
Expressiveness Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"Her family totally supports her decision to become a kick-butt warrior woman."
"The characters are super fun and expressive."
"All of her facial animations throughout her entire trail are so emotive." - Ash
"Using a wider range of adjectives will help you to be more expressive, to show emotions and feelings and to sound more interesting when you use English."
"Sometimes, our actions speak louder than words."
"It's just so good... I don't even know if you can hear me but I'm blowing air out of my notes."
"Chicken scratching really makes your art more expressive."
"Humans are the most expressive animals, able to understand each other simply by interpreting the hundreds of different facial expressions we can make."
"I'm a very expressive person... I feel like it helps."
"I like this one better 'cause it hits you with the emotion hammer in the feels brain."
"First order logic is quite expressive in being able to express these sorts of sentences."
"If it's important to this character that they're outgoing, you should show that through visual design."
"Joker is insane arson done ggs shake my hand."
"You always wanna have someone you can come to them you like you would not believe what just happened cuz I mean that's my personality at least."
"That's some powerful stuff, man, and with otters, right, right, right."
"Love the vibe, your wish, a bad [expletive] for Christmas."
"I'm a man, I'm secure in my sexuality, I'm good at what the [expletive] I do, and I'm a Creator."
"Love is universal, and I feel the love from everybody. It's giant, it's my love for you, it's enormous."
"It's the most expressive room of the house, really."
"The most visually immersive of the bunch when it comes to the expressiveness of its characters."
"Specificity turns vague writing into vivid imagery."
"Philly fans man they never disappoint they are always at the edge of their seat telling the refs [ __ ] you telling the other teams [ __ ] you and it's just I honor."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"The eyes are one of the most expressive parts of a character."
"I'm sick of playing patty cake with demons. I'm gonna get a shirt says I don't patty cake demons you hear me dude?"
"Adore Delano, giving you smell my ******* poetic justice realness."
"There's something about your eyes... literally lighting up with passion."
"I'm grateful that Father in Heaven made women more sensitive with greater capacity to express love... for women the difference between right and wrong is as vivid as black and white."
"They want to give you all their love, and it's like overflowing."
"They just want to really come in quickly towards you and work things out with you and give all their love to you."
"They just feel like you're a very affectionate person, or you're just good at expressing your love."
"Sora can create videos up to 60 seconds featuring highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters with vibrant emotions."
"Actions speak louder than words, but at the same time, words matter."
"Individual options and expressiveness through your clothing are gradually becoming more and more encouraged."
"Overwhelming flood of emotions, can't contain."
"Dude, I like this animation. This is very expressive."
"I'm gonna straight up bust a load on this mic."
"Electric guitar specifically is the most expressive musical instrument other than a voice."
"This energy is calling you to be more childlike, expressive, and resourceful."
"They are very expressive, they communicate what they're thinking straight up."
"They're super sharp, they don't hold back, they just spit out whatever the hell they're feeling."
"Despite being just a few pixels, that is some vivid ass [ __ ]."
"We wanted to give the characters lots of expression like the movies and make them relatable."
"The voice has more dimensions than the piano, for me."
"With a little bit of trial and error, the women in your life will start to appreciate you for being more expressive of yourself."
"Express your love. Go ahead and make the Romantic gesture. Don't hold back."
"I just love being able to be whatever I want, these silly creatures with face and eye tracking especially looks even better."
"Guys that usually get in a lot of trouble usually are the guys with the most shit to talk about."
"Creating extremely expressive fight sequences."
"You guys are gonna be feeling really romantic, really expressive, just a lot of energy when it comes to fifth house things."
"Anyone criticizing her can shut up. Anyone who's Chris here can literally eat my whole [expletive]."
"The fact that the head can no longer turn on a stormtrooper just makes them less expressive and poseable in general."
"Every little animation and move feels like an extension of her character..."
"These paintings are a variety of things: fun, humorous, and expressive of his imagination."
"The robot's facial expressions have become much livelier."
"I love just how expressive they wanted everyone to be."
"So much fun and even donkey, the donkey has those big wide eyelashes, the big giant anime eyes and is so fucking expressive."
"You want to talk about our corrupt government? I'll give you a totally telling picture."
"In drag, there are so many different types... so many options... and all of them are over the top as we all should be."
"This is such a great time to communicate something really important to somebody that you care about."
"Feel everything you want, feel it, feel it, yeah!"
"The Animation is beautifully done, leagues more expressive and felt true to what the original show looked like but adding in a lot more movement for the characters."
"Showing a captivating quality on camera can make or break someone's destiny here."
"Pisces is an open imaginative lover and Gemini has that fun lively wild side that makes Pisces feel free to express themselves."
"Sometimes the most masculine thing you can do for yourself is just to be expressive and honest and vulnerable."
"Explore, be expressive based on those sensations."
"This person is gonna tell you they love you right away."
"Put your hands to the dirt and scream to the storms."
"There is nothing more articulate than mathematics."
"Cage is so expressive and badass he doesn't need to talk to emote."
"Using your hands some is very effective in terms of expressing yourself, like as opposed to expressing yourself like this. There's just something about sitting perfectly still that isn't natural and doesn't come across well."
"Welcome that transformation, don't be afraid to be expressive."
"So, all the proofs in the book have been verified in... It's strictly more expressive."
"You really wear your heart on their sleeve."
"Love out loud, love a little louder."
"The animation becomes a lot more fluid, a lot more expressive."
"ILY's expressiveness does tone down the next time we see him aboard the black whale one after having joined the Phantom Troupe."
"With Jupiter in the fifth house or Leo, your partner is going to be very beautiful, dramatic, and expressive."
"One thing I really like about PyTorch is that it's highly expressive."
"...the poly aftertouch on an affordable synth...is really expressive...I've never seen on another synth."
"They're very funny and they're someone very playful and expressive."
"When you're doing animation, you can make expressions that are more expressive. Emotional combinations that a real live human actor cannot ever possibly get."
"You can make a character that's as simple but as expressive as this little guy right here."
"Something I noticed immediately is how much more expressive the animation is with this one."
"Sometimes overcommunicating, like, I'm a very communicative person."
"People admire your body and expressiveness in your eyes."
"C++ is very expressive. It's not always very beautiful, but it's very expressive."
"Normalizing flows are closer to GANs and VAEs in that regard in that you simply add some more channels or you add some more layers to your network and you get a more expressive model."
"I also love how expressive penny is when she's talking she is such a funny Storyteller and always so animated and I just love it."
"It's raw, it's expressive, it's something different."
"Tony was just so honest, so transparent, was so expressive."
"Triggers are one of those critical parts of any character. It's going to add a lot of additional expressiveness to him."
"I'm not saying that C++ isn't a powerful language, just comparing these two trivial examples, it's immediately clear how much more expressive Haskell's code is due to function composition."
"There's a praise that's undignified, there's a praise that's kind of violent."
"What if we had instead improved HTML? What if HTML had become more expressive? Would that have helped?"
"...moments like this say so much with so little."
"Types are not a restriction, they're a way to be expressive."
"The painting has become incredibly experimental, expressive, and moved away from any kind of idea of the narrative."
"Express something with it, it's expressive music, it's supposed to be expressive, I mean come on folks, express something with it, it's gorgeous, it's just beautiful."
"She doesn't have to say anything, her face says it all."
"I think your face was a little more expressive and kind of captured some of Jen's playful energy."
"ESTPs come across as amiable and animated, adding emphasis to their statements with energetic gestures and expressive faces."
"I feel like cancers are very expressive when it comes to their feelings and emotions."
"Her voice filled with both urgency and a touch of amusement."
"A subtle sparkle dances in her eyes."
"People who say Indians are quiet and reserved don't know them very well."
"The animation is actually quite expressive and quite lively."
"I believe the mask was far more expressive than the human face."
"Life's set should be expressive, not a technical exercise."
"Your eyes convey so much, and your beautiful eyes just make people melt inside."
"They are expressive and bouncy and effervescent and bubbly."
"One of the biggest takeaways with this Push 3 is the 64 expressive MPP pads."
"You are a big bundle of expressive energy."
"It's like euphoric, unself-conscious expressiveness."
"That was awesome, I loved meeting them, they are so expressive, so friendly."
"A mouth is incredibly expressive, so you want to make a friendly character, make it smile; evil character, evil mouth."
"I talk fast and I talk a lot because I've got a lot to say."
"These first two opening notes in the baseline are so nicely placed and played so expressively, they could just as easily be the opening of a Chopin or Rachmaninoff piece."
"He's got perhaps the widest vocal range in rock history and is so incredibly expressive and emotionally evocative."
"We become very expressive with dancing, and you have the opportunity to see that on tour as well."
"It's quite expressive and declarative, the learning curve is smaller."
"It tells you everything you need to feel."
"She's wonderful, so expressive, fan favorite."
"She's being so musically expressive."
"Deeper networks are more expressive."
"This car is one of the most expressive cars I've ever driven."
"You have to work great facial expressions but also understand your body movement."
"People tell me that I have a very expressive face."
"Dreams are extremely expressive; they show us just how expressive our minds can be."
"Every gift doesn't have to be expensive, but it should be expressive."
"The overall design of the language lets me write concise, expressive code."
"There's nothing wrong with having an expressive face, it shows character."
"Everything that you could read in his face, despite the CGI."
"Julia is an extremely expressive language and that lets you move mountains relatively easily."
"Big faces are just more evocative than those viewed on a small screen."
"She's smiling with her whole face."
"She was very expressive and said exactly what it was that she was thinking."
"I haven't seen a dragon this expressive since probably the jungle dragon."
"What would our lives be like without the joy, mirth, and love that children express so generously?"
"Character stills in this game are very expressive."
"The emotional and facial range on this girl is incredible."
"Every character utilizes projected eyes that allow for more expressive features."
"On a musical level, the theremin is the most expressive musical instrument that there is."
"What an amazing example of using your whole body to play music and to feel music and to be musical."
"Jefferson has such an expressive face that a lot of times when he's on screen I really forget that I'm watching an animated film."
"There's a very big difference between emotional expressiveness and feeling an emotion in depth."
"The vocal is more open than even on the absolute analog pressing, it's not just clearer, it's more expressive."
"We really wanted a declarative query language that's readable and expressive."
"I have been able to discover just miracles of musical expressiveness and gorgeousness and thrilling experiences all because I kept on listening."
"Fighting games are so expressive and allow for so much variety and reward skill."
"Bach's mastery of counterpoint is what makes his music so complicated, rigorous, and expressive."
"The standout star of the visuals is the character animation, allowing the characters to be a lot looser, more expressive, and really play around with the cartoon physics for the sake of comedy."
"It's not afraid to be very expressive and it does such a great job in exploring family dynamics."
"We call it the Strativarius of robots; it is the most expressive robot in the world today."
"It's detail, it's airy, it's expressive."
"Hey, we're just a big Italian family; we're loud and tell it how we see it."
"He's just the cutest; he has very expressive eyes which I like."
"The expressiveness in the guitars."
"Someone with Cancer Sun and Cancer Moon is a personality that can be open and expressive but is very guarded with their personal business."
"He's got a very expressive face and he's almost got a very contagious smile."
"Doing caricatures is really an invitation to explore doing shapes that are more expressive."
"I can evolve into being someone who is emotive and expressive."
"She smiles with her face, with her eyes, with her whole persona."
"It's a really expressive device and it's something that can make the guitar sound much more vocal."
"It's very expressive, it's very dynamic."
"I think you just can tell so much about a person from their eyes."
"Intonation works together with other elements of speech, such as pace, volume, pausing, stress, and emphasis to help us express the deeper meaning behind our words."
"The expressions on these statues are so lifelike."
"The deeper you can make your ansatz, typically the more expressive it can be and the better results you'll get."
"It really shows like if when you watch the animation you can tell the characters are a lot more lively, a lot more expressive in the way they move and they act."
"She's super happy and expressive."
"It's a very effective way to convey emotion, to communicate so much through their expression."
"He's very expressive and has a unique perspective on life."
"Letting go of my preconceived expectations and notions... I'm really forced to get expressive and uncomfortable within the moment."
"They have such expression and emotion being conveyed on them, and I think that is just so beautiful."
"They're letting him be emotive; they're letting him show personality, and it's infectious to watch."
"Her olive skin is topped by thick and lustrous dark hair... her dark eyes are sparkling and expressively set off by her silky and well-marked eyebrows."
"Finnish language is beautiful, difficult, very expressive, and I think really quite an exciting environment to study, to live in."
"I think her face looks a little cuter, a bit more expressive."
"Gremlin is a very expressive language; it's still incomplete, meaning you can pretty much do anything with Gremlin that you can do with Java."
"This allows for much more expressive control, especially for things like live performance and finger drumming."
"It's soft and expressive and it has amazing imaging."
"I loved how Rails let me be more expressive and productive."
"They are the two of the most expressive pieces of music anybody ever dreamed of."
"I'm a very expressive person, and I believe in giving people their flowers while they can smell it."
"It's amazing how expressive those poets are."
"It's because you have a very expressive face."
"One thing about Tim Curry is that he has a very expressive face."
"The real thing that we were striving for was to build a language that had the expressiveness and power of C++ but with the ease of use of Visual Basic."
"Now I need to add Eye controls that'll allow her to look around and express."
"She's quite a nice performer... she's very expressive."
"There's an expressiveness that some of the synths have got and how you interact with them."
"There's something really expressive about playing with your fingers that you can't do with a pick."
"Whatever she was thinking, you knew about it; she was confident, outgoing, and a force to be reckoned with."
"Relax and have fun, get expressive, paint outside the lines."
"I'm tired, morose, depressed, lethargic, fed up, and irritable, but not at a loss for words."
"One of the reasons that we like recursion, is this idea of expressability."
"Equanimity is not non-expressiveness and it is not indifference to external conditions."
"He definitely feels very happy and expressive... he just looks like he wants to be your friend, and I absolutely love that."
"They're super expressive and super devoted to the relationship."