
Child Advocacy Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Children deserve to have their voices heard, especially when it comes to something like this."
"You are your child's advocate, and there is nothing wrong with getting your child an evaluation."
"Children are dying behind closed doors, and we need to listen more diligently to their needs because they do not have a voice."
"The entire argument is that the baby has its own rights because unborn children do in fact have their own rights."
"It's even more important to protest the things being done to children, as what gets laid down in childhood becomes very difficult to change."
"Spread awareness for children who don't have a voice."
"She's treated like she's got an agenda of some kind, but it's like no, my agenda is to save these children."
"If you're an unvaccinated child and you understand science and you don't just listen to what your parents say please urge them to get you vaccinated."
"Kids deserve privacy. Everyone deserves privacy and your kid is no different."
"These are the people who care about your kids, and anybody who points this out is the real danger."
"Every child deserves a fair chance at education equality."
"We'll keep on raising respectful ruckus because these babies are worth it."
"There is no one that Jesus has a bigger heart for than children, and this story is specifically about the exploitation of children."
"I am at last really here selfishly for a young boy long gone who abandoned to prove to him there was actually possible at personal risk to stand up for children and against the system."
"We always should be on the side of the child."
"This child living in this truck, in a shelter, on the street, wherever, that cannot be this child's future."
"In April of 2018, 20 child advocacy groups filed a complaint."
"Tagging the school in a rant may not have been the smartest thing to do, but surely the innocent child deserved more consideration from the school."
"Children are the most marginalized, vulnerable group in the world."
"All we need is one adult to stand between a child and their abuser."
"Children are the most exploited people on our planet."
"There's two little girls that deserve to have the answers and justice."
"At the end of the day, someone has to be the voice for the kids."
"It's insanity that no one is advocating what's best for the child. That is beyond insane."
"People are being denied their humanity especially children at a very important time in their lives."
"No child should have to ever experience anything like this."
"We're finally getting answers and getting Justice for little Michael."
"We have to speak for these kids because they cannot speak for themselves they cannot defend themselves and they need us for every single thing that they get."
"It's good to stand up for children, you know, and make sure that children are heard and seen and supported and not targeted and marginalized."
"It's time for us to take a stand for our children."
"What is justice is making these kinds of changes and saying in each child's life that our son's story can save—that is the only justice that really matters."
"The kids whose parents do not choose to advocate for them are completely Left Behind."
"We're on a journey to uncover the secrets of the children who've been silenced for years."
"Imagine being a child against an expert manipulator, constantly made to feel wrong."
"My heart has to go out to these children that this has been done to because their innocence has been taken away from them."
"You can be proudly against lethal violence against children and not feel like you have to go out at the same time and magically on your own solve every social ill that we face."
"It is very clear that the child is the victim."
"California now needs to play catch-up on a terrible delay in protecting children."
"Love what you are doing for the children."
"You can be an advocate in the times when someone is not molding that human right, they're just being a bad influence in that kid's life."
"Kids are not problem kids; they're kids with problems."
"We're fighting for the lives of our children; we have a responsibility to see to it that they are properly educated."
"I am a firm believer that no child is born bad, and I would even go as far as to say that all children, including those who made horrible mistakes, deserve another chance for positive change."
"There's not a lot of people looking at the children saying, 'Hey, if we invest here, if we get involved here, we can stop a whole lot of downstream challenges.'"
"It's cool that school and home therapists can work together and just have that good relationship on behalf of Abigail."
"The underpinning of Brace's philosophy that children are better off in foster homes than in institutions like orphanages continues to be an underpinning of the foster care system that we have in the United States today."
"I really hope that you donate all of that revenue money towards some type of actual credible charity that goes towards child essay victims."
"House of Providence's mission is until every child has a home."
"We should advocate for children who are in danger situations."
"Let us pledge to bridge the existing gaps and work towards a world where no child suffers in silence."
"Every child deserves a chance to live."
"We need to remain neutral, we need to stop yelling at these children, we need to start listening to these children."
"Every kid deserves an adult that is crazy about them."
"I believe that every kid that comes to this earth is meant to be here."