
Survival Tips Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Stranglers...can't stand loud noises. It is said to make as much loud noise as you can when you're on level 58.1 so they won't come near you."
"I hope you picked up a few little odds and ends here, maybe I've got some stuff to offer that some of the other bug out videos didn't offer."
"Top up your preps, ration from day one, and be cognizant of these seven rules of survival."
"Hunger is nothing compared to a quick approaching death by dehydration."
"Slowing down to think ahead is going to give you the best chance of survival."
"Prepare now before you find yourself in a desperate situation."
"Carrying multiple sources of combustion is a good idea."
"Protip, if your life depends on a certain thing, make sure you know how to operate it."
"Survival tips: If a monster is chasing you, don't stop to read signs."
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"If your car sinks, open the door as soon as you can before you sink too deep."
"Prepare a bug out grab-and-go emergency bag and keep it handy for any incidents that may arise."
"Survival tip: drop excessive weight in water to stay afloat."
"If you can build yourself kind of like a stretcher that's up raised, that's even better."
"It's the smaller details that often lead to a survival situation."
"Base all kits on the rule of three: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in harsh conditions, 3 days without water, or 3 weeks without food."
"This is a big one: antibiotics. If you're going to attempt this new survival beta mode, I strongly recommend that you start out with your intelligence at least at six."
"You get lost unless you're able to build... this little client base."
"Punching a shark on the nose may not deter it, aim for the eyes instead."
"Carry extra water and energy bars obviously," - Safety Tip
"Duct tape... should be one of the first items in anyone's survival kit."
"The survival tips I'll be giving you are going to be factual, non-negotiable, and the only advice you will ever need to play Fallout 4 without leaving the road."
"Pay attention to these tricks and always carry a lighter."
"Make sure that you always have your flight to get out of sticky situations and you're landing on high grounds to set up off angles to poke people from multiple sides of the map."
"When you're out in the cold, proactively eat and drink before you get cold or hungry or thirsty."
"Download General Survival app. It's not a proper noun, just Google it."
"Welcome one and all to the ultimate Survival Guide for Minecraft 1.14!"
"And that's the secret: being ready to sacrifice something to make fire."
"These are some really really good foundational items that will get you through."
"Communication is key when you're not alone in survival."
"Running all these perks that are gonna keep you alive longer is going to help you maintain on your streak and it's super super important."
"So if you're even a crawl inside a septic tank with enough dirt on top of you which I was doing a video on earlier, that's better than nothing because you got dirt between you and the surface."
"But biggest thing is one charged phone you know on your person water food all that."
"This will allow you to boil and sanitize water in a bad situation and also allow you to cook a lot of other foods."
"An early game way to kind of not get rid of CO2 but to manage it is just to make a little CO2 pit in the bottom right of your base."
"No matter what version you're in, a water bucket will always save you from lava."
"Leave all pride and ego at home; nothing will get you stuck, broke down, hurt, or worse."
"Remember, I've been warning and spirit has been telling us to stock up on food. Rice, beans, and everything and anything you can and to have as much as you possibly can. Six months worth of food minimum."
"Don't bug out unless you have to. Make a bug-out kit for everyone. It's super important, it could save your life."
"Contractor bags somebody mentioned this on the comments from the low survival kit and I thought that was great and I've used 50 gallon drum liners in survival bags so this is obviously these are smaller but still quite good."
"Keep using cover, make sure to heal before you go in and give yourself an escape route."
"Clock management turns more games into wins than anything else. You need to manage the clock."
"Water is a major priority guys you can only live three days without water."
"It's exponential too, and because it's a survival situation, you gotta conserve your calories."
"Technopolis: Bring extra strength sunscreen and power armor to avoid nasty burns and deadly viruses."
"Everyone can learn from Megan McKernan's quick thinking and amazing recall. Leave pieces and parts of whatever you can behind."
"We thought maybe we could give some hints and tips as the house to survive this or time."
"One of the smartest things you could do right now is stock up on emergency food."
"Randy's rules of surviving a horror film: no sex, no drugs or alcohol, and never say I'll be right."
"Rule two: the double tap. You never know when a zombie is truly dead, so just to be safe, shoot it twice."
"Rule three: always be careful in bathrooms. Dying on the toilet is a terrible way to go, so avoid it at all costs."
"Shelter is actually an even higher priority... keep you from getting hypothermia or frostbite."
"Another thing that people need to look out for is just medicinal survival as well as just food and water along with food and water."
"Picking up some basic tools is one area that a lot of preppers overlook, but it's still very important."
"The biggest thing probably when first starting out is to find food, drink, some kind of weapon if you can, right away."
"Surviving Jurassic Park: Never leave your vehicle."
"You better prepare, you better have some kind of food on hand, some water on hand."
"Without this you will be dying a lot but when you have this on and you're using the rest of this build you are pretty much invincible."
"Please be prepared. Go get your food, water, limes, alkaline water, things of that nature. Watch your babies, make sure they good, check on your elderly because people forget about a [ __ ] when you get old."
"Keeping your clothing in good repair is a major part of interloper success."
"One of my tips right there is that you should always be trying to keep yourself at least kind of stocked up."
"Respect the wilderness and you're on the right path to not making a foolish or fatal mistake."
"Our community is full of great examples on how to survive a disaster."
"Food, the key to any good successful survival world is consistent food."
"Multi-functionality is key for survival gear."
"Listen, have some backup food, have some first aid kits, whatever."
"You might have heard that if you ever encounter a shark in the ocean that you should punch it in the nose to make it go away."
"Matches, definitely gonna need these, don't use them all in one place."
"Another tip to help you survive is to basically if you find yourself in an open space like a open field or clearing don't run in a straight line."
"Combine this with the Protective Light mod and you'll be a lot tougher to kill than you think."
"It doesn't matter where you live, you find yourself stuck, it could make a big difference to have a basic survival kit."
"If you get to a place where when you fill up it's only giving you salt water or only giving you dirty water, what you can do is you can take that and you can go ahead and put it in a furnace."
"If you have to forage for food, avoid mushrooms entirely."
"If water is the only option however, then studies about bridge jump survivors indicate that a feet-first entry offers the most survivable outcome."
"Keep moving. Don't stay in one place for too long."
"Your safety tips for water food staying together and the beacon are invaluable."
"If you understand the five phases and the five rules, your odds of surviving go way up."
"If you ever have to escape a moving car, don't jump out, put one foot down and then take a step."
"Thanks for watching, and remember, all you need to survive a realistic zombie apocalypse is some shelter and a pack of San Pellegrino."
"Canteens are a good thing that you know and you can get surplus canteens or different water sources."
"One of the best ways to stay warm at night is to eat just before I bed down."
"If you are currently in survival mode, I hope that these 10 tips have helped, and they will help to kind of reign you back from burnout."
"Essential tips so you can navigate an outdoor disaster."
"Two lion life haacks for making a steal number one watch out for vultures in the sky descending as that can indicate a fresh kill and number two listen to the sound of hyena's arguing."
"I'll tell you one little trick also before I leave here, and that is mylar, you know the emergency blankets like you can get at Walmart or on Amazon."
"Reduce your exposure, stay warm, and stay hydrated in an emergency situation."
"There are precautions and things that you can do to survive."
"Carry a water filter. It's kind of an idea of really basic preparations."
"Just having those few little things, that will do a tremendous amount for keeping your body warm."
"If you ever find yourself in an earthquake, drop to your hands and knees so you don't get knocked over."
"When in a desert, don't overexert yourself, cover your skin, breathe through your nose, seek shade, and avoid drinking diuretic drinks."
"If your boat is sinking, you are more likely to survive the longer you stay out of water."
"Moral of the story, don't go swimming in a zombie outbreak."
"Avoiding radiation poisoning is about three things: time, distance, and shielding."
"When it comes to winter camping, there are a number of things that you really have to be mindful about: one is your protection from the environment, two is your insulation, three you need to stay dry."
"One of the best ways to do that, if you still need to have a fire, is called the Dakota fire pit or Dakota fire hole."
"First rule of the Zone: always be prepared."