
Inspirational Speech Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"While addressing her forces, Elizabeth is quoted as saying, 'I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England, too.'"
"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants."
"For every citizen who has eagerly waited for America to reignite those engines of will, confidence, and imagination that put a man on the moon, I stand before you to say you need wait no longer."
"We are just mediums, we stand here full confident within our words because we are men, we arise from the past and here we are shining like the light and we can guide and direct because we all love all."
"We can do anything we have to never forget we must never doubt our capacity."
"Adams stood up and he gave this kind of fiery argument for independence, spoke for an hour and a half. Thomas Jefferson described this speech as having, he said, 'moved us from our seats,' and he described Adams as the Colossus of independence."
"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
"The best commencement speech I ever heard, or heard of, was by Art Buchwald, the humorist."
"Let my words be like fire and bring warmth and light and hope."
"This country is an idea, it's a verb, it's a beautiful idea." - Brian
"Everyone has the radiance and the radiance, the way I describe it at the project I said imagine this beautiful glowing orb."
"First of all, congratulations to all the contestants for making it this far and doesn't matter who wins today, you're all a winner in my heart."
"Your words are making a difference in our community. Thank God for you."
"Has anybody ever told you how important you are? That you matter? That your ancestors bled and died and fought and killed for you to breathe air? Has anybody ever told you that you are the dream they had of the future?" - Dr. Maya Angelou
"I hope every one of the artists, you never stop creating, you never stop dreaming and you go places with your art because this is phenomenal."
"I've come, my people, to give you peace, peace beyond anything you have known."
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toils, tears, and sweat."
"You're a massive ledge. I want you to go out there and absolutely smash it today because I believe in you and you should believe in yourself."
"The rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning."
"When Putin started this war he gambled that our resolve would falter even now he is betting that we will lose our love but we proved him wrong then and we will prove him wrong now. Bravo very well said."
"Words can free nations and have a profound impact on the world around you."
"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on a global scale, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall never surrender."
"Good morning everybody and welcome to the most important thing that's ever going to happen to you."
"Millions of people are pulled toward that stuff, and I want them all turned in another direction. Amen, every last one of them."
"Chadwick Boseman's speech at the United Nations was powerful."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision of we all shine together. We are Black beyond measure." - Unspecified speaker
"Miracles will start happening in your life the moment you put your faith in me."
"When Nina speaks she makes me want to stand up, shut off my machine, and hold up a sign that says union." - Channeling Nina to Norma Rae.
"A truly inspirational speech, you listen to Private William Hudson of the Colonial Marines."
"We will endure, we will rebuild, we will drive away the night and warm our children in the dawn of a new day. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America."
"Yes, Mercedes gave in a very moving and empowering speech."
"Now every valley will be exalted and every mountain and hill made low."
"You're gonna speak from the fire, and the devil's going to wish he never touched you."
"People of Berlin and people of the world... let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again."
"Why go to the moon? It's probably my favorite speech."
"The amazing people of this country... People like the hardest for that which they love the most and that's you and that's the United States of America."
"The resistance isn't dead. It's born anew today."
"I have a dream that one day people will not be judged by the color of their skin by the content of their character."
"Build castles with your words, don't dig graves."
"Words of life are the reason we are gathered here."
"You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful."
"The name of Jesus, the name of Jesus, man I don't know what this fad and you just watching right now but it is so good."
"In a moment, I have a dream that one day even in the state of Mississippi, empowered by these significant signs of our time, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
"His speech was absolutely strong and amazing."
"You are Canadians, the true north strong and free."
"This innate desire for freedom, for personal autonomy, for human dignity, is something that just as Reagan said, rests in the souls of each of us."
"Your words become like arrows sent into destinies, disrespecting impossible situations."
"Harvey was Harvey the tortuga Holden, slow but he always won. So let the people win this time."
"It's with stars in our eyes that we say hello to the next journey, the next stage, the next space in our life."
"You can't measure a dream, bro. Let's go be great today."
"You can take our land, you can take our life, but you'll never take our freedom."
"We still believe in we the people... we're the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. We really are."
"I'm going to keep telling you wherever God puts you at, you're going to be great."
"Believe in the impossible. I just heard a soul time."
"I believe we could have an economy that helps the American people, but most importantly I believe in each and every one of you. And so should you. God bless you." - A message of hope and belief in people's potential.
"I want to make this world better for every single man, woman, and child. And you know, I believe that's what we're doing. I believe that this what this movement represents. We are securing the future for the next generation."
"The greatest country in the world will be better because of you."
"Martin Luther King: 'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.'"
"For the past seven days, you have been reading about a bad break. Yet today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth."
"We need his voice to breathe upon the word and bring more."
"If Hodan was here today, she'd say, 'Don't be sad because I did what I wanted to do.'"
"When everything looks hopeless, you're the Hope."
"I follow you proudly... Brothers, sisters of Kathira, join me!"
"You are a queen, a king, you are everything." - Chris Frangela
"God only made he made you and he broke the mold when he made you so he created you distinctively different for purpose and a reason for his glory."
"It's clear to me... you can goddamn change the world."
"Our truth, my friends, is an absolute treasure."
"Another dawn of humankind. It is time to finish breakfast, give a rousing speech, and leap into the future."
"You do this and you know what happens? You remind yourself, I'm Christophe Choo, let's go!"
"The President's speech was unifying and inspiring."
"Let's pump out that positivity into our community, let's speak about the greatness that we are."
"I'd like a reminder that humanity still has hope and that hope lives on in people like you."
"Every single girl, boy, whatever is watching me, you guys are kings and queens."
"You guys can stay alive by believing in me, of course, you'd turn into such a nice thing."
"Because class of 2020, today you are the good in the world."
"The church has... I love the way you gave that prescription. I want to listen to this video again. I can hear you say it a few more times."
"You guys are really meant to make waves. I love that. Make waves, can you imagine? Very important work, spirit."
"Her words spoke of healing and like a sacrament, they affected what they signified."
"She gave a speech in Lancaster House in the early part of 2017 and I listened to this speech I was almost half on my feet cheering."
"We're looking at a message that we've titled having the best in the Book of Hebrews."
"The only thing that me and you are taking with us is our actions."
"Remember, guys, stay encouraged, stay inspired, always question, continue to be open-minded. It's your brother Brother Sanchez, as always."
"You are magnificent. Your defiance, your determination, your beauty. I have never seen anything like it." - Scarlet Centurion
"There is a word more powerful than any word that has ever been spoken to you."
"Delivering a heartfelt speech about how Kurt inspires him, Blaine leans in for a passionate smooch."
"In the name of the Emperor, we will not falter."
"Remember the movie that came out at Walt Disney World? It was called 'A Bug's Life.' Remember Hopper? He said, 'If one guy stands up, one ant stands up.'"
"I remember feeling a little insecure about the future prospects of this labor movement and then I saw crer talking about it and I was like oh my God we're going to the [__] moon."
"Yuna holds a speech of unity after Sin’s defeat and after the credits have rolled we see Tidus surrounded by pyreflies, floating in the water."
"Thank you for sharing your time with me tonight, let me share with you a vision of the future which offers hope."
"You represent heaven... You are speaking the life, you are speaking the power of God."
"We want movement, one people, one family, one glorious nation under God."
"Imma go acapella it's advice that'll go for miles into your radio station."
"I believe that God has deposited such greatness inside of you that will change the trajectory of anybody who gets a chance to just listen to you."
"You're capable of being the next greatest generation."
"Heaven's keep talking like that, and people will follow you anywhere."
"Your words have power to inspire, to comfort, to make positive impact on someone's life."
"You're the most valuable thing in the universe... there's never going to be another person with your light signature."
"Untold thousands of lives can be touched with your word."
"The speech he gives at the end, yes, and Peggy Carter... so good."
"It's a very positive message, it's a very empowering message."
"The spirit of the words that they speak may take effect in the hearts of the listeners."
"You are so powerful, you can speak to this generation unlike ever before."
"You know what's so great about that speech? He was almost answering our thoughts as he was talking."
"We had the March on Washington, we had King give his I Have a Dream speech, and it was beautiful and Powerful."
"It's a gift to hear him talk about that stuff."
"I hope that whatever I said, it was something that I said that inspirational or that might have helped somebody."