
Book Of Mormon Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The Book of Mormon is not a textbook on typography; speculation on the geography of the Book of Mormon may mislead instead of enlighten. Such a study can be a distraction from its divine purpose."
"Study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose: to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental."
"The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is an instrument that was prepared by God for our day."
"Our invitation would be that when you open this book, that the main focus, the main attention isn't drawn to its geography or its politics or its languages or its archaeology or anthropology, but rather that you open this book to drink from the living water that it offers."
"I invite you to look at the Book of Mormon in a new light and consider the profound witness it bears of the reality of the Risen Christ."
"Personally, I think there is a strong case to be made that the Book of Mormon should be studied as important American literature rather than just be dismissed as a fringe religious text."
"We are gathering Israel for the last time and are doing so with the Book of Mormon--a book that, combined with the Spirit of the Lord, is the most powerful tool of conversion."
"The Book of Mormon is what's going to prepare people for the second coming."
"So the climax of the Book of Mormon is the fact that Jesus Christ... came to America to these people."
"The Book of Mormon is valuable for its spiritual messages and resonance."
"The only way you can know about the Book of Mormon if it's true is to read it yourself and study it and really find out for yourself."
"The spiritual gifts described in the Book of Mormon are present in the church today: promptings, impressions, revelations, dreams, visions, visitations, miracles."
"Book of Mormon. This book isn't just significant to Mormons; it's a unique historical document."
"The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I believe that these things are true, but don't take our word for it. Find out for yourself. Amen."
"The whole focus of the Book of Mormon is to help us testify of Jesus Christ."
"The limited geography model has been created because the Book of Mormon demands it."
"Is the Book of Mormon racist? Those interpretations simply don’t fit an ancient reading of the text."
"The Book of Mormon is a blueprint from heaven, in black and white, for establishing peace on earth in the last days."
"I'm teaching Book of Mormon to a non-Latter-Day Saint student group. They handle it with such grace and kindness."
"That was really my first, I would say real spiritual witness of the truth of the Book of Mormon."
"But that making it so we're actually trying to live after Jesus Christ from the principles we find in the Book of Mormon actually makes it worth it."
"The Book of Mormon is so deep, profound, and powerful that it's a gift that just keeps on giving."
"There is power in the Book of Mormon which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book."
"The Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is the word of God."
"The Book of Mormon is the tool designed to bring everybody back to this full sense of the Covenant and to the one who makes that Covenant possible Jesus Christ."
"If we read the Book of Mormon every day, we'll make better decisions every day."
"The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, the keystone of our testimony, the keystone of our doctrine, and the keystone of the witness of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"The Book of Mormon is truly the keystone of our religion, and a man and woman will get near to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book."
"Thus the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God and not by any power of man."
"Geology in the Book of Mormon irreconcilable? There is no geological or archaeological evidence to support such a destruction."
"If the Book of Mormon can bring us into the presence of God, it's a true book, regardless of where it happened or how it happened."
"Book of Mormon, true as the day is blue."
"I saw a tweet that said the Book of Mormon doesn't have to be historical to be true."
"Isaiah is the whole heart and soul of the Book of Mormon and of the end time."
"The Book of Mormon is the window onto Christ, the window through which I first saw Christ and the window through which I still view him."
"The religion was different, and it's why the Book of Mormon reads so differently."
"The prevalence of first principles in the Book of Mormon: faith in Christ and repentance, over and over again."
"My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity. I have not the slightest doubt of it."
"I've come to gain a spiritual witness of the Book of Mormon partly because at times I've prayed I've done exactly what Moroni said and I felt a spiritual witness that the Book of Mormon is God's word."
"The Book of Mormon fulfills what it's set out to do."
"The message of the Book of Mormon is Grace saves."
"The Book of Mormon's theology is mostly consonant with Protestant preaching."
"This is the actual text of the Book of Mormon, not supplementary material. It's literally taken from the plates by Moroni to give you crucial information."
"Just read it. My testimony of Christ is linked to the Book of Mormon."
"...the Book of Mormon seemed to first readers to explain the existence of not only the earthen works in the Great Lakes region but also what seemed to them to be a chain of earthworks and ruins extending down through Mexico and Central America and into Peru in South America."
"His work makes it obvious that the Book of Mormon is not impossible to replicate as Mormons claim."
"There is no hardcore evidence that Joseph conspired with Oliver to bring forth The Book of Mormon."
"The important thing in the Book of Mormon is that Christ lives."
"Four of the most famous alumni of Moore's bear striking similarity... a resemblance to Book of Mormon characters."
"The Book of Mormon is a record of our Western tribes of Indians."
"The Book of Mormon is not a fullness of the gospel; it's Joseph Smith's worldview in 1829."
"Once you find out that those tests show us that that's not true, then it's really hard to make the argument that the Book of Mormon can still stand up as historical and that Joseph Smith is receiving us directly from God, because it just doesn't match up."
"The Book of Mormon can hit you at the primary level, but if you keep reading and you keep doing this stuff, it just continues to have relevance."
"It's just the fact that the information that we can get from this DNA is getting better and better and better, and yet everything we're finding out about the world is getting more and more refined except for the Book of Mormon."
"The Book of Mormon is worth it. It's worth anything absolutely."
"The concept of a priesthood of all believers, à la Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, just does not fit the Book of Mormon."
"The book of Mormon is not on trial. The people of the world, including the members of the church, are on trial as to what they will do with this sacred record."
"Wow, this feels super comfortable to read because it was... And as Nemo said, the only thing that's in the Book of Mormon that's not in the Bible, that's Mormon unique, is not doing infant baptism."
"What you've got in the Book of Mormon is Christianity throughout before Christ and how they already know about Christianity and they know exactly what it is to be a Christian and to already Believe In Christ in that way."
"I know that the light from the Book of Mormon helped chase darkness from me."
"The Book of Mormon consistently insists over and over again if the kingdom of God is present, you're going to see the workings of the spirit."
"Do we have any idea of the gift that we have? Do we look at the Book of Mormon realizing this priceless treasure we're literally holding in our hands?"
"Nephi saw his day and he also saw us, and he knew that there were parallels, he knew that the same cause of the same destruction of his people in the Book of Mormon time period would be the same cause of destruction of latter-day Israel in the world in our day."
"Satan is attacking the Book of Mormon because he knows the Book of Mormon is the solution in our day, and he wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible."
"It's the same thing that Jesus Christ warns about when he talks to his people and he says, 'My vineyard has become corrupted, every wit.'"
"The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Jesus Christ"
"Few men on Earth either in or out of the church have caught the vision of what the Book of Mormon is all about"
"It's not necessarily that we've been reading the Book of Mormon all wrong it's that there's so much more to it."
"It's not that the Book of Mormon is true, it's that it's true enough. It doesn't have to be literal, it's true enough, it's fine. Checkmate Book of Mormon haters, yeah."
"I believe that the Book of Mormon is precisely what it claims to be: a book translated by the gift and power of God that tells us about the record of an ancient people."
"The Book of Mormon is literally a new testament or to avoid confusion another testament of Jesus Christ."
"I love the Book of Mormon. There's a deep power in that text."
"It's a springboard towards how to live a happy, productive spiritual existence... I see the Book of Mormon as that."
"Lots of people have theories about Book of Mormon geography with Kamora, New York."
"A stronger case can be made for the coming forth of the Book of Mormon."
"I love the Book of Mormon. I love it. I think it's a beautiful text."
"I shall be most earnestly alert upon the subject of Book of Mormon difficulties, hoping for the development of new knowledge and for new light to fall upon what has already been learned."
"Ether Chapter 12 is the Hall of Fame for faith, Book of Mormon edition."
"The first two chapters are masterpieces, and I absolutely love the book of Second Nephi."
"The Book of Mormon is really descriptive, but that descriptive nature of it is to get us to reflect as to how to be better disciples."
"The Book of Mormon itself, however, does not claim that the peoples it describes were either the predominant or the exclusive inhabitants of the lands they occupied."
"I think the Book of Mormon is a remarkable book. The way it was produced was remarkable."
"The Book of Mormon is the book of salvation... whereas the Doctrine and Covenants is the book of exaltation."
"The fact that the topography matches the description in the Book of Mormon so well is absolutely stunning."
"The Book of Mormon teaches that all are alike unto God, black and white, bond and free, male and female."
"I've accepted Moroni's invitation and have made a personal, prayerful study of the Book of Mormon."
"Miraculous stories of conversion due to the Book of Mormon itself are myriad."
"Worth more than its weight in gold, treasure the Book of Mormon, it is priceless."
"I gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon as an additional witness of the Savior and Joseph Smith as a prophet of God."
"The Book of Mormon screams authenticity to this archaeologist, linguist, geographer, historian."
"I implore you with all my heart that you consider with great solemnity the importance of the Book of Mormon to you personally and to the Church collectively."
"I wasn't converted to the gospel by archaeology; it was the Book of Mormon."
"The Book of Mormon tells us of several voyages of people from the Middle East who established their long-lasting civilizations in North America."
"He testified boldly about Joseph Smith being a prophet of God; he testified boldly about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon."
"The Book of Mormon is a literary work of phenomenal complexity."