
Historical Education Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The full story makes so much more sense that I wish this stuff was taught in school, because then, we might actually demand some changes."
"Educate our people with the absolute truth concerning our history and debunking many lies that have been told to us as children."
"The Underground Railroad Network to Freedom program helps us to understand the breadth, depth, and diversity of experiences."
"I want kids to know what happened, the great heroes, the events, the battles."
"Teaching an accurate rendering of history is not about making white children feel guilty."
"Teaching people's history can elicit great emotion about oppression and injustice and may inspire people to move to action."
"If all the stuff you're only getting taught is... just chains and whips and oppression and stuff like that, it's gonna put a very low ceiling on how you see yourself."
"The 1776 project just says... let's learn from it."
"It's an important part of their history to teach about this so it never happens again that they never elect fascist regime in their country."
"The government can reasonably impose a duty to expose all sides of the argument about Britain and its historical record."
"We will be a different country if people learn Real History."
"The royal heir and the spare would have quite different potential programs of education, and certainly really up until they were nascent, up until the 16th century, really the royal heir was all about training for war."
"Educate yourself on what actually happened in Windrush."
"It's important for everyone to take a moment read about the holocaust."
"With the discovery of his death camps, everyone learns the true evil of his regime."
"No one here wants the history of our country not to be taught."
"We should teach about slavery... give them the complete picture."
"Stamps.com saves businesses thousands of hours and tons of money every year."
"We need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
"In conclusion, history can be something that teaches us many ways to avoid making the same mistakes."
"Let's uphold our history, educate our children."
"Hamilton teaches us about how history is communicated and canonized."
"It's the perfect mixture of historical education and compassionate storytelling."
"I've got some historical references that we can talk about. Let me show you this story."
"India has been one of the very few civilizations which has a very Advanced education system of that times."
"Everyone will not be Nazis anymore I mean kind of worked in a way I mean definitely there's not Nazi rule in Germany anymore."
"The lack of details I I wish we had less of a focus on just dates and numbers and more about IDE olog like what can we learn out of this besides like don't be a Nazi."
"Teach them about the founders... get them excited about American presidents... see growing up my parents were always patriotic."
"Pompeii is a place that had a big natural disaster, which was really sad for the people that lived there, but preserved the city in a way that allows us to study the history of it in a really interesting, cool way."
"Early American education was to teach you to read so that you could draw close to God."
"Alexander the Great is undeniably the most renowned and debated."
"Reparations is necessary because of deep miseducation."
"Ultimately, the 1619 project overall is providing necessary information for a lot of people."
"Understanding what truly happened at Nicaea helps combat ignorance and spread the truth of the gospel."
"Black history is constantly getting censored. Children often get a simplified watered-down version of history that doesn't discuss the truth, the real raw truth."
"There still is a gap in terms of what's being taught in the classroom in terms of slavery."
"I genuinely don't understand why the American public needs to be better informed about the history of black people than it is roughly now."
"They taught history emphasizing causes for ascension and decline in ancient society."
"The first university of Christian Spain was founded at Valencia by Alfonso the Eighth in the 13th century."
"We had Nalanda, Takshashila. People all across the globe came to us for knowledge."
"The Caliphate of the Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"If you enjoyed this video, let me know if you want me to talk more about Roman soldiers and Roman life."
"So we're going to look at today is the Bible and the Constitution because tomorrow we'll be celebrating the 4th of July, Independence Day."
"When Castro came into power, he had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing?"
"Mass schooling of the young by force is a creation of the four great cold powers of the 19th century: Germany, England, France, and the United States."
"It's never too late to learn about your history."
"Thank you so much for being with us, bringing us some history, bringing us a good balanced approach."
"We need to reintroduce John Locke and his ideas to a nation that has become increasingly blind to fundamental elements of its own history and character, because if we lose Locke, we lose America."
"What were the causes and consequences of the Indian Mutiny? By the end of this lesson, everybody should have a detailed list of the causes."
"We need to put the teaching of American history and civics back into its rightful place in our schools."
"We also need to constantly educate people on what has happened and the impact."
"The Armenian Genocide is the most studied genocide in history after the Holocaust."
"So it all really began because I said, how will children, how will we explain to children what happened in Nazi Germany?"
"The more I learned about this history, the more you learn about this history it's gonna stir something up in you to say man I got to do something great."
"Part of Dr King day should be studying Dr King because I'm telling you most Americans regardless of race don't understand how revolutionary Dr King was."
"We need to emphasize slavery in history as one of the many things that happened to us."
"It's teaching the history of this country warts and all."
"Literally forbidden history they won't teach you about in school."
"There are important lessons to be learned from Salem."
"It's essential that we understand and learn the history of how government created segregation."
"Learning about the roots of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr. and all of that..."
"True history should have been taught to begin with."
"It's ludicrous to say that you have to teach an understanding of this country that says it's only individual actors there's nothing systemic here."
"The fights of the future are how do we teach our kids history, is it okay to be outspokenly patriotic... can we say 'problematic' words?"
"We are taught that slavery was a long time ago and it was bad and it's gone, but we're not taught about the real history."
"We all felt that it was important that everyone understand the real history behind this and it's such a heroic story."
"This is the year of Alabama history."
"You're going to see a chapter on ancient Africa... that deals with the topic."
"A trip to Auschwitz is an unparalleled educational experience for everyone."
"We have to teach all generations that the descent into Nazism and the Holocaust must never ever be repeated anywhere on this planet."
"Now that I've told you my story, you have a piece of that legacy, to stand up. You have a piece. And should it happen again, you cannot claim ignorance."
"India was a liberal arts education society long before the West had liberal arts."
"If you have something unique that you want to display that educates people on the past history, absolutely do it."
"Get up to speed with the history of black rights movements."
"History at that point was all about showing examples of virtuous people and vicious people, showing certain lessons moral lessons that were truer than the truth of fact and fiction."
"Let's give everybody the history and the memories."
"We're supposed to be trying to help people understand history as best we can."
"We want those young people to know what happened so what happened to my generation never happens again."