."
"Each wall, each column is evidence of extraordinary skill."
"The Great Pyramid is absolutely elegant and marvelous even by standards today."
"More than 4 and a half thousand years later the structure still stands."
"Few structures are as iconic as the ancient Egyptian Pyramids."
"This gate nestled in the heart of Jerusalem serves not only as a physical barrier but also as a symbol Laden with profound messages."
"What boggles the mind about the tomb of morseless is not only how beautiful the finished structure was but also the pure number of man-hours that were necessary to make it so beautiful."
"The Great Pyramid was a type of Time Capsule that protected and concealed an advanced yet original theology."
"The Great Pyramid is the original one; all other pyramids around the world are merely replicas."
"The biggest mystery here is where did the builders take all that rock that they carved out."
"The structure is the greatest and best known work of the Hokoham people who historians like to call the masters of the desert."
"Ancient Builders were far more advanced and innovative in their construction techniques than we often give them credit for."
"Savages never reared these structures. Savages never carved these Stones."
"All these houses were built in like 1904, five, six, and I love the architecture."
"The great pyramid served a spiritual religious purpose."
"120 feet of bronze, wrapped around an iron and stone skeleton, the Colossus was so large, it was said its fingers were the size of a man."
"The mausoleum at Halicarnassus was once one of the largest and most impressive tombs on the planet."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was once encased in White Limestone, making it appear polished and shining brightly."
"The pyramids literally line up as a terrestrial map to the Orion constellation."
"The seven ancient wonders are a great example of how people build to impress, build to a scale which seems almost incredible."
"Most of us have heard of Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument built around 6500 years ago making it one of the earliest known structures of the ancient world."
"The Great Pyramid is just off the charts in terms of perfection and close tolerances."
"The Parthenon doubled as a place to store the Treasury of Athens."
"Palisade on top, yeah it's just fantastic, revealing it isn't it because you suddenly realize that underneath all these smoothed contours when this was new it would have been much more angular. It would have looked like a medieval castle."
"Pyramids are a very big part of the fractal pattern that we live in."
"Absolutely beautiful house, completely frozen in time, you can see that a religious family once lived here."
"Evidently the construction of the Great Pyramids at Giza involved various regions of Egypt materials were sourced from different locations."
"Monuments are not built in isolation. The pyramids found in Egypt or in Central or South America were not single structures. They were part of sprawling complexes of buildings, town squares, and temples."
"The Washington Monument is an obelisk, a sign of power."
"Repurposed by later Christians, often building churches directly on top of what were previously temples to old gods. The main temple of Helios in..."
"Given the limited technology of the time, it's astonishing that ancient Builders were able to sculpt this Monumental work."
"The first castles introduced to Britain by the Normans were mostly built not of stone but of wood."
"The very first building that stood on this side would have been a small Chapel possibly 7th or 8th century."
"It's difficult, castles are amazing, they did their job."
"These people were extremely talented Builders and stone workers and many of their stone structures still stand today with seemingly perfect proportions and geometry."
"The medieval London Bridge was a living bridge...an astonishing structure with houses and shops built upon it."
"The incredible stone walls of ancient Peru are some of the most enigmatic structures built by man."
"Its entire facade was once covered in blue and green terracotta, which would have made it shimmer brightly in the hot desert sun like a glistening jewel."
"Underneath the Guild Hall building lies an ancient amphitheater."
"This place was supposed to have been built on marshes, yet it has remained standing for almost 800 years. If we dig up the foundations of the bell tower, we might find some clues."
"Some people have claimed that the concentric castle is the most effective and defensible design historically."
"A hundred year old memories job, this house is over a hundred years old and the ubiquitous wood gives it a unique appeal."
"It had a royal palace, towering walls 30 feet tall made of dry stone, and its residents traded as far away as China."
"Architecture reached new heights during the middle kingdoms, seen in the magnificent Ajanta and Ellora caves."
"St. Michael's Episcopal Church, built in the 1750s, stands as the iconic symbol of Charleston."
"By the standards of the day these were good buildings people had good living conditions they had a good diet and a good time was had by all."
"If a pharaoh would have built this place, he would have put his name all over it."
"The city also got its parish churches in Viking times."
"The Egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures."
"It's a giant structure from the 19th century, and that's kind of our remit, that's what we talk about."
"It's happening now like in New Zealand they had the earthquake and these buildings actually survive earthquakes better than the newer ones yet they use it as an excuse to close down the buildings and they demolish them."
"St. Peter's Basilica: a wondrous architectural achievement from the Renaissance."
"The ancient Egyptian architects and engineers... were also at the same level of genius."
"This bridge was built in 1883, and before that, the only way to get over here was on the ferry."
"Mycenae, a city recorded by Homer as having an abundance of gold, its monumental gate overlooked by two lions still inspires awe."
"But what really struck me is how these industrial-sized landscapes could cover up not just the houses of the people who worked here, but enormous structures."
"It now looks like there was a colonnaded port or cloister within the main villa complex with a view out over the river valley."
"The Bishop Rock Lighthouse was built in the 18th century to warn vessels of the Silly Isles and dangerous surrounding rocks."
"The Great Wall of China was built to hold out Gog and Magog."
"Known as the catacombs of Paris, there's a huge network of underground tunnels more underground tunnels yes beneath the French capital."
"We have here a great example of a ziggurat in Mesopotamia."
"The Southeast Lighthouse was said to have been built in 1874 in the Gothic Revival architectural style."
"The Black Pyramid is four times larger than the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt."
"The ancient beekeepers' village, a structural wonder many centuries old and very mysterious."
"Hard to believe that this was built 900 years ago."
"Those castles were made to be protected by a very small number of people, like elite military units today."
"One of only five grade one listed buildings in the city of Nottingham, the church of Saint Mary the Virgin is also the oldest religious foundation and the largest medieval building in the city."
"The floors were wide planks, lustrous with a hundred years of wax. There was a lot of millwork and fine detail and subtle pastel shades."
"The largest pyramid in the world is actually in Mexico."
"He has a wonderful time with the culminating of the Pantheon."
"In 1864 the house guluan was constructed for Ipswich businessman Benjamin cribb."
"These stone remains are around 1800 years old and were built in the third century to replace the Romans' original wooden defenses around their settlement."
"The Borgund Stave Church is right out of a medieval Norse fantasy."
"The chemites were builders of an incredible magnitude; they are known for the creation of the pyramids, grand burial structures for their pharaohs, and the Sphinx."
"The pyramids of Egypt, built by the kamite, are one of the most recognizable and enigmatic structures of the ancient world."
"Imagine New York City, but if it was built by the ancient Egyptians."
"It's an amazing experience to look at the architecture of something so old and how it was built and who's all there."
"This is one of our earliest pieces, this is an 1880s house, and what's so special about this house is that it is intact."
"This is incredible, the architecture on this Temple you can tell that that's been there for thousands of years."
"It's the first fixed crossing of the East River connecting the cities then of Brooklyn and New York in 1883."
"These are original tiles from when the station opened in 1890, aren't they? They're gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous."
"The four stone walls are the original of the building; they're adobe and schist."
"The York City walls often considered some of the finest medieval walls in England."
"It was the first apartment house in New York City that had a cafe, a ballroom, and apartments of different sizes so that a mixture of people could live together, rich and not-so-rich."
"When the Athenians built the Parthenon 2500 years ago, one of the stone carvers left a record of his passion."
"The old town of Khiva is characterized by its distinctive mud brick architecture, including numerous mosques, madrasas, mausoleums, and minarets."
"It's a perfect blend of culture, history, amazing architecture, cute little cobbled streets, colorful markets."
"The oldest structure of Tbilisi was originally a Persian citadel used for defense purposes and in wars."
"The walls of Benin were described as the largest Earthworks carried out before modern times."
"The texture of these old buildings, look at all this stonework, these buildings are probably hundreds of years old, they got a lot of character."
"The brick and stone structure survived the devastating fire of 1862 which consumed much of Jackson."
"This Palace was built in the mid 15th century by King Sejong for his retiring father, King Taejong."
"We just keep coming across all of these ancient buildings that just kind of scattered and nestled in between all the larger apartment buildings all throughout Thessaloniki."
"The rest of Karnak is beautiful soft sandstone that's made up of loads of little pieces, and then they've got these huge blocks."
"Here the centuries created such beauty that this city has been described as the Venice of the East and Florence on the Elbe."
"The roof with its non-symmetrical towers and chimneys is said to look like the spires of a city."
"These neighborhoods of the upper class of the 16th century in Prague make any upper class neighborhood look bad in any other part of the world."
"The ancient Old Town is built upon a steep slope, crowned by the historical castle at one end of the ridge, and by the cathedral at the other."
"Under Pericles, a new Parthenon was built, honoring Athena."
"Most of Silva's downtown buildings date from the early decades of the 20th century and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2014."
"This magnificent building was first a church in 500 A.D. and remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years."
"Constantinople is this amazing fortified city surrounded by water, having fast amazing walls."
"The pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the only standing wonder of the ancient world, built more than 4,500 years ago."
"These ancient structures exhibit precise alignments with astronomical phenomena such as solstices and equinoxes."
"The Antonia fortress wasn't built as a Roman fort; it was built specifically as a tower to guard the temple."
"The capitol building was finished in 1886 at a cost of 2.9 million."
"Their settlements, known as Mohenjo Daro, boasted numerous sophisticated architectural features."
"The oldest parts of Saint Mary's are more than 850 years old, dating to the mid-12th century."
"If you look at the historical record, wooden architecture around the world was already figured out a long time ago."
"The ruins had massive pyramids temples that were similar to the Egyptians."
"Everything we know about past civilizations are the ruins of great buildings."
"More than 800 years have passed since it was built and it's still working perfectly and still seems to possess its full power."
"This bridge, apparently, was built in 1924 during the British rule. And is still standing strong to this day."
"This temple, this great monument that you see here behind my back, was commissioned by a woman."
"For over 1,500 years, the temple has undergone several renovations and expansions to its current large scale."
"In the heart of Istanbul stands the Haya Sophia, its great domes housed the largest cathedral in the world for a thousand years."
"Built in 1889, originally one of the Canadian Pacific hotels on the railroad."
"Restored Edwardian shelters, the King's statue, and the centerpiece, the Jubilee Clock, add their elegance to what is still one of England's finest seaside esplanades."
"But in older buildings, we used to have them more exposed and it's just a nice ornament element."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world."
"The actual structure of the castle remains the same, the architectural detail and its massive walls still stand where they did hundreds of years ago."
"An iconic red tower over here. Some of the last remains of Seljuk architecture."
"The Forbidden City was really city-sized; it was surrounded by a conduit and high walls."
"Venice, a town with 120 churches, the larger and most famous is the Basilica D Sam Marco."
"Just to give you a sense of all this coming very early in buildings from the Seljuk period and I think it's really quite exciting."